Markus Stroppel:

Current Activities, Lectures, Seminars, Conferences, Research, Publications (in particular, the books about Compact Projective Planes, Locally Compact Groups, Begegnungen mit Mathematik), and a picture.

Too late: a (somewhat incomplete) list of talks I gave.
What we did: An introduction to the research interests pursued at the First Chair, Mathematical Institute B.
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If you want to find out how and when you can reach me, click here.
A map of the campus at Vaihingen is available.

Lectures and Courses
(Most of the material offered here is available in German only, sorry.)

Mathematics for engineering students
HM: Höhere Mathematik 1/2 für Ingenieurstudiengänge
(aer, autip, bau, ernen, fmt, geod, iui, mach, mawi, medtech, tema, tpbau, tpmach, umw, verf, wewi)
Information and material related to these courses.

Isomorphisms between classical groups (Winter 2010/11).

Encounters with Mathematics (Summer 2005).

Synthetic Geometry ( Winter 2004/5):
An axiomatic approach to plane euclidean geometry, with exercises and an exhaustive list of literature.

Generalized Polygons, Bruhat-Tits buildings (Summer 2004):

Encounters with Mathematics (Summer 2004).

A compact course on locally compact groups (April 16-18, 2004):
You may find the exercises in a PDF file.

Lie Algebras ( Winter 2003/4):
I offer a list of relevant literature and a page containing historical links.

Groups that are simple, and groups that are not (Summer 2003):
An extensive list of literature and some exercises (PDF-files).

Encounters with Mathematics (Summer 2003):
course material.

Interactive und experimental geometry
for high school students (this is part of our programme for Berufs- und Studienorientierung an Gymnasien (BOGY))

Algebra (Winter 2002/3):
Find a list of relevant literature and exercises.

Projective Geometry (Summer 2002):
There are a list of relevant literature, and some exercises.

Perspective (Summer 2002):
You may download material used in the course (in German, sorry, but the drawings may be interesting).

100-online logo

Topological Geometry (Winter 2001/2):
There are a list of relevant literature and exercises.

Descriptive Geometry (Summer 2001, TU Darmstadt):
Interactive pages with material from a more recent course can be found here.

Group Theory (Summer 2001, TU Darmstadt):
There are a list of relevant literature, and some exercises.

Incidence Geometry (Winter 2000/1):
There is a list of relevant literature, a collection of exercises, and something to play and understand Desargues' Theorem in projective spaces (go ahead, try to move the points!).

Exercises for Linear algebra and analytic geometry (Winter 2000/1)

Analytic Geometry (Summer 2000, at Augsburg University):
Find here a list of relevant literature and a collection of exercises.

Introduction to Geometry and Algebra (Winter 1999/2000):
There is a list of relevant literature, a collection of exercises and some stuff on regular polyhedra.

Topological Algebra (Winter 1999/2000):
There is a list of relevant literature.

Topology (Summer 1999):
A list of relevant literature is available.

Lie-Algebras (Summer 1999):
A list of relevant literature is available, and I offer some links regarding the history of the theory.

Exercises for Foundations of geometry (Winter 1998/99)

Ergänzungen  zur Höheren Mathematik I  (Summer 1997)
zur Höheren Mathematik II  (Winter 1997/98) 
zur Höheren Mathematik III  (Summer 1998)

Symmetry (Summer 1998)
A list of relevant literature is available. Do you want to have a look at the five platonic solids?

Incidence geometry (Winter 1997/98).
I do not intend to produce lecture notes, because there are so many nice books in the area. I do provide a list of books.

Haarmaß (Haar measure, Summer 1997):
The lecture is covered by a part of my still growing manuscript on locally compact groups. Further information is available (in German).

Pontryagin Duality (Winter 1996/97):
the contents of the lecture are covered by parts of my manuscript on locally compact groups. There is a also a list of books


GGT WüSt (Würzburg-Stuttgart)
We meet regularly (more or less) to discuss topics within the scope of GGT, together with a group of researchers at Würzburg.
Details can be found here, and via a mailing list.

Blockseminar Gruppentheorie (winter 1998/99):
this was a joint seminar with Andrea Blunck (TU Darmstadt). We had meetings at Darmstadt and at Stuttgart. Click here for further details (in German). There is also a list of relevant literature.

Conferences, Colloquia

In 1999 we celebrate the anniversary of David Hilbert's book "Grundlagen der Geometrie" by a series of colloquia, at different places. Details may be found here.

I also offer some information about Baer colloquia in former semesters, and about Reinhold Baer himself.

Seminar Sophus Lie
This is a short conference taking place at different universities, about two times per year. If that Seminar looks interesting to you then you might also be interested in the Journal of Lie Theory.
Information about the meeting at Stuttgart (January 7/8, 2000) can still be found here.

Workshop on Groups, Geometry, Topology
The next meeting will take place at Stuttgart, March 22-24, 2010.
You can still see the programmes of the first meeting at Stuttgart (March 5-7, 1997), the second meeting at Braunschweig (March 23-25, 1998), the third one at Würzburg (October 8./9, 1999), or the fourth one at Stuttgart (March 7-9, 2001), the fifth one at Braunschweig (February 14-15, 2004), the sixth one at Stuttgart (18.-20.3.2005).

Are you interested in my research activities?
Or do you wish to have a look at some manuscripts, publications (in particular, those books about Compact Projective Planes or Locally Compact Groups) ?
OR do you need to relax, instead of all that fuzz?

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