Information Day for Female Students 2016
On January 15, 2016 the third PhD information day for female students took place at the University of Tübingen. We informed about the pros and cons of pursuing a PhD in mathematics in general and about the PhD program of the research training group in particular. Prof. Stefan Teufel reported about present research activities and Prof. Carla Cederbaum (Universität Tübingen) gave an inspiring talk about "Wie viel klassische Mechanik steckt in der Allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie?". Last but not least, two PhD students, Johanna Richter and Ulrich Linden shared with us pictures and cultural experiences from their research stays in Pasadena (USA) and Kopenhagen (Denmark), respectively.
Photo: (right to left)
Researchers of GRK 1838 Prof. Stefan Teufel and Prof. Christian Hainzl,
Guest lecturer Prof. Carla Cederbaum,
some participans of the Information Day 2016