Tuesday, October 8, 14:00, 7.527.
Lleonard Rubio y Degrassi
On the first relative Hochschild cohomology and contracted
fundamental group I, II.
In 1956 Hochschild introduced the notion of relative Hochschild
cohomology. Recently, relative Hochschild cohomology has been used
by Cibils, Lanzilotta, Marcos, Schroll and Solotar to describe how the
Hochschild cohomology of a bound quiver algebra changes when adding or
deleting arrows from the quiver.
Let A be a bound quiver algebra and let B
be a subalgebra of A having
the same semisimple part. In this talk, I will give a sufficient condition
for the solvability of the first relative Hochschild cohomology
HH1(A|B). I will also
introduce a relative version of the fundamental
group of a bound quiver. Similarly to the classical case, I will show how
these groups are related to the first relative Hochschild cohomology.
This talk is based on joint work with Jonathan Lindell.