• Tuesday, June 25, 15:15, 7.527

    Odysseas Giatagantzidis (Thessaloniki)
    The generalized arrow removal operation and the arrow reduced version of an algebra.

  • Abstract:
    We determine conditions for a set of arrows A of a bound quiver algebra Λ = kQ/I such that the little or big finitistic dimension of Λ is finite if and only if the respective dimension of the quotient algebra over the ideal generated by the arrows of A is finite, generalizing thus the arrow removal operation of Green-Psaroudakis-Solberg (2021). Moreover, we prove that if Λ=Λ0, Λ1,... , Λn is a sequence of algebras such that (i) each Λj is the quotient of Λj-1 over the ideal generated by a set of arrows in Λj as above and (ii) Λn is arrow reduced (i.e. no set of arrows satisfies the aforementioned conditions in Λn) then Λn is uniquely defined. We call the latter algebra the arrow reduced version of Λ. Finally, we illustrate with a concrete example that the arrow reduced version of an algebra depends on the choice of the admissible ideal I in its representation as a bound quiver algebra.