Talks (October 2013 - September 2019)
Dec. 4, 2018 Monday, 14:30 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Richard Schmidt (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik München)
Many‐bodyphysics with quantum impurities in cold atoms and beyond |
Nov. 30, 2018 Tuesday, 14:30 |
Tübingen N14 |
Prof. Clotilde Fermanian Kammerer (Universite Paris Est)
Microlocal interlude |
Nov. 29, 2018 Monday, 14:30 |
Tübingen N14 |
Prof. Clotilde Fermanian Kammerer (Universite Paris Est)
Wigner measures and effective mass theorems |
Nov. 8, 2018 Thursday, 14:30 |
Tübingen N14 |
Alix Deleporte (University of Strasbourg)
Toeplitz operators and the large spin limit |
Nov. 5, 2018 Monday, 14:30 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Dirk Hundertmark
The solution of the Gevrey smoothing conjecture for the non-cutoff homogenous Boltzmann equation for Maxwellian molecules |
October 26, 2018 Friday, 14:30 |
Tübingen N14 |
Prof. Dorothea Bahns (Göttingen)
The Sine Gordon model in perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field Theory |
Sept. 21, 2018 Friday, 14:30 |
Stuttgart 7.530 |
Dr. Jochen Schmid (Universität Würzburg)
Stabilization of port-Hamiltonian systems by nonlinear boundary control in the presence of disturbance |
June 22, 2018 Friday, 14:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Dr. Andreas Deuchert (IST Austria)
Bose‐Einstein Condensation in a Dilute, Trapped Gas at Positive Temperature |
June 14, 2018 Thuesday, 13:00 |
Stuttgart 7.530 |
Lorenzo Pinna (La Sapienza Rom)
On the controllability of the quantum dynamics of closed and open systems |
May 17, 2018 Thursday, 15:00 |
Tübingen N14 |
Dr. Alexander Watson (Duke University, USA)
Wave-packet dynamics in locally periodic media |
May 17, 2018 Thursday, 16:00 |
Tübingen N14 |
Prof. Michele Correggi (Sapienza University, Rom, Italy)
On the Average-Field Functional for Anyons |
March 21, 2018 Wednesday, 15:30 |
Tubingen N14 |
Dr. Jonas Lampart (Laboratoirse Interdisciplinaire Carnot de Bourgogne, France)
Defining Hamiltonians in non-relativistic quantum field theory without UV-cutoff by abstract boundary conditions |
Feb. 26, 2018 Monday, 12:30 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
David Müller M.Sc. (LMU München)
Überblick: Projizierte gestörte Coulomb-Dirac-Operatoren und ihre Eigenwerte |
Feb. 2, 2018 Friday, 15:30 |
Tubingen N9 |
Dr. Antoine Tilloy (MPI of Quantum Optics, Garching)
Interacting quantum field theories as relativistic statistical field theories of local beables |
Jan. 24, 2018 Wednesday, 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Dr. André Froehly (Leibniz Universität Hannover)
Spectral asymptotics of resonances for waveguides with singular perturbations |
Jan. 22, 2018 Monday, 15:30 |
Tubingen N9 |
Prof. Benjamin Schlein (Universität Zürich)
Bogoliubov excitation spectra for Bose-Einstein condensatesa |
Jan. 18, 2018 Thursday, 16:30 |
Tubingen N9 |
Prof. Charles Sebens (University of California at San Diego, USA)
How Electrons Spin |
Jan. 16, 2018 Tuesday, 13:30 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Simon Larson (KTH Stockholm)
Asymptotisch optimale Eigenwerte des Dirichlet‐Laplaceoperators und die Vermutung von Pólya |
2017 | ||
Nov. 21, 2017 Tuesday, 9:45 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. James Kennedy (University of Lisboa)
Asymptotisch optimale Eigenwerte des Dirichlet‐Laplaceoperators und die Vermutung von Pólya |
Nov. 20, 2017 Monday, 9:45 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Peter Pickl (LMU München)
Derivation of the Vlasov equation |
Nov. 16, 2017 Tuesday, 9:45 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Konstantina-Stavroula Giannopoulou (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim)
An approximate series solution of the semiclassical Wigner equation |
Nov. 16, 2017 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Matthias Geyer (TU Dresden)
Adiabatic Decoupling in Constrained Quantum Systems with Varying Confinement and Spin-orbit Interaction |
Nov. 2, 2017 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Lukas Nickel (LMU München)
Interacting dynamics for multi-time wave functions |
Oct. 24+26, 2017 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Sabine Bögli (LMU München)
Spectral approximation for singular differential operators via domain truncation Local spectral convergence in the presence of essential spectrum
Oct. 16, 2017 Monday, 16:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Vladimir Georgiev (University of Pisa)
Local uniqueness of ground states for Hartree type models |
Sept. 13, 2017 Wednesday, 14:15 |
Tübingen C2A17 |
Lorenzo Fant (Trieste)
New Approaches to Quantum Simulations: the Eigenpotential Variational Method |
August 29, 2017 Tuesday, 15:15 |
Tübingen N 16 |
Judith Alcock-Zeilinger (University of Cape Town)
Symmetries in high energy QCD: Wilson lines and representations of SU(N) |
July 13, 2017 Thursday, 16:45 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. Michael Loss (Georgia Tech)
The phase diagram of the Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities |
July 10, 2017 Monday, 16:45 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Dr. Michael Hinz (Universität Erlangen)
Vector analysis and non-linear PDE on fractals |
June 21, 2017 Wednesday, 15:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Prof. Alessandro Pizzo (Universita di Roma "Tor Vergata")
Bose Particles in a Box: Convergent Expansion of the Ground State in the Mean Field Limiting Regime |
May 29, 2017 Monday, 14:15 |
Stuttgart 8.539 |
Nikolai Leopold (LMU München) Derivation of the Maxwell-Schroedinger equations from the Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian |
May 18, 2017 Thursday, 16:15 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Siddhant Das (LMU München) Time Measurements in Quantum Mechanics |
May 17, 2017 Wednesday, 12:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. David Mitrouskas (Universität Stuttgart) Free time evolution of a tracer particle coupled to a Fermi gas in the high-density limit |
May 4, 2017 Thursday, 16:15 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Marcel Schaub (LMU München) The Bogolubov ground state energy |
Jan. 9, 2017 Monday, 16:30 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. Gerhard Wanner (Université de Genève) Johann Bernoulli und die Zykloide: ein Theorem für den Nachruhm |
2016 | ||
Nov. 25, 2016 Friday, 16:00 |
Tübingen N14 |
Prof. Jürg Fröhlich (ETH Zürich) The Arrow of Time - Images of Irreversible Behavior |
Nov. 7, 2016 Monday, 16:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Johannes Kästner (Universität Stuttgart) Instanton Theory to Describe Atom Tunneling in Chemical Reactions |
Nov. 3 +10, 2016 Thursday, 10:00 Thursday, 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Gonzalo Bley PhD (Aarhus University) Estimates on Functional Integrals of Quantum Mechanics and Non-Relativistic Quantum Field Theory A Lower Bound on the Renormalized Nelson Model |
Okt. 24+27, 2016 Monday, 15:45 Thursday, 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Prof. Oliver Matte (Aarhus University) Differentiability properties of stochastic flows in non-relativistic QED Feynman-Kac formulas for the renormalized Nelson Hamiltonian |
Sep.26, 2016 Monday, 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Stefan Zitz (Universität Graz) Functional approach to N = 4 super-Yang-Mills theory |
Sep.26+27, 2016 Monday, 13:30 Tuesday, 13:30 |
Tübingen C9A03 |
Dr. Eman Hanza (University of Cairo) An introduction to Anderson localization |
Sep.20+22, 2016 Tuesday, 13:30 Thursday, 13:30 |
Tübingen N14 |
Dr. Eman Hanza (University of Cairo) Spectral methods in random operators. |
Sep. 1, 2016 Thursday, 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Veronica Fantini (La Sapienza, Rom) The Haldane Model and topological insulators |
Aug. 31, 2016 Wednesday, 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Francesco Spadaro (La Sapienza, Rom) Absence of superfluidity in the xy model with disorder |
Aug. 16, 2016 Monday, 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Marco Olivieri (La Sapienza, Rom) The inverse spectral problem for quantum graphs |
Aug. 11, 2016 Wednesday, 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
David Mitrouskas (LMU München) Dynamics and ground state properties of the many-body Bose gas: Bogoliubov corrections |
July 18, 2016 Monday, 16:30 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Oleg Szehr Connected components of irreducible maps and 1D quantum phases |
July 15, 2016 Friday, 14:30 |
Tübingen N16 |
Dr. Stefan Keppeler (Tübingen) GParticle creation and annihilation at interior boundaries |
July 14, 2016 Thursday, 16:00 |
Stuttgart N 16 |
Robert Schippa (Universität Bielefeld) Generalized Strichartz estimates |
July 14, 2016 Thursday, 9:45 |
Stuttgart 8.539 |
Dr. Quentin Liard (Université de Renne) Derivation of non linear Schrödinger equations in infinite dimension by the method of characteristics |
July 5, 2016 Tuesday, 10:00 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Benedikt Kloß (Frankfurt University) Implementation of a novel projector-splitting integrator for the MCTDH method of molecular quantum dynamics |
June 28, 2016 Tuesday, 14:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Hynek Kovarik (Università degli studi di Brescia) Optimizing the first eigenvalue of some quasilinear operators with respect to boundary conditions |
June 23, 2016 Thursday, 14:15 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Lea Boßmann (LMU München) A proof of the dipole approximation |
June 23, 2016 Thursday, 16:15 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Dr. Marcin Napiórkowski (IST Austria) A mathematical physics perspective on spin wave theory |
June 22, 2016 Wednesday, 14:00 |
Stuttgart 4.331 |
Prof. Ziad Musslimani (Florida State University) Inverse scattering transform for the integrable nonlocal nonlinear Schrödinger equation |
June 9, 2016 Thursday, 14:00 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Sabhia Tokus M.Sc. (Universität Heidelberg) Convergence of the effective action of the two-dimensional Hubbardmodel on the honeycomb lattice |
May 24, 2016 Tuesday, 14:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Sergey Morozov (LMU München) Estimates on negative eigenvalues of perturbed graphene Hamiltonian with a Coulombic impurity |
April 28, 2016 Thursday, 14:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Daniela Maier (Universität Stuttgartl) About dispersive estimates based on a paper by Klainerman |
April 25, 2016 Monday, 16:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Michael Israel Sigal (University of Toronto) The Ginzburg - Landau equations: from physics to geometry |
April 18+20, 2016 Monday, 11:30 Wednesday, 14:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Annalisa Panati (McGill University, Montreal) Energy conservation, counting statistics and return to equilibrium Energy conservation and counting statistic: non-equilibrium case |
March 7, 2016 Monday, 16:00 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Matthias Lienert (LMU München) Interacting relativistic quantum dynamics via multi-time integral equations |
Jan. 13, 2016 Wednesday 9:45 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Prof. Ville Turunen (Aalto University, Helsinki) Born—Jordan quantisation |
2015 | ||
Dec. 17, 2015 Thursday 16:30 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. Christian Klein (Université de Bourgogne, France) Multidomain spectral method for Schrödinger equations |
Dec. 14, 2015 Monday 16:00 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. André Uschmajew (University of Bonn) Interconnection of singular values arising from tensor matricizations. |
Dec. 7, 2015 Monday 16:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Thomas Hoffmann-Ostenhof (Universität Wien) Minimal partitions and nodal domains. Recent results and open problems. |
Dec. 4, 2015 Friday 16:30 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. Peter Pickl (LMU München) Derivation of the Vlasov equation |
Dec. 2 + 3, 2015 |
Dr. Eman Hamza (Université Grenoble Alpes The Dynamics of Random Quantum Walks and Non-Unitary operators. |
Nov. 25, 2015 Wednesday 9:45 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Hanne van den Bosch (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile) A criterion for the existence of zero modes for the Pauli operator with fastly decaying fields |
Nov. 23, 2015 Monday 16:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Michael Loss (Georga Institut of Technology) Optimal functional inequalities and flows |
Nov. 19, 2015 Thursday 16:45 |
Tübingen D4A19 |
Dr. Tim Tzaneteas (University of Tübingen) Derivation of the Ginzburg-Landau Theory of Superconductivity via Bifurcation Theory |
October 27, 2015 Tuesday 16:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Alain Joye (Université Grenoble Alpes) Landauer’s bound for repeated interaction systems in the adiabatic regime |
October 6, 2015 Tuesday 10:00 |
Tübingen D4A19 |
Prof. Horia Cornean (University of Aalborg) On the construction of composite Wannier functions |
July 16, 2015 Thursday 16:15 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Dr. Marcello Porta (University of Zürich) TBA |
July 16, 2015 Thursday 9:45 |
Tübingen N 16 |
Prof. Tucker Carrington (Queen's University Kingston, Canada) Coping with the curse of dimensionality when computing a vibrational spectrum for a general potential |
July 16, 2015 Thursday 9:45 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr.Simona Rota Nodari (Université Lille) On a nonlinear Schrödinger equation for nucleons |
July 14, 2015 Tuesday 14:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Martina Chirilus-Bruckner (Leiden University) Invariant manifold theory, modulation equations and their cousins - the pursuit of reducing the complexity of mathematical models |
July 14, 2015 Tuesday 15:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Dmitry Pelinovsky (McMaster University, Ontario) Standing waves on the tadpole graph |
July 9, 2015 Thursday 16:00 |
Tübingen N.N. |
Dr. Lysianne Hari (University of Pisa) Propagation of coherent states |
July 3, 2015 Friday 17:15 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. Jan Philip Solovej (University of Copenhagen) The classical entropy of quantum states |
July 2, 2015 Thursday 16:15 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. Claus Zimmermann (University of Tübingen) Atomic Bose-Einstein Condensates in Optical Ring-Resonators |
July 2, 2015 Thursday 9:45 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Prof. Uta Freiberg (University of Stuttgart) Differential operators and generalized trigonometric functions on fractal subsets of the real line |
June 30, 2015 Tuesday 14:00 |
Tübingen N14 |
Prof. Ivan Oseledets (Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Moscow, Russia) Non-stationary problems and low-rank approximation of matrices and tensors |
June 25, 2015 Thursday 10:00 |
Tübingen N14 |
Dr. Olaf Müller (University of Regensburg) Conformal compactifications and Einstein-Maxwell-Dirac Theory |
June 16, 2015 Tuesday 14:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Morten Grud Rasmussen(Aalborg University) A rigorous approach to light absorption in semiconductor carbon nanotubes |
June 12, 2015 Friday, 17:15 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. Volker Bach (University of Braunschweig) Flow Equations for Operators |
June 2, 2015 Tuesday 11:30 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Marco Falconi (University of Rennes) Essential self-adjointness of operators in Fock space: a simple proof for "quadratic interactions |
May 26, 2015 Monday, 16:30 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. Tomoki Ohsawa (University of Texas at Dallas, USA) The Siegel Upper Half Space, Symplectic Reduction and Gaussian Wave Packet |
May 11, 2015 Monday, 16:30 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Manfred Salmhofer (University of Heidelberg) Multiscale Methods in Many-Body Theory |
May 7, 2015 Thursday 9:45 |
Stuttgart 8.556 |
Martin Gebert (LMU München) On the exact asymptotics of eigenfunction-correlation determinants |
April 23 2015 Thursday 16:00 |
Tübingen 8N 14 |
Dr. Jonas Lampart (Université Paris Dauphine, France) A many-body RAGE theorem |
April 9-10, 2015 Thursday 10:00 Friday 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Dr. Serena Cenatiempo (Universität Zürich) Quantum Fluctuations around the Gross-Pitaevskii dynamics |
Mar. 19-20, 2015 Thursday 14:15 Friday 10:30 |
Tü. N14 Stgt 8.526 |
Simone Rademacher (LMU München) Grundzustände von Dipolen in Graphen |
March 2, 2015 Monday 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Ari Laptev (Imperial College London) Carlson-Landau inequalities and spectrum of magnetic Schrödinger operators |
Jan. 27, 2015 Tuesday 16:15 |
Tübingen H2 C14 |
Dr. Guiseppe De Nittis (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) Quantum Dynamics & Topological Phases -- electronic and photonic semiconductors |
Jan. 23, 2015 Friday 16:30 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Thomas Østergaard Sørensen (LMU München) Pointwise estimates on derivatives of Coulombic wavefunctions |
Jan. 23, 2015 Friday 14:30 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Nicolai Lang (Stuttgart) Majorana Modes in an interacting & number-conserving Theory |
Jan. 13, 2015 Tuesday 10:15 |
Tübingen D4 H07 |
Prof.Dr. Thomas Guhr (University of Duisburg-Essen) Stochastic Quantum Scattering: Recent Exact Results and Comparison with Experiments |
Jan. 12, 2015 Monday 16:30 |
Tübingen N14 |
Prof.Dr. Thomas Guhr (University of Duisburg-Essen) Marginal Probability Density in the Real Wishart Model: Exact Results |
2014 | ||
Dec. 17, 2014 Wednesday 16:30 |
Tübingen C6 H36 |
Domenico Monaco (SISSA Triest) Geometry in solid state physics: the case study of topological insulators |
Dec. 12, 2014 Friday 16:15 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. Dr. Daniel Grieser (University of Oldenburg) Kann man die Form eines Dreiecks hören? |
Dec. 12, 2014 Friday 13:30 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Juliane Rama (University of Potsdam) Instabilität von Resonanzen im DC-Starkeffekt für ein einfaches Matrixoperator-Modell |
Nov. 28, 2014 Friday 16:30 |
Tübingen N14 |
Prof. Volker Betz (TU Darmstadt) Lange Zykel in zufälligen Permutationen und Bose-Einstein-Kondensation |
Nov. 13-14, 2014 Thursday 10:00 Thursday 15:45 Friday 13:30 |
Stuttgart 8.122 8.526 8.526 |
Prof. Dr. Martin Fraas (LMU München) Quantum Nondemolition Measurements Introduction to Quantum Stochastic Calculus Adiabatic Theory for Nondemolition Quantum Stochastic Equations |
Nov. 13, 2014 Thursday, 16:15 |
Tübingen M1 |
Matthias Lienert (LMU Muenchen)) A simple, interacting, relativistic and quantum-mechanical two-particle system |
Nov. 7, 2014 Friday 15:30 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Dr. Simone Warzel (TU München) Adiabatisches Quanten-Computing als analytisches Werkzeug |
Nov. 3-4, 2014 Monday 16:15 Tuesday 10:15 |
Tübingen M1 C6 H36 |
Prof. Thierry Jecko (Cergy Pontoise, Paris) Some aspets of the mathematical treatment of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation On the semi-classical approximation of the propagator of Schrödinger matrix-operators |
Sept. 30, 2014 Tuesday, 9:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Dr. Alexander Mielke (WIAS Berlin) Homogenization of parabolic gradient systems via evolutionary Γ-convergence at the GAMM-Workshop 2014 |
Sept. 29, 2014 Monday 14:05 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Dr. Anton Arnold (TU Wien) Entropy method for hypocoercive Fokker-Planck equations with linear drift at the GAMM-Workshop 2014 |
Sept. 12, 2014 Friday 10:15 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Patrick Winkert (TU Berlin) Elliptische Gleichungen mit inhomogenen Operatoren |
Aug. 25, 2014 Monday 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Quang Sang Phan (Krakow) Spectral monodromy in classical completely integrable or quasi-integrable cases |
Aug. 13, 2014 Wednesday 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Matthias Engelmann (Aarhus) Eine Klasse von Beispielen fuer analytische Stoerungstheorie eingebetteter Eigenwerte |
Aug. 5, 2014 Tuesday 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Martin Könenberg (Memorial University of New Foundland, Canada) Ergodicity of the spin-boson Model for arbitrary coupling strength |
July 14, 2014 Monday 16:30 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Dr. Uta Freiberg (Stuttgart) Weyl-Asymptotiken auf Fraktalen |
July 14, 2014 Monday 14:00 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Dr. James Kennedy (Stuttgart) Nullstellenmengen von Eigenfunktionen und Payne´s Vermutung |
July 7, 2014 Thursday 16:30 |
Tübingen N14 |
Prof. Dr. Daniel Brown (Tübingen) Quantum enhanced measurements |
July 4, 2014 Friday 13:30 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Johanna Richter (Karlsruhe) Eine CLR Ungleichung für Diskrete Schrödinger Operatoren |
June 6, 2014 Friday 12:15 |
Tübingen N16 |
Prof. Dr. Michael Sigal (University of Toronto) Neckpinching under mean curvature flow |
June 3, 2014 Tuesday 11:30 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Sebastian Stegmüller (KIT Karlsruhe) Molekularfeld-Grenzwert für bosonische Systeme |
May 28, 2014 Wendnesday 16:15 |
Tübingen H2C14 |
Dr. Max Lein (University of Toronto) Offene Probleme in der mathematischen Analyse photonischer Kristalle |
May 23, 2014 Friday 14:30 |
Tübingen N 14 |
André Hänel (Stuttgart) Der Dirichlet-zu-Neumann Operator und die Asymptotik von Eigenwerten eines gemischten Randwertproblems auf dem unendlichen Streifen |
May 23, 2014 Friday 16:00 |
Tübingen N14 (C) |
Prof. Jan Dereziński (Warsaw) My observations on how physicists use QED |
May 15, 2014 Monday 16:00 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. Dr. Tucker Carrington (Queen's University Kingston, Ontario, Kanada) Solving the vibrational Schroedinger equation with a Smolyak-based collocation method that obviates the need to solve a generalised eigenvalue problem |
May 14, 2014 Wendnesday 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Jochen Schmid (Stuttgart) Verallgemeinerung eines Wohlgestelltheitsresultats von Goldstein auf Operatoren, deren paarweise Kommutatoren Zahlen sind |
May 8, 2014 Thursday 14:15 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Andreas Deuchert (Tübingen) Construction of a lower bound for the BCS functional in infinite space |
April 24, 2014 Thursday 16:15 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. Dr. Rainer Nagel (Tübingen) What does the spectral theorem say? |
April 1+3, 2014 11-12:30, 14:30-16 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Maria Esteban (Uinversité Paris-Dauphine) Functional inequalities and the symmetry properties of the extremal functions |
Feb. 17-21, 2014 Mo-Fry 10:15 |
Tübingen N16 |
Dr. Volker Branding (Vienna University of Technology) Lecture Series:„Spinoren“ |
Jan. 28, 2014 Tuesday 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Andrej Junginger (Stuttgart) Variational approaches and normal form expansions for wave packet dynamics |
Jan. 27, 2014 Monday 16:30 |
Stuttgart 8.122 |
Prof. Heinz Siedentop (LMU) On a Generalization of Herbst's Generalized Hardy Inequality |
2013 | ||
Dez. 17, 2013 Tuesday 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Joachim Kerner (Stuttgart) On the dynamics of the polaron. |
Dez. 5, 2013 Thursday 16:00 |
Tübingen M1 |
Prof. George Bruun (Aarhus) Polarons, Dressed Molecules, and Itinerant Ferromagnetism in ultracold Fermi gases |
Nov. 21, 2013 Thursday 16:00 |
Tübingen M1 |
Gustavo de Oliveira (Bonn) Quantum dynamics of a particle constrained to lie on a surface |
Nov. 20, 2013 Wednesday 17:00 |
Stuttgart 57.01 |
Prof. Dr. Maria Esteban (Paris) Mathematics in Quantum Mechanics and its implications for science and technological innovations |
Nov. 19, 2013 Tuesday 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dipl. Phys. Niels Benedikter (Bonn) Mean-Field Evolution of Fermionic Systems |
Nov. 12, 2013 Tuesday 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
James Kennedy, Ph.D. (Stuttgart) Spektrale Abschaetzungen und asymptotisches Verhalten der Eigenwerte des Laplace-Operators auf Gebieten |
Nov. 7, 2013 Thursday 16:00 |
Tübingen N 14 |
Prof. Dr. Jens Bolte (Royal Holloway) Many-particle quantum systems on graphs and Bose-Einstein condensation |
Nov. 4, 2013 Tuesday 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Ioannis Anapolitanos (Stuttgart) Van der Waals interaction of two hydrogen atoms: Part II |
Oct. 31, 2013 Thursday 16:00 |
Tübingen | Prof. Dr. Anna Dall'Acqua (Ulm) Hartree-Fock theorie |
Oct. 22, 2013 Tuesday 10:00 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Dr. Ioannis Anapolitanos (Stuttgart) Van der Waals interaction of two hydrogen atoms: Part I |
Oct. 15, 2013 Tuesday 11:30 |
Stuttgart 8.526 |
Tobias Haas (Stuttgart) Perturbation theory for the ground state energy in non-relativistic QED |