Tuesday, January 17, 14:00
Jon Woolf (Liverpool), Stability conditions with massless objects 1, 2.
The space of stability conditions on a triangulated category can
be partially compactified by adding points corresponding to `lax stability
conditions' which are allowed to have massless objects. The massless objects
of a lax stability condition form a thick subcategory and there is a second,
related, partial compactification obtained by adding points corresponding to
stability conditions on the respective quotient categories.
These partial compactifications have a surprisingly simple local structure:
the massive and massless parts of the stability condition `de-couple'
leading to a local product form. The key technical ingredient is a new
result for constructing slicings on a triangulated category from ones on a
thick subcategory and the respective quotient.
I will illustrate the partial compactifications in some simple cases, and
also point out an intriguing connection between its `real skeleton' and the
g-fans of algebraic hearts.
This is all joint work with Nathan Broomhead, David Pauksztello and David