Seminar on higher Auslander-Reiten theory (winter term 2015/2016)
The following article is an introduction to higher Auslander-Reiten theory:
[1] Osamu Iyama:
Auslander-Reiten theory revisited
(Proceeding of the ICRA XII conference, Torun, August 2007, 47 pages, arXiv version)
The goal of the seminar is to cover the main results and topics mentioned of Iyama's survey article.
The proofs of the results mentioned in [1] are given in the following two papers:
[2] Osamu Iyama:
Higher dimensional Auslander-Reiten theory on maximal orthogonal
(Adv. Math. 210 (2007), no. 1, 22--50, arXiv version) -
[3] Osamu Iyama:
Auslander correspondence
(Adv. Math. 210 (2007), no. 1, 51--82, arXiv version)
- [4] Osamu Iyama: Cluster tilting for higher Auslander algebras (Adv. Math. 226 (2011), no. 1, 1--61, arXiv version)
Seminar schedule
#1 | 20.10.2015 | Wassilij Gnedin | Classical Auslander-Reiten theory |
recall of classical Auslander-Reiten theory, classical Auslander-Reiten formula (Theorems 1.6 and 1.7 in [1]), examples for knitting Auslander-Reiten quivers |
#2 | 20.10.2015 | Julian Külshammer | Classical Auslander correspondence |
statement and examples for classical Auslander correspondence
(Theorem 1.2 in [1]), Yoneda's lemma in the context of Auslander algebras (first equivalence in the proof of Theorem 2.6 (a) in [2]), main steps in the proof of classical Auslander correspondence |
#3 | 3.11.2015 | Ruari Walker | Cluster-tilting categories and their properties |
Definition of cluster-tilting category C (Subsection 2.1 in [1], or Subsections 2.1 and 2.2 in [2]), equivalent characterizations of cluster-tilting subcategories (Proposition 2.2 in [1] or Proposition 2.2.2 in [2]), basic examples (Example 2.4(a) in [1]). |
#4 | 10.11.2015 | Armin Shalile | Higher Auslander-Reiten formula |
Definition of higher Auslander-Reiten translation, statement of higher Auslander-Reiten formula for cluster-tilting categories (Theorems 2.8 and 2.9 in [1], or Theorem 1.4.1, 1.5 in [2]), basic examples, main steps in the proof of higher Auslander-Reiten formula. |
#5 | 24.11.2015 | Gustavo Jasso | A short proof of the defect formula for d-exact sequences |
#6 | 1.12.2015 | Pin Liu | Tau-tilting and cluster-tilting in higher cluster categories |
Relationship between higher cluster-tilting objects in higher cluster categories and tau-tilting modules over a cluster-tilted algebra. | |||
#7 | 8.12.2015 | Steffen König | Higher Auslander-Reiten sequences |
Existence and properties of higher Auslander-Reiten sequences (Theorem 2.11 in [1] or Theorem 3.3.1 in [2]) |
#8 | 15.12.2015 | Christian Lomp | Higher Auslander correspondence |
main steps in the proof of higher Auslander correspondence (Theorem 2.6 in [1] or Theorem 4.2.2 in [3]) | |||
#9 | 12.1.2016 | René Marczinzik | Cluster-tilting for self-injective algebras |
Cluster tilting objects for representation-finite self-injective algebras
(Section 4 in [2]), general results on the existence of cluster-tilting objects for self-injective algebras (Theorem 2.22 in [1] by Erdmann and Holm) |
#10 | 19.1.2016 | Yiping Chen | n-complete algebras |
Inductive construction of algebras admitting cluster subcategories (Section 2.4 in [1], or [4]) | |||
#11 | 26.1.2016 | Bernhard Böhmler | Introduction to representation theory of orders |
Classical Auslander-Reiten theory for Cohen-Macaulay modules over orders (Section 3.1 in [1]) | |||
#12 | 26.1.2016 | Wassilij Gnedin | Cluster-tilting modules over quotient singularities |
higher Auslander-Reiten theory for Cohen-Macaulay modules over orders, main steps in the proof of Theorem 3.10 a) in [1] | |||
#13 | 2.2.2016 | Wassilij Gnedin | Higher algebraic McKay correspondence |
main steps in the proof that McKay quiver is the higher AR quiver (Theorem 3.10 b), c) in [1] ) | |||
#14 | 9.2.2016 | Wassilij Gnedin | Higher Auslander orders |
the depth of cluster tilted algebras, higher Auslander correspondence for orders, derived equivalence of 2-cluster tilted algebras (Theorem 3.15 in [1]), ; | |||
#15 | 9.2.2016 | Steffen König | Non-commutative crepant resolutions |
geometric and algebraic notions of resolutions, Bondal-Orlov and van den Bergh's conjectures, main steps of the proof of Theorem 3.18 in [1] |
Talks related to higher Auslander-Reiten theory at Stuttgart:
Darstellungstheorie-Tage: | 13.11.2015, 16:00, (V57.04) | Julian Külshammer | Higher Nakayama algebras |
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