Contributed Talks:
Titel and Abstract:
Sabine Bögli |
Schrödinger operator with non-zero accumulation points of complex eigenvalues |
Magda Khalile |
Eigenvalues of a Robin Laplacian on infinite sectors |
Alissa Geisinger |
Persistence of Translational Symmetry in the BCS Model with radial pair interaction |
Niels Benedikter |
On the Geometric Approach to Effective Evolution Equations |
Marco Falconi |
External Potentials Generated by the Interaction with a Semiclassical Field |
Hans- Konrad Knörr |
On the adiabatic theorem when eigenvalues dive into the continuum |
Poster Session:
Poster Presentation: Tuesday, April 4 and Thursday, April 6 at 14 - 14:30 Uhr - Meetingroom 38.03
Titel of Poster:
Hanne van den Bosch |
Spectral gaps of Dirac operators for graphene quantum dots |
Emanuela Laura Giacomelli |
Surface Superconductivity in Presence of Corners |
Daniele Dimonte |
Vortices Dynamics in a Bose-Einstein Condensate starting from the Many Body Theory |
Per von Soosten |
Optimal Stability under Dyson Brownian Motion |
Giulia Basti |
Efimov effect for a three-particle system with two identical fermions |
Maximilian Duell |
Scattering of Atoms in Relativistic QED without Herbst-type Spectral Conditions |
Lucrezia Cossetti |
Spectral stability of Lamé operators with subordinated complex potentials |
Andreas Deuchert |
A lower bound for the BCS functional with boundary conditions at infinity |
Malte Behr |
Singularities of the wave trace for manifolds with gliding rays |
Thomas Moser |
Stability of a fermionic N+1 particle system with point interactions |
Scientific Programm and Abstracts (PDF)