Combinatorial numbers and Egorychev method
These are binomial coefficients, Stirling numbers, Catalan numbers,
Harmonic numbers, Eulerian numbers and Bernoulli numbers, as in
the book Integral representation and the Computation of
Combinatorial Sums by G. P. Egorychev.
The collection including a list of all identities proved is available
here (part 1 and 2, formal power series and residue operators):
and here (part 3, complex variables)
This includes a number of identities from
H.W. Gould's book Combinatorial identities
as well as L. Saalschütz's book on Bernoulli numbers.
We now have a new section as of March 2023 "computer search" which
includes hypergeometric identities that can prove challenging even
for computer algebra systems, such as
As of January 2024 "computer search" continues with rare identities
such as (the 42 identity)
also featuring Narayana and Catalan numbers. These computer identities
have ranges of validity (boundary conditions) which are documented in
the text. These are in chronological order so that the most recent
work is at the end.
Here are the slides from Hosam Mahmoud's talk on Egorychev method
at Catholic University on November 9, 2022:
History and examples of
Egorychev method.
The 2023 paper "Egorychev method: a hidden treasure" by Riedel and
Mahmoud is at the following
Springer link.
My home page is here.
A MathJax version of this list can be
found here.
This is the list of identities in the above document, including
links to the posts where they first appeared.
Part 1 and 2
Egorychev method in formal power series
MSE 2384932
MSE 2472978
MSE 2719320
MSE 2830860
MSE 2904333
MSE 2950043
MSE 3049572
MSE 3051713
MSE 3068381
MSE 3138710
MSE 3196998
MSE 3245099
MSE 3260307
MSE 3285142
MSE 3333597
MSE 3342361
MSE 3383557
MSE 3441855
MSE 3577193
MSE 3583191
MSE 3592240
MSE 3604802
MSE 3619182
MSE 3638162
MSE 3661349
MSE 3706767
MSE 3737197
MSE 3825092
MSE 3845061
MSE 3885278
MSE 3559223
MSE 3926409
MSE 3942039
MSE 3956698
MSE 3993530
MSE 4008277
MSE 4031272 (Li Shanlan identity)
MSE 4034224 (Eulerian numbers, Stirling numbers first and second
MSE 4037172 (Eulerian numbers, associated Stirling numbers first and
second kind)
MSE 4037946 (Eulerian numbers, associated Stirling numbers first and
second kind)
MSE 4055292
MSE 4054024
MSE 4084763
MSE 4095795
MSE 4098492
MSE 4127695
MSE 4131219
MSE 4139722
MSE 4192271
MSE 4212878
- A different obstacle from Concrete Mathematics by Knuth,
Graham, and Patashnik
MO 291738 (not quite the same as previous)
- A Stirling number identity by Gould
- A Stirling number identity by Gould II
- Schläfli's identity for Stirling numbers
- Stirling numbers and Faulhaber's formula
- Stirling numbers and binomial coefficient
- Stirling numbers and a double binomial coefficient
- Stirling numbers and a double binomial coefficient II
- Stirling numbers and Bernoulli polynomials
- Central binomial coefficients and Stirling numbers
- Single variable monomial and two binomial coefficients
- Use of an Iverson bracket
- Use of an Iverson bracket II
- Use of an Iverson bracket III
- Basic example
- Basic example continued
- An identity by Erik Sparre Andersen
- Very basic example
- An identity by Karl Goldberg
- Sum producing a square root
- Sum producing a square root II
- Use of an Iverson bracket IV
- Binomial coefficient manipulation
- Four binomial sums
- Power term and two binomial coefficients
- Use of an Iverson bracket V
- Use of an Iverson bracket VI
- Appearance of the constants three and five
- Generating function of a binomial term
- Double square root
- Central Delannoy numbers
- A case of factorization
- Two identities due to Grosswald
- Appearance of the constant three
- Very basic example
- Very basic example II
- Nested square root
- Harmonic numbers and a squared binomial coefficient
- Harmonic numbers and a double binomial coefficient
- Two instances of a Harmonic number
- Legendre Polynomials
- Legendre Polynomials and a square root
- Legendre Polynomials and a double square root
MSE 4304623
- Legendre Polynomials, trigonometric terms
and a contour integral
- Sum independent of a variable
- Polynomial in three variables
- An identity by Van der Corput
MSE 4316037 Logarithm, binomial coefficient and
harmonic numbers
- An identity credited to Chung
MSE 4317353 A Catalan number convolution
- Odd index binomial coefficients
MSE 4325592 A sum of inverse binomial coefficients
- Inverted sum index
MSE 4351714 A Catalan number recurrence
- An identity by Graham and Riordan
- Square root term
- An identity by Machover and Gould
- Moriarty identity by H.T.Davis et al.
- Inverse Moriarty identity by Marcia Ascher.
- Moriarty identity by Egorychev.
MSE 4462359 Two binomial coefficients
- Polynomial identity
- Polynomial identity II
- Worpitzky-Nielsen series
MSE 4517120 A sum of inverse binomial coefficients
MSE 4520057 Symmetric Bernoulli number
- Polynomial identity III
- Polynomial identity IV
MSE 4540192 Symmetry in a simple proof
- Free functional term
MSE 4547110 Inverse central binomial coefficient
MSE 1402886 Inverse binomial coefficient
MSE 4552694 A pair of binomial transforms
- Polynomial with inverse binomial coefficients
- Harmonic numbers with inverse binomial coefficients
- Simon's identity
- Identity from Abramowitz and Stegun / Schläfli's
- Bernoulli / Stirling number identity
- Recurrence relation from DLMF
- Bernoulli, Fibonacci and Lucas numbers
- Bernoulli / exponential convolution
- Bernoulli identity by Munch
- Bernoulli identity by Kronecker
- Computing Bernoulli numbers
From the Saalschütz text
- Bernoulli numbers I
- Bernoulli numbers II
- Bernoulli numbers III
- Bernoulli numbers IV
- Bernoulli and Eulerian numbers I
- Bernoulli and Eulerian numbers II
- Bernoulli numbers V
- Bernoulli numbers and roots of unity
- Worpitzky's identity
MSE 4627726: Quadruple binomial coefficient
MSE 4627918: Alternating power sum
MSE 4227433: Squared power sum
MSE 4428892: Ordinary power sum
MSE 3932757: Stirling numbers and a tree-function like term
MSE 4641290: A vanishing variable
MSE 4644963: From trigonometric to rational
MSE 4657112: Triple combinatorial numbers to
Computer search
MSE 4667102: Two different representations of a coefficient
MSE 4675665: Rational term of constant degree
MSE 4666141: Double square root
MSE 4699857: Four auxiliary variables
MSE 4703564: A family of odd polynomials
MSE 4713851: A sum with a zero value
MSE 4722503: Euler numbers and Stirling numbers
MSE 495371: Even-index binomial
coefficient convolution
MSE 4731417: Kravchuk polynomials
MSE 4762542: Binomial-Bernoulli convolution
MSE 4774167 : Two probabilities
MSE 4791957 : Motzkin numbers
MSE 4821034 : An inverse binomial coefficient
MSE 4830342 : Euler numbers, Stirling numbers and Touchard
MSE 4832009 : A triple binomial
MSE 4843051 : Double sum with an absolute value
MSE 4850609 :Inverse central binomial coefficient in sum
Computer search II
MSE 4902676: Inverse central binomial coefficient

MSE 4906245: Another inverse binomial coefficient

- Quadruple hypergeometric with an inverse
binomial coefficient
- Quadruple hypergeometric with two inverse
binomial coefficients
MSE 4949815: Inverse binomial coefficient with harmonic numbers

MSE 4960823: Binomial coefficient scaled power sum

4964157: Two central binomial coefficients and a fractional

4976413: Riordan number asymptotics from central trinomial

4980771: Polynomials and the residue at infinity

4980771: Kravchuk polynomial and Vandermonde convolution

5003960: A sum of a certain hypergeometric term

5010757: Triple hypergeometric with two square root terms

4989609: An inverse binomial coefficient

- Both types of Stirling numbers and the logarithm identity
5030526: A triple sum identity

Part 3
Egorychev method in complex variables
- Introductory
example for the method

- Introductory
example for the method, convergence about zero

- Introductory
example for the method, an interesting substitution

- Introductory
example for the method, another interesting substitution

- Introductory
example for the method, yet another interesting substitution

- Using
an Iverson bracket only

- Verifying
that a certain sum vanishes

- A case
of radical cancellation

- Basic
usage of exponentiation integral

- Introductory
example for the method, eliminating odd-even dependence

- Introductory
example for the method, proving equality of two double

- A
remarkable case of factorization

- Evaluating
a quadruple hypergeometric

- An
integral representation of a binomial coefficient involving the floor

- Evaluating
another quadruple hypergeometric

- An
identity by Strehl

- Shifting
the index variable and applying Leibniz' rule

- Working
with negative indices

- Two
companion identities by Gould

- Exercise
1.3 from Stanley's Enumerative Combinatorics

- Counting

- Method
applied to an iterated sum

- A pair
of two double hypergeometrics

- A two
phase application of the method

- An
identity from Mathematical Reflections

- A triple
Fibonacci-binomial coefficient convolution

- Fibonacci
numbers and the residue at infinity

- Permutations
containing a given subsequence

- An
example of Lagrange inversion

- A
binomial coefficient - Catalan number convolution

- A new obstacle from Concrete Mathematics

- Abel-Aigner
identity from Table 202 of Concrete Mathematics

- Reducing
the form of a double hypergeometric

- Basic
usage of the Iverson bracket

- Basic
usage of the Iverson bracket II

- Use of
a double Iverson bracket

- Iverson
bracket and an identity by Gosper, generalized

- Factoring
a triple hypergeometric sum

- Factoring
a triple hypergeometric sum II

- Factoring
a triple hypergeometric sum III

- A
triple hypergeometric sum IV

- Basic
usage of exponentiation integral to obtain Stirling number

- Three
phase application including Leibniz' rule

- Symmetry
of the Euler-Frobenius coefficient

- A
probability distribution with two parameters

- An
identity involving Narayana numbers

- Convolution
of Narayana polynomials

- A
property of Legendre polynomials

- A sum
of factorials, OGF and EGF of the Stirling numbers of the second

- Fibonacci,
Tribonacci, Tetranacci

- Stirling
numbers of two kinds, binomial coefficients

- An
identity involving involving two binomial coefficients and a
fractional term

- Double
chain of a total of three integrals

- Rothe-Hagen

- Abel
polynomials are of binomial type

- A
summation identity with four poles

- A
summation identity over odd indices with a branch cut

- A
Stirling-number identity

- A
Catalan-Central binomial coefficient convolution

Post Scriptum section
- A
trigonometric sum

- A
class of polynomials similar to Fibonacci and Lucas

Partial row sums in Pascal's triangle

- The
tree function and Eulerian numbers of the second order

- A
Stirling set number generating function and Eulerian numbers of the
second order

A Stirling
cycle number generating function and Eulerian numbers of the second
order (II)

- Another
case of factorization

- An
additional case of factorization

- Contours
and a binomial square root

- A
careful examination of contours

- Stirling numbers, Bernoulli numbers and Catalan
numbers from Concrete Mathematics by Graham, Knuth and

- Transforming
an OGF into an EGF

- Stirling numbers of the first and second kind

- An identity by Carlitz

- Logarithm
of the Catalan number OGF

- A Bernoulli / Stirling number identity

- Formal
power series vs contour integration

- A sum
of the derivatives of inverse powers

Computer search III