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PhD graduates






Departments of Mathematics:

University of Stuttgart

University of Tübingen


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Summer 2018

Many-body Quantum Systems II

The lectures take place in Stuttgart  or Tübingen depending on the instructor.

Date Location Topic Instructor
April 27, 14:00
Tübingen, NN Inequalities and stability of matter Hainzl
May 18, 14:00
Tübingen, S10,  C-Bau, Ebene 6 Semiclassical analysis Teufel
May 28, 14:00 Stuttgart, 8.539 Local existence and uniqueness Schneider
May 30, 14:00 Stuttgart, 8.526 Dynamical systems and dynamical stability Schneider
June 5, 14:00
Tübingen, H2C14 (H-Bau, Eingangsebene) Numerical methods Lubich
June 14, 14:15
Tübingen, H2C14 (H-Bau, Eingangsebene) Dirac-Frenkel variational principle Lubich
Juni 15, 14:00
Tübingen, C6S10
C-Bau, Ebene 6
Adiabatic theorems Teufel

Fall/Winter 2017-2018

Many-body Quantum Systems I

The lectures take place in Stuttgart or Tübingen depending on the instructor.

Date Location Topic Instructor
Oct. 19, 11:00
Stuttgart, 8.526 Compact Operators, trace, Schatten classes etc Griesemer
Nov. 9, 10:30
Stuttgart 8.122 Self-adjointness, spectral theorem and all that Griesemer
Nov. 23, 9:30 Stuttgart 8.526 Schrödinger operators Griesemer
Dec. 7, 9:30 Stuttgart 8.526 Second quantization and all that Griesemer
Quadratic forms and spectral estimates
Jan. 31, 14:00 Tübingen N14 Mathematical structure of quantum theory Teufel
Feb. 7, 14:00 Tübingen N14 Quasi free states of fermions and BCS theory Hainzl

Recommended master level courses:

Summer 2017

Recommended master level courses:

  • Funktionenräume - PD Dr. Peter Lesky (Stuttgart)

Fall/Winter 2016-2017

Recommended master level courses:

  • Funktionalanalysis - Priv. Doz. Dr. Peter Lesky (Stuttgart)
  • Spektralabschätzungen in der Mathematischen Physik I - Prof. Dr. Timo Weidl (Stuttgart)
  • Asymptotische Analysis - Priv. Doz. Dr. Jens Wirth (Stuttgart)
  • Stochastische Prozesse 1 - Priv. Doz. Dr. Jürgen Dippon (Stuttgart)
  • Index-Theorie I - Prof. Uwe Semmelmann (Stuttgart)
  • Mathematische Physik: Klassische Mechanik - Dr. Stefan Keppeler (Tübingen)
  • Mathematische Physik: Statistische Mechanik - Prof.. Dr. Roderich Tumulka (Tübingen)

Summer 2016

Many-body Quantum Systems II

The lectures take place in Stuttgart (on Thursdays) or Tübingen (on Tuesdays) depending on the instructor.

Date Location Topic Instructor
April 22, 9:00
Tübingen, C6-S10 Inequalities and stability of matter Loss
April 29, 13:15
Tübingen, C6-S11 Semiclassical analysis Teufel
May 12, 10:00
Tübingen, C6-S11 Adiabatic theorems Teufel
June 10, 13:15 Stuttgart, 8.526 Local existence and uniqueness Schneider
June 17, 13:15 Stuttgart, 8.526 Dynamical systems and dynamical stability Schneider
July 19, 10:00 Tübingen, H2C14 Dirac-Frenkel variational principle Lubich
July 26, 10:00 Tübingen, N16 Numerical methods Lubich

Recommended master level courses:

    • Klassische Theorie partieller Differentialgleichungen - Priv. Doz. Dr. Jens Wirth (Stuttgart)

Fall / Winter 2015-2016

Topics in Analysis
Lecturer: Prof. Michael Loss

Starting Monday, October 12, 2015, 14:15
Room: H2C14 - University of Tübingen

Many-body Quantum Systems I

The lectures take place in Stuttgart or Tübingen depending on the instructor.

Date Location Topic Instructor
Oct. 13, 14:00
Stuttgart, 8.526 Compact Operators, trace, Schatten classes etc Griesemer
Nov 6, 14:00
Stuttgart, 8.539 Self-adjointness, spectral theorem and all that Griesemer
Nov. 24, 14:00 Stuttgart, 8.526 Schrödinger operators Griesemer
Nov. 27, 14:00 Stuttgart, 8.122 Quadratic forms and spectral estimates Weidl
Dec. 8, 14:00
Stuttgart, 8.526 Second quantization and all that Griesemer
Jan. 22, 10:00 Tübingen, S 9 Mathematical structure of quantum theory Teufel
Feb. 5, 12:30 Tübingen, S 9 Quasi free states of fermions and BCS theory Hainzl

Recommended master level courses:

  • Nichtlineare Partielle Differentialgleichungen - Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wolf-Patrick Düll (Stuttgart)
  • Funktionalanalysis - Prof. Dr. Guido Schneider (Stuttgart)
  • Klassische Theorie partieller Differentialgleichungen - Priv. Doz. Dr. Jens Wirth (Stuttgart)
  • Spektraltheorie - Prof. Dr. Timo Weidl (Stuttgart)
  • Mathematische Physik: Klassische Mechanik - Prof. Dr. Stefan Teufel (Tübingen)
  • Bohmsche Mechanik - Prof. Dr. Stefan Teufel (Universität Tübingen)
  • Operatoralgebren  - Prof. Dr. Ulrich Groh (Tübingen)
  • Funktionalanalysis - Prof. Dr. Rainer Nagel (Tübingen)

Summer 2015

Recommended master level courses:

  • Funktionenräume  - Prof. Dr. Marcel Griesemer (Stuttgart)
  • Funktionalanalysis 2 - Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wolf-Patrick Düll (Stuttgart)
  • Stochastische Prozesse 2 - Prof. Dr. Uta Freiberg (Stuttgart)

Fall / Winter 2014-2015

Recommended master level courses:

  • Dispersive und Diffuse Dynamik - Prof. Dr. Guido Schneider (Stuttgart)
  • Harmonische Analysis  - Priv. Doz. Dr. Jens Wirth (Stuttgart)
  • Einführung in die Nichtlineare Funktionalanalysis - Priv. Doz. Dr. Ruben Jakob (Tübingen)
  • Lineare Partielle Differentialgleichungen - Prof. Dr. Rainer Schätzle (Tübingen)

Summer 2014

Many-body Quantum Systems II

The lectures take place in Stuttgart (on Thursdays) or Tübingen (on Tuesdays) depending on the instructor.

Date Location Topic Instructor
Apr. 15, 14:00 Tübingen, D4H07 Inequalities and stability of matter Hainzl
Apr. 29, 14:00 Tübingen, D4H07 Semiclassical analysis Teufel
May 13, 14:00 Tübingen, D4H07 Adiabatic theorems Teufel
May 27, 14:00 Tübingen, C5S06 Dirac-Frenkel variational principle Lubich
June 26,13:00 Stuttgart, 8.122 Local existence and uniqueness Schneider
July 3, 14:00 Stuttgart, 8.122 Dynamical systems and dynamical stability Schneider
July 15, 14:00 Tübingen, C5S06 Numerical methods Lubich

Recommended master level courses:

  • Mathematische Methoden der Quantenmechanik (Stuttgart)

Fall / Winter 2013-2014

Many-body Quantum Systems I

The lectures take place in Stuttgart or Tübingen depending on the instructor.

Date Location Topic Instructor
Oct. 22, 14:00 Stuttgart, 8.526 Compact Operators, trace, Schatten classes etc. Griesemer
Nov. 5, 14:00 Stuttgart, 8.526 Self-adjointness, spectral theorem and all that Griesemer
Nov. 20, 11:30 Stuttgart, 8.122 Quadratic forms and spectral estimates Weidl
Dec. 3, 14:00 Stuttgart, 8.526 Schrödinger operators Griesemer
Dec. 17, 14:00 Stuttgart, 8.526 Second quantization and all that Griesemer
Jan. 15, 14:00 Tübingen, M1 Mathematical structure of quantum theory Teufel
Jan. 28, 14:00 Tübingen, M1 Quasi free states of fermions and BCS theory Hainzl

Recommended master level courses:

  • Unendlichdimensionale Dynamische Systeme (Stuttgart)
  • Funktionalanalysis (Stuttgart)
  • Spektraltheorie (Stuttgart)
  • Mathematische Physik:Quantenmechanik (Tübingen)