Tuesday, February 17, 14:00, 7.527
Hideto Asashiba (Shizuoka)
Cohen-Montgomery duality for bimodules and applications
to Morita equivalences and stable equivalences of Morita type.
We fix a commutative ring k and a group G.
To include infinite coverings of k-algebras into consideration we usually regard k-algebras
as locally bounded k-categories with finite objects, so we will work with small k-categories.
For small k-categories R and S with G-actions
we define G-invariant S-R-bimodules and their category denoted by S-{Mod^G}-R, and
denote by R/G the orbit category of R by G.
For small G-graded k-categories A and B we define G-graded B-A-bimodules and
their category denoted by B-{Mod_G}-A, and denote by A#G the smash product of A and G.
We then define functors (-)/G : S-{Mod^G}-R --> (S/G)-{Mod_G}-(R/G) and
(-)#G : A-{Mod_G}-B --> (A#G)-{Mod^G}-(B#G), and show that they are equivalences
and quasi-inverses to each other having good properties with tensor products and
preserving projectivity of bimodules.
We apply this to Morita equivalences and to stable equivalences of Morita type
(and if possible to standard derived equivalences) to have the following type of theorems:
There exists a "G-invariant stable equivalence of Morita type" between R and S if and only if
there exists a "G-graded stable equivalence of Morita type" between R/G and S/G.
There exists a "G-graded stable equivalence of Morita type" between A and B if and only if
there exists a "G-invariant stable equivalence of Morita type" between A#G and B#G.