Lecture Series by Maria J. Esteban
Maria J. Esteban (Université Paris-Dauphine), who has been awarded a fellowship of the Dr. Karl Eisele und Elisabeth Eisele Foundation in November 2013, was visiting the University of Stuttgart again in the first week of April this year. In connection with her fellowship she gave 4 two-hour lectures on April 1st and 3rd for the members of the Research Training Group, the topic of these lectures being “Functional inequalities and the symmetry properties of the extremal functions”. These lectures were recorded on video and notes taken by attending students will be typed and published by the IZKT in their publication series “Materialien”. This publication will be available on demand from IZKT (www.izkt.de).
Video recordings of the public lecture on “Mathematics in Quantum Mechanics and its implications for scientific and technological innovations” that Maria Esteban gave on the occasion of the award of the fellowhip is published on the honepage of the GRK.
Prof. Maria Esteban is a Research Director at C.N.R.S., working at CEREMADE (UMR 7534, C.N.R.S. and Université Paris-Dauphine). Among many other duties she serves as Chair of the Scientific Committee of the "Basque Center for Applied Mathematics" (BCAM), Chair of the Scientific Committee of the "Indo-French Center for Applied Mathematics" (IFCAM), and President-Elect of the “ International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics” (ICIAM).
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