Tuesday, April 9, 14:00, 7.527
Teresa Conde
The Gabriel-Roiter measure and the finiteness of the representation
The induction scheme used in Roiter's proof of the first Brauer-Thrall
conjecture prompted Gabriel to introduce an invariant, known as the
Gabriel-Roiter measure. The usefulness of the Gabriel-Roiter measure is not
limited to the first Brauer-Thrall conjecture: Ringel has used it to give
new proofs of results established by himself, Auslander and Tachikawa in the
70's. It turns out that the Gabriel-Roiter measure can also be used to
provide an alternative proof of the finiteness of the representation
dimension for Artin algebras, a result originally shown by Iyama in 2002.
The concept of Gabriel-Roiter measure can be extended to abelian length
categories and every such category has multiple Gabriel-Roiter measures. The
aim of this talk is to clarify the following refined version of Iyama's
theorem: given any object X and any Gabriel-Roiter measure m in an abelian
length category, there exists an object X' which depends on X and m, such
that the endomorphism ring of the direct sum of X with X' is
quasihereditary, and hence has finite global dimension.