Main Speakers:
Virginie Bonnaillie-Noël |
Ground state energy of the magnetic Laplacian on corner domains |
Jean Dolbeault |
Symmetrization based on entropy methods and nonlinear flows |
Rupert Frank |
A non-linear adiabatic theorem for the one-dimensional Landau-Pekar system |
Jürg Fröhlich |
Quantum Dynamics of Systems Under Repeated Observation |
Fritz Gesztesy |
On factorizations of differential operators and Hardy-Rellich-type inequalities |
Daniel Grieser |
The spectrum of the Laplacian on polygonal domains |
Hynek Kovařík |
On the first eigenvalue of the p-Laplacian with Robin boundary conditions |
David Krejčiřík |
Absence of eigenvalues of Schrödinger operators with complex potentials |
Katya Krupchyk |
L^p resolvent estimates for elliptic operators on compact manifolds and applications |
Richard Laugesen |
Asymptotically optimal shapes: drums with least n-th frequency, and generalized ellipses enclosing most lattice points |
Enno Lenzmann |
Spectral problems for half-harmonic maps |
Douglas Lundholm |
A Thomas-Fermi model for magnetically self-interacting bosons |
Jacob Schach Møller |
The discrete Laplacian: A Bessel function approach |
Phan Thành Nam |
Binding energy of weakly interacting Bose gases |
Stéphane Nonnenmacher |
Spectral correlations for randomly perturbed nonselfadjoint operators |
Stefano Olla |
Entropic hypocoercivity and hydrodynamic limits |
Gianluca Panati |
The Localization Dichotomy for gapped periodic quantum systems |
Marcello Porta |
Mean field evolution of fermionic systems |
Renato Renner |
The quantum conditional mutual information |
Simona Rota Nodari |
Orbital stability in Hamiltonian PDEs with symmetries |
Nicolas Rougerie |
Localized Regime for Mean-Field Bosons in a Double-Well Potential |
Benjamin Schlein |
Condensation and Excitation Spectrum of Bose Gases |
Heinz Siedentop |
From Excess Charge of Atoms to Blow-Up of the Patlak-Keller-Segel System |
Rafael Tiedra de Aldecoa |
Spectral analysis of quantum walks with an anisotropic coin |
Laurent Thomann |
On the Lowest Landau Level equation |
Anna Vershynina |
Quantum analogues of geometric inequalities in Information Theory |
Simone Warzel |
Low-energy Fock-space localization for attractive hard-core particles in disorder |