Oberseminare am IAZ

Algebra - Darstellungstheorie - Homologische Methoden

Dienstagnachmittag, Raum 7.527.

Wintersemester 2024/25

  • Tuesday, October 8, 14:00, 7.527.

    Lleonard Rubio y Degrassi, On the first relative Hochschild cohomology and contracted fundamental group I. (Abstract).

    Lleonard Rubio y Degrassi, On the first relative Hochschild cohomology and contracted fundamental group II.

  • Tuesday, October 15, 14:00, 7.527.

    Yuying Xu, Equivalences of Tensor Triangulated Categories - Stable Tensor Equivalences and Derived Tensor Equivalences I. (Abstract).

    Yuying Xu, Equivalences of Tensor Triangulated Categories - Stable Tensor Equivalences and Derived Tensor Equivalences II.

    Kevin Schlegel, The second Brauer-Thrall conjecture for subcategories. (Abstract).

    Choice of working group topics.

  • Tuesday, October 22, 14:00, 7.527.

    Frauke Bleher (University of Iowa), Cup products on elliptic curves over finite fields I. (Abstract).

    Frauke Bleher (University of Iowa), Cup products on elliptic curves over finite fields II.

  • Tuesday, November 12, 14:00, 7.527.

    Working group on deconstructible classes, first lecture.

    Working group on deconstructible classes, second lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 19, 14:00, 7.527.

    Working group on deconstructible classes, third lecture.

    Working group on deconstructible classes, fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, December 3, 14:00, 7.527.

    Working group on deconstructible classes, fifth lecture.

    Working group on deconstructible classes, sixth lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 7, 14:00, 7.527.

    Working group on deconstructible classes, seventh lecture.

    Working group on deconstructible classes, eighth lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 14, 14:00, 7.527.

    Working group on deconstructible classes, ninth lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 28, 14:00, 7.527.

    Carlo Klapproth, The projectivisation technique, the no-loop conjecture(s) and the applications to Auslander-Reiten theory. (Abstract.)

    Working group on deconstructible classes, tenth lecture.

  • Wednesday, February 19, 10:00, 7.527.

    Pavel Turek (Royal Holloway, University of London), Modular plethysms in the stable module category of SL2(Fp) in characteristic p. (Abstract.)

  • Friday, February 21, 14:00, 7.527.

    Isaac Bird (Charles University, Prague), The shift spectrum and topologising rank functions. (Abstract.)

    Panagiotis Kostas (Thessaloniki), Regular triangulated categories. (Abstract.)

    Jan Stovicek (Charles University, Prague), Semiorthogonal decompositions for gentle algebras. (Abstract.)

  • Large Modules and Endofiniteness, Winter school, February 24 - 28.

  • Monday, March 3, 14:00, 7.527.
    Anna Rodriguez Rasmussen (Uppsala), Quasi-hereditary monomial algebras and their exact Borel subalgebras. (Abstract.)

    Anna Rodriguez Rasmussen (Uppsala), Exact Borel subalgebras under some constructions on quasi-hereditary algebras. (Abstract.)

  • Wednesday, March 5, 14:00, 7.527.
    Anna Rodriguez Rasmussen (Uppsala), Uniqueness of exact Borel subalgebras. (Abstract.)

    Tiago Cruz, An Auslander-Buchsbaum formula for higher Auslander algebras. (Abstract.)

    Sommersemester 2024

  • Tuesday, April 9, 14:00, 7.527.

    Panagiotis Kostas (Thessaloniki), Gorenstein algebras and singularity categories in cleft extensions. (Abstract).

    Karin Erdmann (Oxford), Tame symmetric algebras. (Abstract).

    Choice of working group topics.

  • Tuesday, April 16, 14:00, 7.527.

    Chrysostomos Psaroudakis (Thessaloniki), An Auslander Correspondence for Relative Auslander-Gorenstein Pairs. (Abstract).

    Kevin Schlegel, Exact Structures and Purity. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, April 23, 14:00, 7.527.

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, first lecture.

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, second lecture.

  • Tuesday, April 30, 14:00, 7.527.

    Csaba Szántó (Cluj-Napoca), Tame Ringel-Hall polynomials and applications. (Abstract).

    István Szöllősi (Cluj-Napoca), Computer assisted proof of the tree module property for exceptional tame representations. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, May 7, 14:00, 7.527.

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, third lecture.

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 14, 14:00, 7.527.

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, fifth lecture.

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, sixth lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 21, 14:00, 7.527.

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, seventh lecture.

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, eighth lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 28, 14:00, 7.527.

    Geetha Thangavelu (IISER Thiruvananthapuram), Permutation modules of the walled Brauer algebras. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, June 4, 14:00, 7.527.

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, ninth lecture.

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, tenth lecture.

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, eleventh lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 11, 14:00, 7.527.

    Junhua Zheng, Extendable t-structure and finitistic dimension of small triangulated categories. (Abstract).

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, twelfth lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 18, 14:00, 7.527.

    Christian Lomp (Porto), Constructing semisimple Hopf algebras using skew polynomial rings. (Abstract).

    Working group on Gorenstein Homological algebra and Frobenius categories, thirteenth lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 25, 14:00, 7.527.

    Paula Carvalho (Porto), Injective modules over Noetherian rings. (Abstract).

    Odysseas Giatagantzidis (Thessaloniki), The generalized arrow removal operation and the arrow reduced version of an algebra. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, July 2, 14:00, 7.527.

    Carlo Klapproth, On maximal n-exact structures. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, July 9, 14:00, 7.527.

    Amrutha Parola (Chennai Mathematical Institute), Cyclic characters and locally invariant vectors in representations of symmetric groups and alternating groups. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, July 16, 14:00, 7.527.

    Martin Kalck (University of Graz), Paths into transcendence II. (Abstract).

    Georgios Dalezios (Thessaloniki), On a class of quasi-hereditary algebras arising from Reedy categories. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, August 6, 14:00, 7.527.

    Karin Erdmann (Oxford), On some representations of the symmetric group S2p. (Abstract).

    Dong Yang (Nanjing University), A classification of silting objects for derived preprojective algebras of Dynkin quivers. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, August 13, 14:00, 7.527.

    Yiping Chen (Wuhan University), Support variety theory for finite dimensional algebras. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, August 27, 14:00, 7.527.

    Qiong Guo (Shanghai Institute of Technology), Supercharacters of row and column closed pattern subgroups of finite unitriangular groups, I. (Abstract).

    Richard Dipper, Supercharacters of row and column closed pattern subgroups of finite unitriangular groups, II. (Abstract).

    Wintersemester 2023/24

  • Tuesday, October 17, 14:00, 7.527.

    Samuel Creedon, Constructing an Affine Partition Category. (Abstract).

    Choice of working group topics.

  • Tuesday, October 24, 14:00, 7.527.

    Panagiotis Kostas (Thessaloniki), Injective generation for tensor rings. (Abstract).

    Odysseas Giatagantzidis (Thessaloniki), Radical-preserving homomorphisms and the Finitistic Dimension Conjecture (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, October 31, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived equivalences of self-injective algebras, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 7, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived equivalences of self-injective algebras, second lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 14, 14:00, 7.527.

    Tiago Cruz, Higher Morita-Tachikawa correspondence. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, November 21, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived equivalences of self-injective algebras, third lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 28, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived equivalences of self-injective algebras, fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, December 5, 14:00, 7.527.

    Georgios Dalezios (Thessaloniki), Stable equivalence of Morita type for Cohen-Macaulay Auslander algebras. (Abstract).

    Kevin Schlegel, Ideal Torsion Pairs and the Krull-Gabriel Dimension of an Artin Algebra. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, December 12, 14:00, 7.527.

    Richard Dipper, q-partition algebras 1 and 2. (Abstract).

    Derived equivalences of self-injective algebras, fifth lecture.

  • Tuesday, December 19, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived equivalences of self-injective algebras, sixth lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 9, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived equivalences of self-injective algebras, seventh lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 16, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived equivalences of self-injective algebras, eighth lecture.

  • Tuesday, February 27, 14:00, 7.527.

    Rudradip Biswas (Warwick), Applications of a new findim concept to derived categories arising in representation theory. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, March 26, 14:00, 7.527.

    Vanessa Miemietz (UEA Norwich), Evaluation functor and birepresentations for Soergel bimodules in affine type A. (Abstract)

    Judith Marquardt (Bonn), Shod Nakayama algebras and pattern avoiding permutations. (Abstract)

    Sommersemester 2023

  • April 3 to 6.
    Workshop Postmodern Ringel duality, bocses and contramodules.

  • Tuesday, April 11, 14:00, 7.527.
    Choice of working group topics.

  • Tuesday, April 25, 14:00, 7.527.

    Ziegler spectrum, first lecture.

  • Friday, April 28, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived Auslander-Iyama correspondence, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 2, 14:00, 7.527.
    Mikhail Gorsky (University of Vienna), A structural view of maximal green sequences, I and II. (Abstract).

    Hopfological algebra, first lecture.

  • Friday, May 5, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived Auslander-Iyama correspondence, second lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 9, 14:00, 7.527.
    Hopfological algebra, second lecture.

    Ziegler spectrum, second lecture.

  • Friday, May 12, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived Auslander-Iyama correspondence, third lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 16, 14:00, 7.527.
    Merlin Christ (Unversity of Hamburg), Graded Brauer graph algebras and constructible sheaves of categories, I and II. (Abstract).

  • Friday, May 19, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived Auslander-Iyama correspondence, fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 23, 14:00, 7.527.
    Hopfological algebra, third lecture.

  • Friday, May 26, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived Auslander-Iyama correspondence, fifth lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 30, 14:00, 7.527.
    Ziegler spectrum, third lecture.

    Hopfological algebra, fourth lecture.

  • Friday, June 2, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived Auslander-Iyama correspondence, sixth lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 6, 14:00, 7.527.
    Christian Lomp (Porto), Locally finite dimensional representations over Noetherian Hopf algebras. (Abstract).

    Paula Carvalho (Porto), Critical modules over some skew polynomial rings. (Abstract).

  • Friday, June 9, 14:00, 7.527.

    Derived Auslander-Iyama correspondence, seventh lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 13, 14:00, 7.527.
    Ziegler spectrum, fourth lecture.

    Hopfological algebra, fifth lecture.

  • Friday, June 16, 13:15.

    Derived Auslander-Iyama correspondence, eighth lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 20, 14:00, 7.527.

    Hopfological algebra, sixth lecture.

  • Wednesday, June 21, 14:00.

    Derived Auslander-Iyama correspondence, ninth lecture.

  • June 23/24.
    ARTIG 2.

  • Tuesday, June 27, 14:00, 7.527.
    Geetha Thangavelu (IISER Thiruvananthapuram), On the degrees of representations not divisible by powers of 2. (Abstract).

    Robert Wisbauer (Düsseldorf), Adjoint functors and equivalences of related categories - tilting theory for categories. (Abstract).

  • Friday, June 30, 14:00.

    Derived Auslander-Iyama correspondence, tenth lecture.

  • Monday, July 3, 14:00, 7.337.

    Derived Auslander-Iyama correspondence, eleventh lecture.

  • Tuesday, July 4, 14:00, 7.527.

    Hopfological algebra, seventh lecture.

    Ziegler spectrum, fifth lecture.

  • Tuesday, July 18, 14:00, 7.527.

    Hopfological algebra, eighth lecture.

    Ziegler spectrum, sixth lecture.

  • Friday, July 21, 14:00, 7.527.

    Nathan Broomhead (Plymouth), Convex geometry for triangulated categories. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, August 15, 14:00, 7.527.

    Yiping Chen (Wuhan University), Singular equivalences and the Auslander-Reiten conjecture. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, September 19, 14:00, 7.527.

    Tomasz Brzeziński (Swansea), Lie algebras on affine spaces. (Abstract).

    Julian Külshammer (Uppsala), Indecomposables in monomorphism categories. (Abstract).

    Wintersemester 2022/23

  • Tuesday, October 18, 14:00, 7.527.
    Choice of working group topics.

  • Tuesday, October 25, 14:00, 7.527.
    Alessio Cipriani, Introduction to perverse sheaves and examples. (Abstract).

    Working group on quasi-hereditary algebras and bocses, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 8, 14:00, 7.527.
    Alessio Cipriani, Projective and quasi-hereditary perverse sheaves. (Abstract).

    Working group on gluing simple-minded collections, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 15, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on gluing simple-minded collections, second lecture.

    Working group on quasi-hereditary algebras and bocses, second lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 22, 14:00, 7.527.
    Frederik Marks, A functorial approach to rank functions on triangulated categories. (Abstract).

    Working group on quasi-hereditary algebras and bocses, third lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 29, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on gluing simple-minded collections, third lecture.

    Working group on quasi-hereditary algebras and bocses, fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, December 6, 14:00, 7.527.
    Xiaofa Chen (Paris IMJ), Derived equivalences and liftable functors. (Abstract).

    Junyang Liu (Paris IMJ), Relative Calabi-Yau structures and ice quivers with potential. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, December 13, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on quasi-hereditary algebras and bocses, fifth lecture.

    Tiago Cruz (MPIM Bonn), Relative dominant dimension and quasi-hereditary covers of Temperley-Lieb algebras. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, December 20, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on quasi-hereditary algebras and bocses, sixth lecture.

    Working group on gluing simple-minded collections, fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 10, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on quasi-hereditary algebras and bocses, seventh lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 17, 14:00, 7.527.
    Jon Woolf (Liverpool), Stability conditions with massless objects 1, 2. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, January 24, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on quasi-hereditary algebras and bocses, eighth lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 31, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on quasi-hereditary algebras and bocses, ninth lecture.

  • Thursday, February 23, 10:30, 7.527
    Chrysostomos Psaroudakis (Thessaloniki), Relative Auslander-Gorenstein Pairs. (Abstract).

    16:30, 7.527
    David Pauksztello (Lancaster), Simple-minded systems and positive noncrossing partitions. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, February 28, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on quasi-hereditary algebras and bocses, tenth lecture.

  • Tuesday, March 7, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on quasi-hereditary algebras and bocses, eleventh lecture.

  • Tuesday, March 14, 14:00, 7.527.
    Hans Franzen (Paderborn), Rigidity of smooth projective quiver moduli spaces. (Abstract).

    Working group on quasi-hereditary algebras and bocses, twelfth lecture.

  • Tuesday, March 21, 14:00, 7.527.
    Haibo Jin (Köln), A localisation theorem for singularity categories of proper dg algebras. (Abstract).

  • March 23 to 27.
    Online Workshop on Orthogonal modules and homological dimensions.

    Sommersemester 2022

  • Tuesday, May 3, 14:00, 7.527.
    Martin Kalck (Freiburg), Update on singularity categories. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, May 10, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on CY structures, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 17, 14:00, 7.527.
    Lidia Angeleri (Verona), Relating torsion classes via the Ziegler spectrum. (Abstract)

    Sonia Trepode (Mar del Plata), Characterisations of trivial extension algebras. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, May 24, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on CY structures, second and third lecture.

    Tuesday, May 31, 14:00, 7.527.
    Xiaojuan Yin, Rigidity dimensions of representation finite self-injective algebras. (Abstract)

    Working group on CY structures, fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 14, 14:00, 7.527.
    Eirini Chavli, Nakayama algebras and 321-avoiding permutations. (Abstract)

    Alex Takeda (IHES), Calabi-Yau structures, noncommutative Legendre transform and 'the tube'. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, June 21, 14:00, 7.527.
    Yanbo Li (Northeast University at Qinhuangdao), Temperley-Lieb algebras of type D. (Abstract)

    Working group on CY structures, fifth lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 28, 14:00.
    Michal Hrbek (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague), Topological endomorphism rings of large tilting complexes. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, July 5, 14:00.
    Working group on CY structures, sixth and seventh lecture.

  • Tuesday, July 12, 14:00.
    Working group on CY structures, eighth and ninth lecture.

  • Tuesday, July 19, 14:00, 7.527.
    Martin Gallauer (MPIM Bonn), The derived category of permutation modules. (Abstract)

    Georgios Dalezios, Induced abelian model structures on functor categories. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, July 26, 14:00, 7.527.
    Haydee Lindo (Harvey Mudd College), Non-Trace Modules over Gorenstein Rings. (Abstract)

    Working group on CY structures, tenth lecture.

  • Tuesday, August 2, 14:00.
    Working group on CY structures, eleventh and twelfth lecture.

    Wintersemester 2021/22

    The seminar is partly running in an online version, partly hybrid. Please note the varying times. For access information, please contact
    skoenig at mathematik dot uni minus stuttgart dot de.

  • October 3 to 8, 2021
    Homological Methods in Representation Theory - a Conference in Honour of Lidia Angeleri Hügel, Fraueninsel (Chiemsee), Abtei Frauenwörth.

  • Tuesday, November 2, 15:00
    Pramod Achar (Louisiana State University), Co-t-structures, coherent sheaves, and the cohomology of tilting modules for algebraic groups. (Abstract). (Two talks.)

  • Tuesday, November 23, 14:00
    Zhengfang Wang, Singularity categories via dg Leavitt path algebras. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, December 7, 16:00
    Bridget Tenner (DePaul University), Combinatorics, grades, and Lusztig's a-function. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, January 11, 14:00
    Manuel Rivera (Purdue University), An algebraic model for the free loop space. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, January 18, 14:00
    Haiping Yang (Imperial College, London), Derived ring of differential operators on a singularity. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, January 25, 14:00
    Fiorela Rossi Bertone (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca), The Ext-algebra for infinitesimal deformations. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, February 15, 14:00
    Giovanna Le Gros, Generalisations of Bass' Theorem P over commutative rings. (Abstract).

    Sergio Pavon, Coderived equivalence for commutative noetherian rings. (Abstract).

  • February 22 and 23
    Online Satellite Event to
    Homological Methods in Representation Theory

  • Tuesday, March 15, 15:00
    Karin Erdmann (Oxford), Dominant dimension with respect to V⊗ d for some Schur algebras (Abstract).

    Xiaofa Chen (Paris / Hefei), What is an exact dg category? (Abstract).

    Parallel to the seminar, there are working groups running in small groups, on tensor triangulated categories, on contramodules and on a new class of Frobenius algebras.

    Sommersemester 2021

    The seminar is running in an online version. Please note the varying times. For access information, please contact
    skoenig at mathematik dot uni minus stuttgart dot de.

  • Tuesday, April 6, 16:00
    Haydee Lindo (Harvey Mudd College), On Stable Trace Ideals and Arf Rings. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, April 13, 14:00
    Markus Thuresson (Uppsala), The Ext-algebra of standard modules over dual extension algebras. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, April 20, 14:00
    Andreas Hochenegger (Milan), Formality of ℙ-objects. (Abstract).

  • Monday, May 3, to Friday, May 7
    Osamu Iyama (Tokyo), Inaugural Lecture Series of the Network on Silting Theory.

  • Tuesday, May 25, 14:00
    Martin Kalck, A surface and a threefold with equivalent singularity categories. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, June 8, 14:00
    Michal Hrbek (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague), Tilting objects induced by codimension functions on Spec(R). (Abstract).

    Jorge Vitória (Cagliari), Mutation of cosilting complexes. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, July 6, 14:00
    Florian Eisele (City, University of London), Bijections of silting complexes and derived Picard groups. (Abstract).

    Jenny August (MPIM, Bonn), Silting and Tilting for Weakly Symmetric Algebras. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, July 13, 14:00
    Tiago Cruz, Quality of split quasi-hereditary covers and Ringel duality. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, July 20, 14:00
    David Fernández (Bielefeld), Euler continuants in noncommutative quasi-Poisson geometry. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, September 14, 14:00
    Xiao-Wu Chen (USTC, Hefei), Skew group categories, algebras associated to Cartan matrices and folding of root lattices. (Abstract).

    Parallel to the seminar, there are working groups running in small groups.

    Wintersemester 2020/21

    The seminar is now running again, in an online version. Please note the varying times.

  • Tuesday, October 20, 14:00.
    Zhengfang Wang, Deformations of path algebras of quivers with relations (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, October 27, 13:30
    Teresa Conde, Quasihereditary algebras with exact Borel subalgebras (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, November 3, 14:00
    Frederik Marks, Lifting and restricting t-structures (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, November 10, 14:00
    Tiago Cruz, Relative dominant dimension (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, November 17, 14:00
    René Marczinzik, Distributive lattices and Auslander regular algebras (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, December 8, 14:00
    Cigdem Yirtici, Gendo-Frobenius algebras and comultiplication (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, December 15, 14:00
    Alexandra Zvonareva, HRS tilting for co-t-structures and cotorsion pairs (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, January 19, 14:30
    Sebastian Nitsche, The stable module category inside the homotopy category (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, January 26, 14:00
    Carsten Dietzel, Modular noetherian right l-groups (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, February 2, 11:00
    Vladimir Dotsenko (Strasbourg), Diamond Lemma and the Maurer-Cartan equation (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, February 9, 14:00
    Carlo Klapproth, Homological dimensions of idempotent subrings (Abstract).

    Parallel to the seminar the following working groups are running, in small groups:

    Category 𝒪 (organiser: Tiago Cruz).

    Morita and tilting theory for topological rings (organiser: Teresa Conde).

    Quasi-projective dimension (organsier: Tiago Cruz).

    Rank functions on triangulated categories (organiser: Frederik Marks).

    Sommersemester 2020

    Due to the current situation, there are no seminar talks or working group meetings during this semester. There are however mini working groups, meeting in the room 7.527, which now has corona seating. More information about topics and free places is available from the organisers.

    Standardly stratified algebras and tilting modules (René Marczinzik).
    First meeting: Friday, July 10.

    Category 𝒪 (Tiago Cruz).
    First meeting: Friday, July 17.

    Monobricks and ICE-closed subcategories (Frederik Marks).
    First meeting: Friday, July 24.

    Enhancements and their uniqueness (Alexandra Zvonareva).
    First meeting: Tuesday, July 21.

    Quasi-projective dimension (Tiago Cruz).

    Morita and tilting theory for topological rings (Teresa Conde).

    Wintersemester 2019/20

  • Tuesday, October 15, 14:00, 7.527.
    Ren Wang (University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei), Skew group algebras and algebras associated to Cartan matrices. (Abstract)

    Choice of working group topics.

  • Tuesday, October 22, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on Cohen-Macaulay modules, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, October 29, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on Cohen-Macaulay modules, second lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 5, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on Cohen-Macaulay modules, third lecture. (Cancelled)

  • Tuesday, November 12, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on Cohen-Macaulay modules, third and fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 19, 14:00, 7.527.
    Paul Wedrich (Bonn), Quivers for SL(2) tilting modules. (Abstract)

    Working group on Cohen-Macaulay modules, fifth lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 26, 14:00, 7.527.
    Vladimir Dotsenko (Strasbourg), Rational homotopy type of the moduli space of stable rational curves. (Abstract)

    16:00, 7.527
    David Ploog (Hannover), Two braid group actions for Auslander algebras. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, December 3, 14:00, 7.527.
    Xin Fang (Köln), From PBW filtration to linear degenerate flag varieties.

    Maitreyee Kulkarni (Bonn), Infinite friezes and triangulations of an annulus. (Abstract)

  • Wednesday, December 4, 15:00, 7.530.
    Working group on Cohen-Macaulay modules, sixth lecture.

  • Tuesday, December 10, 14:00, 7.527.
    Martin Kalck (Freiburg), Obstructions to semiorthogonal decompositions for singular varieties.

    Working group on Cohen-Macaulay modules, seventh lecture.

  • Wednesday, December 11, 15:00, 7.530.
    Working group on Cohen-Macaulay modules, eighth lecture.

  • Tuesday, December 17, 14:00, 7.527.
    Christian Lomp (Porto), Hopf algebras, smash products and torsion theories. (Abstract)

    Simone Virili, Morita theory for stable derivators I and II. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, January 7, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on dimer models, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 14, 14:00, 7.527.
    Paula Carvalho (Porto), On unit-central rings with stable range one. (Abstract)

    Andrea Pasquali, Triangulations on orbifold surfaces and skew group algebras. (Abstract)

  • Wednesday, January 15, 15:00, 7.530.
    Aaron Chan (Nagoya), Irreducible representations of the symmetric groups from slash homologies of p-complexes. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, January 21, 14:00, 7.527.
    Bea Schumann (Köln), Nakajima quiver varieties and combinatorics of Auslander-Reiten quivers. (Abstract)

    Working group on dimer models, second lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 28, 14:00, 7.527.
    Mikhail Gorskii, Exact structures, polyhedral cones and degeneration of Hall algebras.

    Working group on dimer models, third lecture.

  • Tuesday, February 4, 14:00, 7.527.
    Manuel Flores (Bielefeld), The homological poset of the Auslander algebra of the truncated polynomial ring. (Abstract)

    Working group on dimer models, fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, February 11, 14:00, 7.527.
    Simone Virili, Length functions in Grothendieck categories. (Abstract)

    Simone Virili, Algebraic entropy of amenable group actions. (Abstract)

  • Friday, February 14, 14:00, 7.527.
    Martin Kalck (Freiburg), Relative singularity categories: dg-models and applications. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, March 3, 14:00, 7.527.
    Wolfgang Rump, Acyclic closure of an exact category. (Abstract)

    Working group on dimer models, fifth lecture.

  • Friday, March 13, 14:00, 7.527.
    Julian Külshammer (Uppsala), The Auslander-Reiten translation in monomorphism categories. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, March 17, 14:00, 7.527.
    Julian Külshammer (Uppsala), Dual extensions - bocs perspectives. (Abstract)

    Tomasz Brzezinski (Swansea), Cancelled.

    Andreas Hochenegger (Scuola Normale Pisa), Formality of ℙ-objects. (Abstract). Postponed.

  • Thursday, March 19, 14:00, 7.527.
    Fabian Haiden (Oxford), TBA. Postponed.

    Sommersemester 2019

  • Tuesday, April 9, 14:00, 7.527.
    Teresa Conde, The Gabriel-Roiter measure and the finiteness of the representation dimension. (Abstract)

    Choice of working group topics.

  • Tuesday, April 16, 14:00, 7.527.
    Yiping Chen (Wuhan University), Ghost-free algebras. (Abstract)

    Alexandra Zvonareva, Derived equivalence classification of Brauer graph algebras.

  • Tuesday, April 23, 14:00, 7.527.
    Alexandre Minets (IST Austria), Cohomological Hall algebras and sheaves on surfaces. (Abstract)

    Working group on double centraliser theorems, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, April 30, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on characters of additive categories, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 7, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on double centraliser theorems, second lecture.
    Working group on characters of additive categories, second lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 14, 14:00, 7.527.
    Zhengfang Wang (MPI Bonn), B-infinity algebra structure on Tate-Hochschild cohomology. (Abstract)

    Geetha Thangavelu (IISER Thiruvananthapuram), Schur algebras for the alternating group. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, May 21, 14:00, 7.527.
    Nico Stein, Resolution and realisation functors. (Abstract)

    Working group on double centraliser theorems, third lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 28, 14:00, 7.527.

  • Tuesday, June 4, 14:00, 7.527.
    Götz Pfeiffer (NUI Galway), On computations in the Orlik-Solomon algebra of a reflection arrangement. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, June 11, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on double centraliser theorems, fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 18, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on characters of additive categories, third and fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 25, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on characters of additive categories, fifth lecture.

  • Tuesday, July 2, 14:00, 7.527.
    Lisa Lamberti (ETH Zürich), Cluster tilting modules for mesh algebras. (Abstract)

    Haydee Lindo (Williams College), Endomorphism invariant modules and ring classifications. (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, July 9, 14:00, 7.527.
    Nan Gao (Shanghai University), A functorial approach to monomorphism categories for species. (Abstract)

    Working group on characters of additive categories, sixth lecture.

  • Tuesday, July 16, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on characters of additive categories, seventh and eighth lecture.

  • Tuesday, July 23, 14:00, 7.527.
    Huanhuan Li (Western Sydney University), The injective Leavitt complex. (Abstract)

  • Two weeks of silting - summer school and conference, July 30 - August 9, 2019.

  • Tuesday, August 20, 14:00, 7.527.
    Souheila Hassoun (Sherbrooke), Gabriel-Roiter measure on exact categories.

    Wei Hu (Beijing Normal University), On the construction of two-sided tilting complexes.

  • Tuesday, September 10, 14:00, 7.527.
    Thomas Brüstle (Bishop's University and Université de Sherbrooke), Some remarks on exact categories. (Abstract).

    Wintersemester 2018/19

  • Tuesday, October 9, 14:00, 7.527.
    Jan Grabowski (Lancaster), A smorgasbord of gradings in cluster theory. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, October 16, 14:00, 7.527.
    Choice of working group topics.

  • Thursday, October 18, 10:00, 7.331.
    Marco Armenta (CIMAT, Guanajuato), Derived invariance of operations in Hochschild theory.

  • Tuesday, October 23, 14:00, 7.527.
    Changchang Xi (Capital Normal University, Beijing), Derived equivalences from quiver operations. (Abstract).

    Working group on the Gabriel-Roiter measure, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, October 30, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on the Gabriel-Roiter measure, second and third lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 6, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on the Gabriel-Roiter measure, fourth and fifth lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 13, 14:00, 7.527.
    Sebastian Opper (Paderborn), Autoequivalences and derived invariants of gentle algebras.

    Giuseppina Pinto and Marco Castelli (University of Salento), Cycle sets: basic results and some developments. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, November 20, 14:00, 7.527.
    Michal Hrbek (Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague), A variant of telescope conjecture for t-structures. (Abstract).

    Jorge Vitoria (City, University of London), Quantity and size: Auslander-type results in silting theory. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, November 27, 14:00, 7.527.
    Ilke Canakci (Newcastle), Cluster algebras and continued fractions. (Abstract).

    Working group on the Gabriel-Roiter measure, sixth lecture.

  • Friday, November 30, 14:00, 7.527.
    Henning Krause (Bielefeld), Rickard's Morita theory for derived categories revisited.

  • Tuesday, December 4, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on the Gabriel-Roiter measure, seventh lecture.

    Working group on Koszul duality, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, December 11, 14:00, 7.527.
    Tom Sutherland (Mainz), Scattering diagrams (after Bridgeland). (Abstract).

    Working group on Koszul duality, second lecture.

  • Tuesday, December 18, 14:00, 7.527.
    Leo Margolis (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), A counterexample to the first Zassenhaus conjecture. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, January 8, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on Koszul duality, third and fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 15, 14:00, 7.527.
    Carsten Dietzel, Structure groups of orthomodular lattices. (Abstract).

  • Friday, January 18, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on Koszul duality, fifth lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 22, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on Koszul duality, sixth and seventh lecture.

  • Tuesday, January 29, 14:00, 7.527.
    Joanna Meinel (Bonn), A concrete example for the Gerstenhaber structure on Hochschild cohomology. (Abstract).

  • Friday, February 1, 13:00, 7.527.
    Working group on Koszul duality, eighth lecture.

  • Tuesday, February 5, 14:00, 7.527.
    Gustavo Jasso (Bonn), Generalised BGP reflection functors via recollements. (Abstract).

    Working group on Koszul duality, ninth lecture.

  • Tuesday, February 12, 14:00, 7.527.
    David Pauksztello (Lancaster), Simple-minded systems and reduction. (Abstract).

    Working group on Koszul duality, ninth lecture.

  • Friday, February 22, 14:00, 7.527.
    Wassilij Gnedin (Bochum), Distinctive features of ribbon graph orders. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, March 19, 14:00, 7.527.
    Jeremie Guilhot (Tours), TBA.

    Sommersemester 2018

  • Tuesday, April 10, 14:00, 7.527.
    Haydee Lindo (Williams College), Trace modules, Rigidity and Endomorphism rings. (Abstract).

    Choice of working group topics.

  • Tuesday, April 17, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on Exact categories and algebras of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, lectures 1 and 2.

  • Tuesday, April 24, 14:00, 7.527.
    Antoine Touzé (Lille), Functorial Steinberg tensor product theorems. (Abstract).

    Working group on Exact categories and algebras of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, lecture 3.

  • Tuesday, May 8, 14:00, 7.527.
    Baptiste Rognerud (Bielefeld), On the bounded derived category of the Tamari lattices. (Abstract).

    Working group on Exact categories and algebras of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, May 15, 14:00, 7.527.
    Steffen Oppermann (NTNU Trondheim), Higher dimensional Auslander-Reiten components. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, May 22, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on Exact categories and algebras of finite Cohen-Macaulay type, lecture 5.

  • Thursday, May 24, 14:00, 7.527.
    Alastair King (Bath), Cluster exchange groupoids and decorated marked surfaces. (Abstract).

    Ilke Canakci (Newcastle), Cluster algebras and continued fractions. (cancelled)

  • Tuesday, May 29, 14:00, 7.527.
    Frauke Bleher (University of Iowa), Iwasawa theory and Chern classes. (Abstract).

    Working group on stability conditions for abelian and triangulated categories, lecture 1.

  • Wednesday, May 30, 15:45, 7.527.
    Sibylle Schroll (Leicester), On algebras and varieties. (Abstract).

    Julian Külshammer, A-infinity structures on Ext-algebras and uniqueness of bocses. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, June 5, 14:00, 7.527.
    Julie Desjardins (MPI Bonn), Density of rational points on elliptic surfaces. (Abstract).

    Øyvind Solberg (NTNU Trondheim), Going relative with Maurice - a survey.

  • Tuesday, June 12, 14:00, 7.527.
    Yury Volkov (St Petersburg), A∞-coderivations and the Gerstenhaber bracket on Hochschild cohomology. (Abstract).

    Working group on stability conditions for abelian and triangulated categories, lecture 2.

  • Tuesday, June 19, 14:00, 7.527.
    Frederik Marks, Smashing subcategories generated by partial silting objects. (Abstract).

    Working group on stability conditions for abelian and triangulated categories, lecture 3.

  • Tuesday, June 26, 14:00, 7.527.
    Sam Thelin, Generalised Schur algebras and representation type. (Abstract).

    Working group on stability conditions for abelian and triangulated categories, lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, July 3, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on stability conditions for abelian and triangulated categories, lectures 5 and 6.

  • 2-day meeting on computational Lie theory. July 5-6.

  • Tuesday, July 10, 14:00, 7.527.
    Gabriele Bocca (University of East Anglia, Norwich), Quasi-hereditary covers of higher zigzag algebras. (Abstract).

    Working group on stability conditions for abelian and triangulated categories, lecture 7.

  • Tuesday, July 17, 14:00, 7.527.
    Jianrong Li (Weizmann Institute of Science), Monomial braidings. (Abstract).

  • Friday, July 20, 14:00, 8.339.
    Dan Nakano (University of Georgia, Athens), On Tensoring with the Steinberg Representation. (Abstract).

    Hongxing Chen (Capital Normal University, Beijing), Constructions of recollements of derived module categories from big tilting complexes. (Abstract).

  • Algebraic Representation Theory. A workshop in honour of Richard Dipper on the occasion of his retirement. July 23-25.

  • Wednesday, July 25, 15:00, 8.122.
    Johannes Flake (Rutgers), Dirac cohomology for generalized Hecke algebras. (Abstract).

  • Friday, July 27, 14:00, 7.527.
    Nan Gao (Shanghai University), An approach to quasi-hereditary algebras via recollements.

    Working group on stability conditions for abelian and triangulated categories, lectures 8 and 9.

  • Tuesday, July 31, 14:00, 7.527.
    Ming Fang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing), Jantzen filtrations of Weyl and Verma modules. (Abstract).

    Ren Wang (University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei), The finite EI categories of Cartan type. (Abstract).

    Working group on stability conditions for abelian and triangulated categories, lecture 10.

  • Tuesday, August 21, 14:00, 7.527.
    Lucia Morotti (Hannover), Irreducible restrictions of representations of symmetric groups (Abstract)

    Hiroyuki Nakaoka (Kagoshima), Finite gentle repetitions of gentle algebras and their Avella-Alaminos-Geiss invariants (Abstract)

  • Thursday, August 23, 14:00, 7.527.
    Aaron Chan (Nagoya), Generalising (pre)cluster-tilting theory (Abstract)

    Doeke Buursma (University of Oregon, Eugene), Standard modules for KLR algebras of (finite) type A (Abstract)

  • Tuesday, August 28, 14:00, 7.527.
    Jiangwei Xue (Wuhan University), Conjugacy classes of elements of finite orders in certain arithmetic subgroups (Abstract)

    Mikhail Gorsky (Bielefeld), Extended Hall algebras and localization of categories (Abstract)

    Pin Liu (Southwest Jiatong University, Chengdu), Relative rigid objects in triangulated categories (Abstract)

  • Thursday, August 30, 14:00, 7.527.
    Kunio Yamagata (Tokyo), On selfinjective algebras socle-equivalent to orbit algebras (Abstract)

    Otto Kerner (Düsseldorf). An introduction to wild hereditary algebras (Abstract)

  • SWAN - South West Algebra Network. First workshop. September 17-18.

    Wintersemester 2017/18

  • Tuesday, October 17, 14:00, 7.527.
    Lleonard Rubio y Degrassi (City, University of London), On Hochschild cohomology and global/local structures. (Abstract).

    Choice of working group topics.

  • Thursday, October 19, 16:30, 8.122 (colloquium).
    Frauke Bleher (University of Iowa), Galois structure of the holomorphic differential of curves. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, October 24, 14:00, 7.527.
    Sergio Chouhy, Degenerations of algebraic structures and a description of orbit closure. (Abstract).

    Working group on τ-tilting theory, lecture 0.

  • Tuesday, October 31.

  • Tuesday, November 7, 14:00, 7.527.
    Alexandre Esterle (Amiens), Bilinear forms for self-dual W-graphs. (Abstract).

    Working group on τ-tilting theory, lecture 1.

  • Tuesday, November 14, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on τ-tilting theory, lectures 2 and 3.

  • Tuesday, November 21, 14:00, 7.527.
    Shen Li, A new characterization of Auslander algebras. (Abstract).

    Working group on τ-tilting theory, lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, November 28, 14:00, 7.527.
    Hiroyuki Nakaoka (Kagoshima University), On a unification of exact categories and triangulated categories. (Abstract).

    Working group on representation type of Schur algebras, lecture 1.

  • Tuesday, December 5, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on representation type of Schur algebras, lecture 2.

    15:30, 7.527.
    Torkil Stai (NTNU Trondheim), Orbit categories and periodic complexes. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, December 12, 14:00, 7.527.
    Marco Bonatto (Charles University, Prague), Quandles and universal algebra. (Abstract).

    Michael Wong (University of Texas at Austin / Bonn), Hochschild Cohomology of NC Matrix Factorizations. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, December 19, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on representation type of Schur algebras, lectures 3, 4 and 5.

  • Tuesday, January 9, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on representation type of Schur algebras, lectures 6 and 7.

  • Tuesday, January 16, 14:00, 7.527.
    Chrysostomos Psaroudakis, Reduction Techniques for the Finitistic Dimension. (Abstract).

    Working group on representation type of Schur algebras, lecture 8.

  • Tuesday, January 23, 14:00, 7.527.
    Apolonia Gottwald (Bielefeld / Bonn), Preinjective Modules and Cofinite Submodule Closed Categories. (Abstract).

    Working group on representation type of Schur algebras, lecture 9.

  • Tuesday, January 30, 14:00, 7.527.
    Ana Garcia Elsener (Graz), Some problems on m-cluster tilted algebras. (Abstract).

    Working group on representation type of Schur algebras, lecture 10.

  • Tuesday, February 6, 14:00, 7.527.
    Sondre Kvamme (Paris Sud), Morphisms determined by objects in higher Auslander-Reiten theory. (Abstract).

    Working group on representation type of Schur algebras, lecture 11.

  • Tuesday, February 13, 9:45-11:15, 7.527. Seminar on Quantalic fields, introductory lecture. (Announcement).

  • Wednesday, February 14, 14:00, 7.527.
    Julia Sauter (Bielefeld), Cotilting the generator correspondence. (Abstract).

    Jan Stovicek (Prague), t-structures in the context of Grothendieck derivators. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, March 27, 14:00, 7.527.
    Yuming Liu (Beijing Normal University), A direct construction of simple-minded systems over self-injective Nakayama algebras. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, April 3, 14:00, 7.527.
    Xia Zhang (South China Normal University), On injective constructions for ordered algebras. (Abstract).

    Sommersemester 2017

  • Tuesday, April 11, 14:00, 7.527.
    Choice of working group topics.

  • Tuesday, April 18, 14:00, 7.527.
    Sondre Kvamme (Bonn), A generalization of finite-dimensional Iwanaga-Gorenstein algebras. (Abstract).

    Working group on Auslander's Philadelphia notes, lecture 1.

  • Monday, April 24, 16:00, 8.122 (colloquium)
    Patrick Dehornoy (Caen), Set theory fifty years after Cohen. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, April 25, 14:00, 7.527
    Patrick Dehornoy (Caen), Multifraction reduction in Artin-Tits groups and other groups. (Abstract).

    Ivan Marin (Amiens), Yokonuma-Hecke algebras for general Coxeter groups. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, May 2, 14:00, 7.527
    Anne-Laure Thiel, Categorical action of the braid group of the cylinder. (Abstract).

    Working group on Auslander's Philadelphia notes, lecture 2.

  • Friday, May 5, 11:30, 7.527
    Martin Kalck (Edinburgh), Ringel duality for certain ultra strongly quasi-hereditary algebras inspired by Knörrer-type equivalences for two-dimensional cyclic quotient singularities. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, May 9, 14:00, 7.527
    Jorge Vitoria (City U London), Silting and cosilting classes in derived categories. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, May 23, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on Auslander's Philadelphia notes, lecture 3.

    Working group on Auslander's Philadelphia notes, lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, May 30, 14:00, 7.527
    Rosanna Laking (Bonn), Functor categories and techniques for classifying indecomposable objects.

    Matthew Pressland, Principal cluster categories. (Abstract).

  • (Tuesday, June 6: holidays)

  • Tuesday, June 13, 14:00, 7.527
    Tomohiro Itagaki (Tokyo University of Science), Symmetric Hochschild extension algebras and the normalization of 2-cocycles. (Abstract).

    Working group on Auslander's Philadelphia notes, lecture 5.

  • Tuesday, June 20, 14:00, 7.527
    George Lusztig (MIT), Tilting characters for SL3.

    Working group on Auslander's Philadelphia notes, lecture 6.

  • Tuesday, June 27, 14:00, 7.527
    Christian Lomp (Porto), Ring theoretical properties of affine cellular algebras. (Abstract).

    Working group on Auslander's Philadelphia notes, lecture 7.

  • Tuesday, July 4, 14:00, 7.527
    Zengqiang Lin (Huaqiao University, Quanzhou), The category of short exact sequences, Auslander-Reiten sequences and Auslander algebras. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, July 11, 14:00, 7.527
    Steffen Oppermann (NTNU Trondheim), Change of rings and singularity categories.

  • Tuesday, July 18, 14:00, 7.527
    Alexander Kleshchev (University of Oregon), Representation theory related to Aschbacher-Scott program. (Abstract).

  • Friday, July 21, 14:00, 7.527
    Sondre Kvamme (Bonn), Adjoint triples and Gorenstein projective objects in functor categories. (Abstract).

    Paula Carvalho (Porto), Simple modules and their essential extensions for skew polynomial rings. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, July 25, 14:00, 7.527
    Yiping Chen (Wuhan University), Approximations, ghosts and derived equivalences. (Abstract)

    Working group on Auslander's Philadelphia notes, lecture 8.

  • Tuesday, August 1, 14:00, 7.527
    Nan Gao (Shanghai University), Comonad to Nakayama functor and species.

  • Tuesday, August 8, 14:00, 7.527
    Lucia Morotti (Hannover), Irreducible tensor products of representations of symmetric and alternating groups. (Abstract)

    Pin Liu (Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu), Tilting and cluster-tilting objects on weighted projective lines. (Abstract)

  • Wednesday, August 16, 14:00, 7.527
    Katsunori Sanada (Tokyo University of Science), The ordinary quivers of Hochschild extension algebras for self-injective Nakayama algebras.

    Tomohiro Itagaki (Tokyo University of Science), A Batalin-Vilkovisky algebra structure on the Hochschild cohomology of self-injective Nakayama algebras.

  • Tuesday, August 22, 14:00, 7.527
    Vanessa Miemietz (University of East Anglia, Norwich), A 2-representation theory potpourri I. The finitary world.
    A 2-representation theory potpourri II. The difficult p-dg world.

  • Tuesday, August 29, 14:00, 7.527
    Otto Kerner (Düsseldorf), Modules of complexity one over exterior algebras. (Abstract).

    Kunio Yamagata (Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology), On triviality of symmetric Hochschild extension algebras. (Abstract).

    Wintersemester 2016/17

  • Tuesday, October 18, 15:00, 7.527.
    Joanna Meinel, Affine nilTemperley-Lieb algebras, partic algebras, and combinatorics of particle configurations. (Abstract).

    Choice of working group topics.

  • Tuesday, October 25, 14:00, 7.527.
    Emily Norton (Bonn), Decomposition numbers for rational Cherednik algebras.

    Teresa Conde, The ADR algebra and other strongly quasihereditary algebras. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, November 8, 14:00, 7.527.
    Sugandha Maheshwary (IISER, Punjab), From the structure of ℚG to the units of ℤG. (Abstract).

    Working group on quasi-hereditary covers and Schur algebras, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 15, 14:00, 7.527.
    Wolfgang Rump, Aspects of representation-finiteness. (Abstract).

    Working group on quasi-hereditary covers and Schur algebras, second lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 22, 14:00, 7.527.
    Kengo Miyamoto (Osaka University), Stable AR components containing non-periodic Heller lattices of Ο[X,Y]/(X2,Y2) over a complete d.v.r.. (Abstract).

    Working group on quasi-hereditary covers and Schur algebras, third lecture.

  • Tuesday, November 29, 14:00, 7.527.
    Ofir Schnabel, Twisted group ring isomorphism problem. (Abstract).

    Working group on quasi-hereditary covers and Schur algebras, fourth lecture.

  • Tuesday, December 6, 14:00, 7.527.
    Zengqiang Lin (Huaqiao University), A general construction of n-angulated categories by periodic injective resolutions. (Abstract).

    Working group on quasi-hereditary covers and Schur algebras, fifth lecture.

  • Tuesday, December 13, 14:00, 7.527.
    Julia Sauter (Bielefeld), Shifting algebras of positive dominant dimension and desingularizations of orbit closures. (Abstract).

    Working group on quasi-hereditary covers and Schur algebras, sixth lecture.

  • Tuesday, December 20, 14:00.
    Thomas Gobet (Nancy), Positivity properties in Hecke algebras of arbitrary Coxeter groups. (Abstract). (Room 7.122)

    Working group on quasi-hereditary covers and Schur algebras, seventh lecture. (Room 7.527)

  • Tuesday, January 10, 14:00 (Room 7.122) .
    Working group (two lectures).

  • Tuesday, January 17 14:00, (Room 7.122) .
    Leandro Vendramin (Buenos Aires), The combinatorics of the Yang-Baxter equation. (Abstract).

    Moritz Groth (Bonn), Lectures on derivators, part 1. (Plan of the lecture series).

  • Tuesday, January 24, 14:00, 7.527.
    Moritz Groth (Bonn), Lectures on derivators, part 2.

  • Friday, January 27, 14:00, 7.527.
    Moritz Groth (Bonn), Lectures on derivators, part 3.

  • Tuesday, January 31, 14:00, 7.527.
    Jan Stovicek (Prague), A tilting-cotilting correspondence and tilting in infinite projective dimension. (Abstract).

    Moritz Groth (Bonn), Lectures on derivators.

  • Friday, February 3, 14:00, 7.527.
    Chrysostomos Psaroudakis (Trondheim), Infinite ladders induced by preprojective algebras. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, February 7, 14:00, 7.527.
    Moritz Groth (Bonn), Lectures on derivators.

  • Wednesday, February 8, 15:45,
    Moritz Groth (Bonn), Lectures on derivators.

  • Thursday, February 9, 15:45 (Room 7.530).
    Mariano Serrano (Murcia), On the Zassenhaus conjecture of direct products. (Abstract).

  • Friday, February 10, 14:00, 7.527.
    Hideto Asashiba (Shizuoka), Derived equivalences and smash products. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, February 14, 14:00, 7.527.
    Kevin Coulembier (Sydney), The periplectic Brauer algebra. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, February 21, 14:00, 7.527.
    Andreas Bächle (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Centers of integral group rings. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, April 4, 14:00, 7.527.
    Hugh Thomas (New Brunswick), n-representation finiteness and the search for n-cluster algebras. (Abstract).

    Gustavo Jasso (Bonn), Spherical objects in higher Auslander-Reiten theory. (Abstract)

    Sommersemester 2016

  • Tuesday, April 5, 14:00, 7.527.
    Choice of working group topics.

  • Tuesday, April 12, 14:00, 7.527.
    Mariano Serrano (Murcia), On the torsion units of the integral group ring of finite projective special linear groups.

    Alexandra Zvonareva, Silting theory in triangulated categories with coproducts. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, April 19, 14:00, 7.527.
    Christian Lomp (Porto), On the construction of integrable differential calculi on some non-commutative algebras. (Abstract).

    Working group on representation dimension, Rouquier dimension and representability, lecture 1.

  • Tuesday, April 26, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on representation dimension, Rouquier dimension and representability, lectures 2 and 3.

  • Tuesday, May 3, 14:00, 7.527.
    René Marczinzik, On homological dimensions of Nakayama and related algebras. (Abstract).

    Working group on representation dimension, Rouquier dimension and representability, lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, May 10, 14:00, 7.527.
    Amritanshu Prasad (IMS Chennai), Representations of symmetric groups with non-trivial determinant. (Abstract).

    Working group on representation dimension, Rouquier dimension and representability, lecture 5.

  • Tuesday, May 24, 14:00, 7.527.
    Amritanshu Prasad (IMS Chennai), Odd dimensional representations in Young's graph. (Abstract).

    Working group on representation dimension, Rouquier dimension and representability, lecture 6.

  • Tuesday, May 31, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on representation dimension, Rouquier dimension and representability, lecture 7.

  • Tuesday, June 7, 14:00, 7.527.
    Christian Kassel (Strasbourg / CNRS), The Hilbert scheme of n points on a torus and modular forms. (Abstract).

    Working group on derived equivalences and stable equivalences of Morita type, lecture 1.

  • Tuesday, June 14, 14:00, 7.527.
    Working group on derived equivalences and stable equivalences of Morita type, lecture 2.

  • Tuesday, June 21, 14:00, 7.527.
    Wei Hu (Beijing Normal University), Gorenstein projective bimodules via monic representations and filtration categories.

    Working group on derived equivalences and stable equivalences of Morita type, lecture 3.

  • Tuesday, June 28, 14:00, 7.527.
    Manuel Saorin (Murcia), Derived equivalence induced by non-compact tilting sets. (Abstract).

    Working group on derived equivalences and stable equivalences of Morita type, lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, July 5, 14:00, 7.527.
    Yuriy Volkov (Sao Paulo), Gerstenhaber bracket via arbitrary resolution. (Abstract).

    Working group on derived equivalences and stable equivalences of Morita type, lecture 5.

  • Tuesday, July 12, 14:00, 7.527.
    Nan Gao (Shanghai U), Comparisons of left recollements.

    Working group on derived equivalences and stable equivalences of Morita type, lecture 6.

  • Tuesday, July 19, 14:00, 7.527.
    Frederik Marks, A finite type result for silting modules.
    Frederik Marks, Homological embeddings for preprojective algebras.

  • Tuesday, July 26, 14:00, 7.527.
    Jorge Vitoria (City U London), TTF-triples in silting theory. (Abstract).

    Sebastian Opper (Köln), Spherical objects and simple curves. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, August 2, 14:00, 7.527.
    Tomasz Brzezinski (Swansea), Complex geometry of the noncommutative pillow. (Abstract).

    Kevin Coulembier (U of Sydney), A Borelic approach to cellular algebras. (Abstract).

  • Friday, August 5, 7.527.
    10:30 - 11:30 Louis-Hadrien Robert (Hamburg), Recent developements around the slN-homology. (Abstract).

    13:30 - 14:30 Jacinta Torres (Köln), MV cycles, Littelmann paths, and branching rules. (Abstract).

    16:00 - 17:00 Matthew Pressland (Bonn), Internally Calabi-Yau algebras. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, August 16, 14:00, 7.527.
    Eirini Chavli (Amiens), The BMR freeness conjecture: recent work and open cases. (Abstract).

  • Thursday, August 25, 14:00, 8.122.
    Alexander Kleshchev (U of Oregon), RoCK blocks of symmetric groups and Hecke algebras. (Abstract).

    Wintersemester 2015/16

  • Tuesday, October 13, 14:00, 7.527
    Ulrich Thiel, Cuspidal Calogero-Moser and Lusztig families for finite Coxeter groups (Abstract).

    Pin Liu (Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu), On cluster algebras of type C and algebras arising from cluster tubes (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, October 20, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on higher Auslander-Reiten theory, lectures 1 and 2. (More information).

  • Tuesday, October 27, 14:00, 7.527
    Theo Raedschelders (Vrije Universitet Brussel), Quasi-hereditary coalgebras, derived Tannaka-Krein and Ringel duality (Abstract).

    Magnus Engenhorst (Bonn), Maximal green sequences for quiver categories (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, November 3, 14:00, 7.527
    Raymundo Bautista (UNAM Morelia), Differential Tensor Algebras and their Representations. Lecture 1: Matrix Problems, Differential Tensor Algebras and Boxes. (Abstract).

    Working group on higher Auslander-Reiten theory, lecture 3.

  • Tuesday, November 10, 14:00, 7.527
    Raymundo Bautista (UNAM Morelia), Differential Tensor Algebras and their Representations. Lecture 2: Triangular Differential Tensor Algebras, Exact Structures and Almost Split Sequences. (Abstract).

    Working group on higher Auslander-Reiten theory, lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, November 17, 14:00, 7.527
    Raymundo Bautista (UNAM Morelia), Differential Tensor Algebras and their Representations. Lecture 3 and Lecture 4. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, November 24, 14:00, 7.527
    Raymundo Bautista (UNAM Morelia), Differential Tensor Algebras and their Representations. Lecture 5. (Abstract).

    Gustavo Jasso (Bonn), A short proof of the defect formula for d-exact sequences. (Abstract).

  • Friday, November 27, 15:00, 7.527
    Øystein Skartsæterhagen (Trondheim)
    The GAP package 'Quivers and Path algebras (QPA)'

  • Tuesday, December 1, 14:00, 7.527
    Christian Lomp (Porto), Actions of Semisimple Hopf algebras on iterated Ore extensions. (Abstract).

    Working group on higher Auslander-Reiten theory, lecture 5.

  • Tuesday, December 8, 14:00, 7.527
    Paula Carvalho (Porto), The automorphism group and the skew field of fractions of Noetherian Down-Up algebras. (Abstract).

    Working group on higher Auslander-Reiten theory, lecture 6.

  • Tuesday, December 15, 14:00, 7.527
    Chrysostomos Psaroudakis (NTNU Trondheim), Gorenstein-projective modules over trivial extension algebras. (Abstract).

    Working group on higher Auslander-Reiten theory, lecture 7.

  • Tuesday, January 12, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on higher Auslander-Reiten theory, lecture 8.

  • Tuesday, January 19, 14:00, 7.527
    Nora Krauß, On twisted group rings and Galois-stable ideals. (Abstract).

    Monika Truong, On Elementary Properties of Crossed Modules. (Abstract).

    Working group on higher Auslander-Reiten theory, lecture 9.

  • Tuesday, January 26, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on higher Auslander-Reiten theory, lectures 10 and 11.

  • Tuesday, February 2, 14:00, 7.527
    Johan Steen (Trondheim), A triangulated Eilenberg-Watts theorem. (Abstract).

    Working group on higher Auslander-Reiten theory, lecture 12.

  • Tuesday, February 9, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on higher Auslander-Reiten theory, lectures 13 and 14.

  • Tuesday, February 23, 14:00, 7.527
    Gwyn Bellamy (Glasgow), Symplectic resolutions of quiver varieties. (Abstract).

  • Tuesday, March 8, 14:00, 7.527
    Hideto Asashiba (Shizuoka), A simple application of a 2-categorical covering theory to a construction of triangulated orbit categories. (Abstract).

  • March 14 to 18, V 57.02
    Triangulated categories in algebra, geometry and topology.

  • March 21 to 23, V 57.02
    Brauer graph algebras.

    Sommersemester 2015

  • Tuesday, April 14, 14:00, 7.527
    Nico Stein, On the universal abelian category of an exact category.

    Yiping Chen (Wuhan University), Construction of derived equivalences and homological conjectures.

  • Tuesday, April 21, 14:00, 7.527
    Wei Hu (Beijing Normal University), A revisit to the stable functor. (Abstract.)

    Working group on Hall algebras, first lecture.

  • Tuesday, April 28, 14:00, 7.527
    Yiping Chen (Wuhan University), Support varieties and stable equivalences of Morita type.

    Working group on Hall algebras, second lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 5, 14:00, 7.527
    Daniel Juteau (Caen), (Generalized, modular) Springer correspondence I, II. (Abstract.)

    Working group on Hall algebras, third lecture.

  • Tuesday, May 12, 13:45, 7.527
    Working group on Hall algebras, fourth lecture.

    15:00 (8.122) Mathias Werth, Murphy bases for endomorphism rings of tensor space.

  • Tuesday, May 19, 14:00, 7.527
    Wassilij Gnedin (Köln), Harish-Chandra modules over Lorentz groups. (Abstract.)

    Carolina Vallejo (Valencia), p-rational characters and p-decomposable Sylow normalizers. (Abstract.)

  • Tuesday, June 2, 14:00, 7.527
    (8.122) Leo Margolis, Torsionseinheiten in ganzzahligen Gruppenringen nicht auflösbarer Gruppen.

    Working group on Hall algebras, fifth lecture.

  • Friday, June 5, 14:00, 7.527
    (8.122) Ángel del Río (Murcia), Coherency of unit groups and direct products of free groups

  • Tuesday, June 9, 14:00, 7.527
    Changchang Xi (Capital Normal University, Beijing), Finitistic dimensions and radical-power extensions (Abstract.)

    Working group on Hall algebras, sixth lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 16, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on Hall algebras, seventh lecture and eighth lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 23, 14:00, 7.527
    Changchang Xi (Capital Normal University, Beijing), Dominant dimensions and tilting modules. (Abstract.)

    Working group on Hall algebras, ninth lecture.

  • Tuesday, June 30, 14:00, 7.527
    Nan Gao (Shanghai University), Grade, dominant dimension and Gorenstein algebras.

    Working group on Hall algebras, tenth lecture.

  • Tuesday, July 7, 14:00, 7.527
    Chrysostomos Psaroudakis (NTNU Trondheim), The Realisation Functor and Derived Equivalences for Abelian Categories. (Abstract.)

    Working group on Hall algebras, eleventh lecture.

  • Tuesday, July 14, 14:00, 7.527
    Gustavo Jasso (Bonn), Higher Nakayama algebras.

    Matthias Breckner, Konstruktion abelscher und triangulierter Kategorien.

    Martin Kalck (Edinburgh), A remark on Leclerc's Frobenius categories.

  • Tuesday, July 21, 14:00, 7.527
    Vanessa Miemietz (UEA Norwich), Isomorphisms of affine Schur algebras.

    Ruari Walker (UEA Norwich), Morita equivalences between KLR algebras and VV algebras.

  • Tuesday, July 28, 14:00, 7.527
    Hua-Lin Huang (Shandong University), Algebras in Gr-categories and the Hurwitz Problem on Sum of Squares (Abstract.)

    Gongxiang Liu (Nanjing University), Quasi-Frobenius-Lusztig kernels (Abstract.)

    Robin Cussol (UEA Norwich), A_∞ structures and rational representations of GL_2(F_p).

    Wintersemester 2014/15

  • Tuesday, September 30, 14:00, 7.527
    Jorge Vitoria (Verona), Tilting theory and equivalences of recollements, I and II.

  • Tuesday, October 7, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on Morita theory for derived categories, lectures 1 and 2.

  • Tuesday, October 14, 14:00, 7.527
    Chrysostomos Psaroudakis, Monomorphism Categories and Derived Equivalences. (Abstract.)

    Working group on Morita theory for derived categories, lecture 3.

  • Tuesday, October 21, 14:00, 7.527
    Øystein Skartsæterhagen (Trondheim), Singular equivalences of Morita type and the (Fg) condition. (Abstract.)

    Working group on Morita theory for derived categories, lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, October 28, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on Morita theory for derived categories, lectures 5 and 6.

  • Tuesday, November 4, 14:00, 7.527
    Agnieszka Bodzenta-Skibinska (Warsaw), Quasi-hereditary algebras and birational morphisms of smooth surfaces. (Abstract.)

    Working group on Morita theory for derived categories, lecture 7.

  • Tuesday, November 11, 14:00, 7.527
    Kristin Krogh Arnesen (Trondheim), Morphisms in the bounded derived category of a gentle algebra. (Abstract.)

    Frederik Marks, Interactions between universal localisations, ring epimorphisms and tilting modules (15:30 in 8.122).

  • Tuesday, November 18, 14:00, 7.527
    Ulrich Thiel, Specialization theory. (Abstract.)

    Working group on τ-locally free representations, lecture 1.

  • Tuesday, November 25, 14:00, 7.527
    Geoffrey Janssens (VU Brussel), PI-exponent of algebras and some applications on distinguishing varieties of algebras. (Abstract.)

    Ofir Schnabel, Simply connected gradings and intrinsic fundamental groups of matrix algebras. (Abstract.)

  • Tuesday, December 2, 14:00, 7.527
    No seminar

  • Wednesday, December 3, 14:00, 8.122
    Inga Paul, Structure theory for cellularly stratified diagram algebras.

  • Tuesday, December 9, 14:00, 7.527
    Sam Thelin (Oxford), An algebraic approach to the KZ-functor for rational Cherednik algebras. (Abstract.)

    15:30, 7.527
    Verena Wenzel, Struktur und Darstellungen von Form-Ringen.

  • Tuesday, December 16, 14:00, 7.527
    Thomas Gobet (Kaiserslautern), A categorification of the Temperley-Lieb algebra by analogues of Soergel bimodules. (Abstract.)

  • Tuesday, January 13, 14:00, 7.527
    Stephan Schmid, A-categories over arbitrary commutative ground rings.

    Working group on τ-locally free representations, lecture 2.

  • Tuesday, January 20, 14:00, 7.527
    Gustavo Jasso (Bonn), An introduction to τ-tilting theory I and II. (Abstract.)

  • Tuesday, January 27, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on τ-locally free representations, lectures 3 and 4.

  • Tuesday, February 3, 14:00, 7.527
    Thomas Gerber (Aachen), Harish-Chandra series for finite unitary groups and crystal graphs. (Abstract.)

    Working group on τ-locally free representations, lecture 5.

  • Tuesday, February 10, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on τ-locally free representations, lectures 6 and 7.

  • Tuesday, February 17, 14:00, 7.527
    Hideto Asashiba (Shizuoka), Cohen-Montgomery duality for bimodules and applications to Morita equivalences and stable equivalences of Morita type. (Abstract.)

    Working group on τ-locally free representations, lecture 8.

  • Tuesday, February 24, 14:00, 7.527
    Hiroyuki Nakaoka (Kagoshima / Amiens), A Mackey-functor theoretic interpretation of biset functors. (Abstract.)

    Hiroyuki Nakaoka (Kagoshima / Amiens), Equivalence of hearts of twin cotorsion pairs on triangulated categories. (Abstract.)

  • Tuesday, March 3, 14:00, 7.527
    Wei Hu (Beijing Normal University), From stable equivalences to derived equivalences. (Abstract.)

    Julian Külshammer, Derived invariance of support varieties. (Abstract.)

    Sommersemester 2014

  • Tuesday, April 8, 14:00, 7.527
    Agnieszka Bodzenta-Skibinska (Warsaw), Derived categories of coherent sheaves, I and II.

  • Tuesday, April 15, 14:00, 7.527
    Yuehui Zhang (Shanghai Jiaotong University), Birkhoff-Pierce Problem and Weinberg Conjecture of Lattice-Ordered Matrix Rings.

    Working group on model categories. Lectures 1 and 2.

  • Tuesday, April 22, 14:00, 7.527
    Wolfgang Rump, Pruefer domains and a fancy basis of the Euclidean square.

    Working group on model categories. Lecture 3.

  • Tuesday, April 29, 14:00, 7.527
    Jay Taylor (Kaiserslautern), Decomposing Generalised Gelfand-Graev Representations.

    Working group on model categories. Lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, May 6, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on model categories. Lectures 5 and 6.

  • Tuesday, May 13, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on model categories. Lectures 7 and 8.

  • Tuesday, May 20, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on model categories. Lectures 9 and 10.

  • Tuesday, May 27, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on model categories. Lectures 11 and 12.

  • Tuesday, June 3, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on model categories. Lectures 13 and 14. Cancelled.

  • Wednesday, June 4, 16:15, 7.530
    Group rings and related topics.
    Tilemachos Vassias, On the representation type of the character ring of finite groups.

  • Tuesday, June 10, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on model categories. Lectures 13 and 14.

  • Tuesday, June 17, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on model categories. Lectures 15 and 16.

  • Tuesday, June 24, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on model categories. Lectures 17 and 18.

  • Wednesday, June 25, 16:15, 7.530
    Group rings and related topics.
    Leo Margolis, Zassenhaus Conjecture and Prime Graph Question for Group Rings.

  • Tuesday, July 1, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on model categories. Lectures 19 and 20.

  • Tuesday, July 8, 14:00, 7.527
    Eugenio Giannelli (London), From Foulkes modules to the decomposition matrix of the symmetric group. (Abstract.)
    Alexander Kleshchev (Oregon), Affine highest weight categories and PBW bases of quantum groups.
    Andrew Mathas (Sydney), Alternating Hecke algebras.

  • Tuesday, July 15, 14:00, 7.527
    Hanno Becker (Bonn), Models for singularity categories, I and II. (Abstract.)

  • Wednesday, July 16, 15:45, 7.342
    Iris Köster, Sylow numbers and Character Tables.

  • Tuesday, July 22, 14:00, 7.527
    Georgios Raptis (Regensburg), Combinatorial model categories, I and II. (Abstract.)

  • Wednesday, July 23, 14:00, 7.527
    Georgios Raptis (Regensburg), Combinatorial model categories, III.

  • Thursday, September 4, 14:00, 7.527
    Frederick Goodman (Iowa), Cellularity and the basic construction. (Abstract.)

    John Enyang (Sydney), Seminormal representations of Brauer algebras. (Abstract.)

  • Monday, September 8, to Friday, September 12
    Workshop on diagram algebras

    Wintersemester 2013/14

  • Tuesday, October 15, 14:00, 7.527
    Csaba Szántó (Cluj), Ringel-Hall polynomials and Gabriel-Roiter measure over Euclidean quivers.

  • Tuesday, October 22, 14:00, 7.527
    István Szöllősi (Cluj), Combinatorics of Kronecker modules with applications to the matrix subpencil problem.

    Working group on geometry of representations, lecture 1.

  • Tuesday, October 29, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on geometry of representations, lecture 2.

  • Tuesday, November 5, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on geometry of representations, lecture 3.

  • Tuesday, November 12, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on geometry of representations, lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, November 19, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on geometry of representations, lectures 5 and 6.

  • Tuesday, November 26, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on geometry of representations, lectures 7 and 8.

  • Tuesday, December 3, 14:00, 7.527
    Nan Gao (Shanghai University), Compact objects and some adjoints in homotopy categories.

    Working group on geometry of representations, lecture 9.

  • Tuesday, December 10, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on geometry of representations, lecture 10. (Cancelled.)

  • Tuesday, December 17, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on geometry of representations, lectures 10 and 11.

  • Tuesday, January 7, 14:00, 7.527
    Hongxing Chen (CNU, Beijing), Recollements and algebraic K-theory I.

    Working group on geometry of representations, lecture 12.

  • Tuesday, January 14, 14:00, 7.527
    Hongxing Chen (CNU, Beijing), Recollements and algebraic K-theory II.

    Working group on geometry of representations, lecture 13.

  • Tuesday, January 21, 14:00, 7.527
    Richard Dipper, Irreducible constituents of minimal degree in super characters of the finite unitriangular groups I.

    Working group on geometry of representations, lecture 14.

  • Tuesday, January 28, 14:00, 7.527
    Richard Dipper, Irreducible constituents of minimal degree in super characters of the finite unitriangular groups II.

    Iris Köster, Sylow numbers and their influence on properties of finite groups.

    Working group on geometry of representations, lecture 15.

  • Tuesday, February 4, 14:00, 7.527
    Chrysostomos Psaroudakis (Ioannina), Gorenstein algebras, singular equivalences and the Fg condition for Hochschild cohomology.

    Working group on geometry of representations, lecture 16.

  • Tuesday, February 11, 14:00, 7.527
    Otto Kerner (Düsseldorf), Torsion pairs for wild hereditary algebras.

    Working group on geometry of representations, lecture 17.

  • Thursday, February 13, 14:00, 7.527
    Hideto Asashiba (Shizuoka University), Gluing of derived equivalences along bimodules.

    Kunio Yamagata (Tokyo), Morita algebras and their historical background.

  • Tuesday, February 18, 14:00, 7.527
    Ming Fang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing), Comultiplication, Hochschild cocomplex and dominant dimension.

    Ming Fang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing), Permanents, Doty coalgebras and dominant dimension of Schur algebras.

  • Thursday, February 20, 14:00, 7.527 Working group on no loop conjectures, lecture 1.

  • Tuesday, February 25, 14:00, 7.527
    Ming Fang (Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing), Derived equivalences and dominant dimension.

    Working group on no loop conjectures, lecture 2.

  • Tuesday, March 4, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on no loop conjectures, lecture 3.

    Working group on no loop conjectures, lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, March 11, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on no loop conjectures, lecture 5.

    Sommersemester 2013

  • Tuesday, April 9, 14:00, 7.527
    Nico Stein, Adelman's Abelianisation of an Additive Category (short talk).

    Stephan Schmid, An A_oo-structure on the cohomology ring of the symmetric group S_p with coefficients in F_p (short talk).

  • Tuesday, April 16, 14:00, 7.527
    Simon Klenk, Group rings for the dihedral group D_{2p} (short talk).

    Juliane Deißler, A resultant formula for Hensel's Lemma (short talk).

    Working group on Soergel bimodules, lecture 1.

  • Tuesday, April 23, 14:00, 7.527
    Dung Tien Nguyen, The q-Brauer algebras ( in 8.122 ).

    Working group on Soergel bimodules, lecture 2.

  • Tuesday, April 30, 14:00, 7.527
    Jakob Zimmermann (LMU München), Generalized Verma Modules and Noncommutative Determinants.

    Working group on Soergel bimodules, lecture 3.

  • Tuesday, May 7, 14:00, 7.527
    Lacri Iancu, Kazhdan-Lusztig cells and Lusztig's P1-P15 conjectures in type B.

    Changchang Xi (Capital Normal University, Beijing), Relatively exact pairs and recollements with applications, I.

    Hongxing Chen (Peking University), Relatively exact pairs and recollements with applications, II.

  • Tuesday, May 14, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on Soergel bimodules, lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, May 28, 14:00, 7.527
    Yichuan Yang (Beihang University, Beijing), The complex number field can be directed partially ordered.

    Working group on Soergel bimodules, lecture 5.

  • Tuesday, June 4, 14:00, 7.527
    Franziska Müller, On local presentations for tensor products of simple modules of the symmetric group (short talk).

    Julian Külshammer, Filtered modules and A-infinity structures.

    Working group on Soergel bimodules, lecture 6.

  • Tuesday, June 11, 14:00, 7.527
    Julian Külshammer, Exact Borel subalgebras and boxes.

  • Tuesday, June 18, 14:00, 7.527
    Vanessa Miemietz (University of East Anglia), Homological constructions for GL_2, I.

  • Tuesday, June 25, 14:00, 7.527
    Vanessa Miemietz (University of East Anglia), Homological constructions for GL_2, II.

    Working group on Soergel bimodules, lecture 7.

  • Tuesday, July 2, 13:30, 7.527
    Dan Zacharia (Syracuse NY / Kiel), On rigid sheaves on the projective space.

    David Craven (Birmingham), The Brauer trees of finite groups. (Abstract.)

  • Tuesday, July 9, 14:00, 7.527
    Daiva Pucinskaite (Kiel), Multiplicity one condition for Verma modules. (Abstract.)

    Working group on Soergel bimodules, lecture 8.

  • Tuesday, July 16, 14:00, 7.527
    Hideto Asashiba (Shizuoka University / MPI Bonn), Grothendieck constructions of (co)lax functors and gluing of derived equivalences, I and II. (Abstract.)

    Working group on Soergel bimodules, lecture 9.

  • Tuesday, July 23, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on Soergel bimodules, lectures 10 and 11.

  • Tuesday, August 6, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on Soergel bimodules, lecture 12.

  • Tuesday, August 13, 14:00, 7.527
    Alexander Kleshchev (University of Oregon), Homological properties of KLR algebras.

    Andrew Mathas (University of Sydney), Gram matrices, gradings and simple modules. (Abstract.)

  • Tuesday, August 20, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on Soergel bimodules, lecture 13.

  • Tuesday, August 27, 14:00, 7.527
    Qunhua Liu (Nanjing Normal University), A dichotomy of algebras with two simples. (Abstract.)

    Wintersemester 2012/13

  • Tuesday, October 23, 14:00, 7.527
    Joseph Loubert (Eugene), Affine cellularity of KLR algebras.

  • Tuesday, October 30, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on K-theory, lectures 1 and 2.

  • Tuesday, November 6, 14:00, 7.527
    Markus Jedlitschky, Monomial representations of p-Sylow subgroups of finite orthogonal groups.

    Working group on K-theory, lecture 3.

  • Tuesday, November 13, 14:00, 7.527
    Armin Shalile, On decomposition numbers of Brauer algebras.

    Working group on K-theory, lecture 4.

  • Tuesday, November 20, 14:00, 7.527
    Jorge Vitoria, Localisations of rings in representation theory I.

    Working group on K-theory, lecture 5.

  • Tuesday, November 27, 14:00, 7.527
    Frederik Marks, Localisations of rings in representation theory II.

    Working group on K-theory, lecture 6.

  • Tuesday, December 4, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on K-theory, lectures 7 and 8.

  • Tuesday, December 11, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on K-theory, lecture 9.

  • Tuesday, December 18, 14:00, 7.527
    Bernhard Böhmler, The representation dimension of k[x,y]/(x^2,y^n).

    Working group on K-theory, lecture 10.

  • Tuesday, January 8, 14:00, 7.527
    Working group on K-theory, lecture 11.

  • Tuesday, January 15, 14:00, 7.527
    Chrysostomos Psaroudakis (Ioannina), Generalized Matrix Artin Algebras. (Abstract.)

    Working group on K-theory, lecture 12.

  • Tuesday, January 22, 14:00, 7.527
    Wolfgang Kimmerle, On the Gruenberg - Kegel graph of ZG.

    Xiaoli Hu, Irreducible projective characters of spin wreath products Γn (Abstract.)

  • Tuesday, January 29, 14:00, 7.527
    Leo Margolis, Rational conjugacy of torsion units in integral group rings of non-solvable groups.

    Martin Hertweck, Rational and p-adic conjugacy of p-torsion units in finite integral group rings. (Abstract.)

  • Tuesday, February 5, 14:00, 7.527
    Jan Stovicek (Prague), Stable derivators, torsion pairs in triangulated categories and a classification of co-t-structures. (Abstract.)

    Lacri Iancu, Kazhdan-Lusztig cells and Lusztig's P1-P15 conjectures in type B. Cancelled due to illness, postponed to summer semester.

  • Tuesday, February 12, 14:00, 7.527
    Friederike Stoll, A cellular basis for the walled Brauer algebra adjusted to annihilators, I.

    Mathias Werth, A cellular basis for the walled Brauer algebra adjusted to annihilators, II.

  • Tuesday, March 19, 14:00, 7.527
    Christian Lomp (Porto), Noetherian rings whose injective hulls of simple modules are locally Artinian, I.

    Paula Carvalho (Porto), Noetherian rings whose injective hulls of simple modules are locally Artinian, II. (Abstract.)

  • Academic year 2011/12

    Academic year 2010/11

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