Matthew Pressland
Contact Details
E-mail addresses: matthew dot pressland at glasgow dot ac dot uk mdpressland at bath dot edu presslmw at mathematik dot uni-stuttgart dot de | Postal address: Dr. Matthew D. Pressland School of Mathematics & Statistics University of Glasgow Glasgow G12 8QQ United Kingdom |
About Me
I am a temporary lecturer and EPSRC postdoctoral fellow at the University of Glasgow, studying dimer models with boundary. My research focuses on representation theory, cluster algebras and geometry.
I previously held a position in Steffen Koenig's group at the Institut für Algebra und Zahlentheorie at Universität Stuttgart, was a postdoctoral fellow at the Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik, and was a PhD student at the University of Bath, advised by Alastair King. I have also spent two months as a guest of Henning Krause's BIREP group at Universität Bielefeld.
Myself, Karin Baur and Eleonore Faber are organising a workshop on singularities, friezes and cluster categories in Leeds, postponed for the time being due to COVID-19.
Together with Hicran Dursun, Anne Henke, Steffen Koenig, Frederik Marks and Alexandra Zvonareva, I was a local organiser for a summer school and conference on silting theory in Stuttgart in summer 2019.
I am one of the administrators of the FDLIST, a mailing list and community for representation theorists with an interest in finite-dimensional algebras, and in particular maintain the list of workshops, conferences and seminars.
More information about my research and teaching can be found by following the links on the left. Some of this information is summarised in my CV (although this will often be out of date).
See also
- A list of my papers on arXiv.
- My Google Scholar, MathSciNet, ORCID and zbMATH pages.
- My ResearchGate profile.