Math Stackexchange Posts
My home page is
My home page at MSE is
The OEIS played an essential part in
many of these computations.
Mellin transform computations
- A sum
formula by Hardy and Ramanujan
- A sum
formula by Cauchy and Ramanujan
- A
transform with remarkable symmetries
- Mellin Transform
- Working
with divergent Mellin Transforms
Asymptotics of $\sum_{k=1}^n \sqrt[4]{k}$
Asymptotics of $\sum_{k=1}^{n-1} k^a$
- Plouffe,
Apery and Mellin
- A
functional equation relating two harmonic sums
Functional equation of the Hurwitz Zeta function
Two contrasting examples of fixed point scenarios
- Another
divergent Mellin transform
- Making
effective use of the fixed points of a functional equation to
evaluate a sum by Ramanujan
Double Bernoulli number
The collection is available here:
Not using the functional equation:
- A
Perron type formula
Polya and Burnside enumeration
Burnside lemma for orbital chromatic polynomials
Burnside lemma for K_n with an edge removed
Edge colorings of the n-dimensional cube
Enumerating binary matrices with the symmetric group acting on
the rows and the cyclic group on the columns
Enumerating binary matrices with the symmetric group acting on
the rows and the symmetric group on the columns
Equivalence classes of matrices under row and column
Multisets of multisets from a given range with a repeated
Proper colorings of necklaces under rotational symmetry
(adjacent slots receive different colors)
Proper colorings of bracelets under rotational/reflectional
(adjacent slots receive different colors)
Coloring bracelets properly, generating functions
Enumerating non-isomorphic graphs
Enumerating non-isomorphic
graphs, optimized
Enumerating non-isomorphic graphs with self-loops
Counting two-colorings of full rooted unordered binary trees
(child nodes may be swapped)
Burnside and PET when all elements of the repertoire must be
present at least once (Stirling numbers)
Polya enumeration, multplicative partitions of products of primes
and Stirling numbers of the second kind
Using the exponential formula to factor a simple
Necklaces with the forbidden pattern 110
Primitive necklaces, the general number-theoretic
Bracelet with two pairs of N colors
A kind of set cover
A kind of set cover II
Strict partitions of fixed size with the set operator
Strict partitions of fixed size with the set operator, II
Coloring a board with toroidal symmetry
Fact sheet for necklaces and
Coloring edges and vertices of necklaces and
bracelets simultaneously
Non-isomorphic bipartite graphs
Full symmetry of the cube (faces)
- Binary
necklaces with minimum maximum run length for black
- Binary
n X n X n tensor under rotational symmetry (cube)
Simultaneously coloring faces, vertices and edges of the cube
There is a list of Polya / Burnside topics at
MSE Meta.
Probability that a subset of k elements of [n] sums to a
multiple of n
Probability that a subset of n elements of [kn] sums to a
multiple of n
Probability that a multiset of k elements drawn from [n] sums to a
multiple of n
Generic algorithm for counting subsets of n elements of
[q] whose sum is divisible by some k
Symmetric polynomials
Unordered trees by leaves with outdegree at least two
Inequivalent colorings of a 2xN board under permutations of rows
and columns
The collection is available here:
Graphical enumeration
Enumerating labeled connected graphs
Enumerating labeled connected graphs by components
Enumerating labeled graphs with no endpoints
Enumerating unlabeled connected graphs
Cycle indices evaluated at harmonic numbers
Cycle index of the set operator, harmonic numbers and Stirling
numbers of the first kind
Cycle index of the multiset operator, harmonic numbers and complete
exponential Bell polynomials
Complex integration / contour integration
- Branches
of the logarithm
Recursively computing logarithmic integrals
Recursively computing logarithmic integrals, part two, a closed form
Replacing a branch of the logarithm in a CAS
Exercising complex algebra to compute a polyvalent trigonometric
Exploiting the symmetry of a set of double poles to simplify
computation of the residue
Exploiting the symmetry of a set of double poles to simplify
computation of the residue II, somewhat more
Consistency in employing the chosen branch of the logarithm
Another complex integration applied to a trigonometric integral
Two branches of the logarithm
Two branches of the logarithm, second example
Two branches of the logarithm, third example
Two branches of the logarithm, fourth example
Two branches of the logarithm, computing an expansion at
A trigonometric sum
A parameterized integral cincluding a logarithm
A mixed integral including a square root
A mixed integral including a square root and a logarithm
A mixed integral including a trigonometric and a rational
Complex integration / cotangent multiplier and infinite
- The
trick with the $\pi\cot(\pi z)$ multiplier
- The
trick with the $\pi\cot(\pi z)$ multiplier II
- The
trick with the $\pi\cot(\pi z)$ multiplier III
Complex trigonometric integrals / contour integration
- A
trigonometric integral with three parameters
- Another
trigonometric integral with three parameters
- A
trigonometric integral with two parameters
Deformation of a standard trigonometric integral
A trigonometric integral with high order poles
Simple form of a beta-function type integral
Master theorem computations
- Bold challenge to the Master
- Even bolder challenge to the Master
- More Master Theorem
Another Master Theorem computation
Master Theorem computation that produces a logarithmic factor
Master Theorem computation with Fibonacci numbers and the golden
A recurrence in two terms with considerable simplification
Faulhaber's formula
- Faulhaber's
- Alternate
formulation of Faulhaber's formula in terms of Stirling numbers
- An
identity relating to Faulhaber's formula
- A
generalized form of Fauhlhaber's formula
- Another
identity relating to Faulhaber's formula
- Another
identity relating to Faulhaber's formula (falling
Random permutations
Permutations of order two
Permutations of order k
- Fixed
points in permutations raised to a power
Permutations of odd order
- Trivariate
permutation generating function
Permutation generating function by total number of cycles and
fixed points
Stirling numbers
- Stirling
numbers, Eulerian numbers and a weighted power sum
- Stirling
numbers and Lah numbers, combinatorial classes
- Double
Stirling number convolution
- Barnes
integral, Stirling numbers and coefficient
Computing upper Stirling numbers in terms of Ward numbers
Double Stirling Number Identity
- Annihilated
coefficient extractors (ACE) and Stirling numbers
- Exponential
Generating Functions for Stirling numbers
Complex integration formula for converting an OGF into an EGF
- Stirling
number convolution with Bernoulli numbers
- Closed
form in terms of Stirling numbers of a binomial coefficient /
integer power convolution
- Closed
form in terms of Stirling numbers of a binomial coefficient /
integer power convolution II
Convolution of the two types of Stirling numbers
Stirling numbers of the first kind and the OGF of the cycle index
of the symmetric group
Stirling numbers of the first kind and permutations with two
fixed points and five cycles total
Stirling numbers of the second kind and a partial fraction
Stirling numbers of the second kind and a binomial sum
Stirling numbers of the second kind and a hypergeometric sum
- Expected
number of empty boxes in a balls into boxes problem (Stirling
- Expected
number of balls having at least one comrade in a balls into boxes
problem. (Modified Stirling numbers.)
Saddle point method applied to a Stirling number sum.
An intriguing Stirling number sum.
Coupon collector by Stirling numbers
Stirling numbers of the second kind and the coupon collector
problem (ACE technique)
Stirling numbers of the second kind and the coupon collector
problem (ACE technique), part two
Stirling numbers of the second kind and the coupon collector
problem (ACE technique), part three, expected number of
Investigating a coupon collector statistic (T-choose-Q with T
number of steps and Q the different coupons present in the first j
Drawing coupons in packets of q unique coupons
Drawing coupons until at least j instances of each type are
Drawing coupons until at least 2 instances of each type are
seen, with n' types already collected
Drawing coupons until one instances of each type is
seen, with n' types already collected
Expected time until the first k coupons where k <= n have been
Drawing coupons of n types with j instances of each type without
Drawing coupons of n types with j instances of each type without
replacement, fixed number of draws, number of types seen
Drawing coupons of n types with j instances of each type until all
of one type is seen, without replacement
Drawing coupons of n types with j instances of each type until two
of one type is seen, without replacement
Sum of coupon values when drawing coupons of n+1 types j with
n-choose-j instances of each type without replacement
- Number
of tuples of some size present on completion with
The collection is available here:
Closely related:
Sampling D values without replacement once from G groups of X alike
values and seeing N different values
Balls and bins with exponential generating functions
Balls and bins with variable number of bins being drawn
Balls and bins where a specific configuration occurs
One bin of size k
Expected number of bins of size larger than k.
No singletons in bins.
Conditional expectations of number of singletons.
Eulerian numbers
- Double
Annihilated coefficient extractor (ACE) and Eulerian numbers
- Tricky
Eulerian number - polylog identity
Identity relating Catalan numbers, Bernoulli numbers, Eulerian
numbers and a counterpart of the Leibniz harmonic triangle
Principle of Inclusion-Exclusion (PIE)
Matrices that do not share rows or columns with a template
Generating functions as a refinement of cardinalities, applied
to subsets of a set appearing
Permutations with no two consecutive entries (successor)
Circular permutations of multisets with no consecutive blocks
containing all instances of one type
A very simple balls-and-bins probability
Drawing a sample from a multiset of colors without replacement,
probability all colors are present
Stirling numbers with no two consecutive values in the same subset
Permutations of colored balls with restrictions
Permutations of [n] with k m-cycles
Labeled trees with k leaves
Lagrange inversion by residues
- Tree
enumeration by Lagrange Inversion A
- Tree
enumeration by Lagrange Inversion B
- Tree
enumeration by Lagrange Inversion C, two variables (rooted
labeled trees on n nodes by the number of leaves)
- Tree
enumeration by Lagrange Inversion CC, two variables (rooted
ordered trees on n nodes by the number of leaves)
- Tree
enumeration by Lagrange Inversion D, two variables
- A
D-ary and D-regular trees
Inverting a series to produce C(an,n)/a/n
Rolling dice and exponential generating functions
Expected value of the number of appearances of the face that
ocurred most frequently
Average ratio of most frequent to least frequent
Number of distinct outcomes
Roll dice, sort, ask about the probability of a value appearing
at a given position
Number of faces that occured once
Rolling a die some number of times and observing a certain number of
values occur a certain number of times
Rolling a die while the values are non-decreasing, points are sum of
all values seen
Rolling dice and ordinary generating functions
Rolling a die some number of times and observing the number of
alternations between odd and even values
Rolling a die some number of times until a value has appeared k
times in a row
Q-binomial identities
Two q-binomial identities
Combinatorial sums and the Egorychev method
This has its own page.
These two links point to a curious
These links are Egorychev-type computations which are not by me /
involved significant external input:
Closely related
Using combstruct to enumerate trees
- A
parity bias for trees
- Number
of nodes with even offspring
- Trees
with odd degree sequence
- Average
depth of a leaf in an ordered binary tree
- Ordered
trees classified by the number of leaves, Catalan numbers, I
- Ordered
trees classified by the number of leaves, Catalan numbers, II
- A
class of ordered binary trees classified by the number of
leaves, Catalan numbers
Expected degree of the root in Cayley and Catalan trees
Internal path length in Cayley trees
Does not use combstruct directly but is closely related:
- Random
Mapping Statistics (cycle size and tail length)
- Random
Mapping Statistics (Pusieux series, acyclic graphs and connected
- Unlabeled
trees branching into three-node leaves or sequences of at least
two subtrees
- Random
Mapping Statistics for f(f(x)) = f(f(f(x)))
- Number
of labelled trees on n vertices containing a fixed
- Counting
labelled trees on n vertices by the number of leaves
- Number
of labelled trees on n vertices containing 2 fixed non-adjacent
Asymptotics of a sum using singulariy analysis on rational function
of the tree function
- Labeled
unrooted trees with node degree one or three
- Labeled
unrooted trees with odd node degree
- Labeled
unrooted trees with odd node degree, simplified version
- Labeled
unrooted trees with unique vertex degree except for leaves
- Average
depth of a leaf in a binary tree
- Unlabeled
directed acyclic graphs with indegree at most one by PET
Enumerating labeled and unlabeled trees of some height h, species and
- Two
recurrences for the number of unlabeled trees
- Unicyclic
connected graphs, labeled and unlabeled
- Trees
of maximum degree three, with three vertices of degree three,
labeled and unlabeled (NAUTY, Eiffel gadget)
- 2-regular
graphs, labeled
Analytic combinatorics
Probability that no couple sits together in a circle
(inclusion-exclusion, Laplace's method)
Asymptotics of tree statistics for random mappings using Pusieux
Asymptotics of tree statistics for random mappings using Pusieux
expansion, tail length plus cycle size
Power Group Enumeration
- Power
Group Enumeration with two instances of the symmetric group by
(canonical example)
Counting colored bicliques
- Power
Group Enumeration with to count necklaces with swappable colors
Burnside (canonical example)
Burnside lemma on non-isomorphic binary structures
(canonical example)
- Power
Group Enumeration of boolean functions under permutation and / or
complementation of inputs and complementation of outputs
- Power
Group Enumeration and Bell numbers
- Enumerating
hexagonal tiles by Power Group Enumeration and
- Counting
binary structures
Primitive necklaces, the Mobius function, and Power Group Enumeration
- Edge
colorings of the cube and Power Group Enumeration, first
- Edge
colorings of the cube and Power Group Enumeration, optimized
- Face
colorings of the cube and Power Group Enumeration
- Counting
functions by Simultaneous Power Group Enumeration
- Subsets
of a standard 52 card deck wrt. suit permutation
(canonical example)
Stirling numbers and Power Group Enumeration
Binary matrices with a fixed number of ones per column under row
and column permutations
Sets of lottery tickets wrt. permutations of the values by the
symmetric group
Multisets of n permutations of [n] with the symmetric group acting on
the permutation elements
Colorings with interchangeable colors of an N by N square under
rotations and reflections
Coloring an N by M square wrt row and column permutations by the
symmetric group with the column permutations also acting on the
- Set
partitions of unique elements from an n-by-m matrix where elements
from the same row may not be in the same partition
Number of sets of sequences of total length n over an alphabet of
n letters with the symmetric group acting on the letters.
- Stirling
numbers, the partition function, and multisets
Coloring bracelets with swappable colors, generating functions
Partitions of the multiset [1,1,2,2,...,n,n] into k submultisets
Bracelets containing k instances each of n swappable colors
Coloring the complete graph with swappable colors under graph
Coin flips
Probability of seeing t consecutive tails before h
consecutive heads from a fair coin (generating functions).
Expected number of coin flips of a biased coin until n
consecutive equal outcomes appear (generating functions).
Expected number of parallel coin flips of n biased coins until
every coin shows heads at least once.
generatingfunctionology by H. Wilf
Solving problem 1.20 on binary strings with restrictions on run
Solving problem 2.25 on counting a type of colored
Asymptotics of central Delannoy numbers.
Counting 2-regular labeled graphs.
Asymptotics of Schroeder numbers / super Catalan numbers.
Peter Luschny's math
- The
P-Transform produces Lah numbers and Stirling set / cycle numbers.
Combinatorics on words
Number of binary strings with an even number of adjacent ones
Words with at least one run of some length
Asymptotics of a certain type of Smirnov words
Runs of bounded length in the rolls of a generic die
Expected number of runs of heads of length exactly k in a binary
string of length n.
A Bell number identity
Multiple residues in a combinatorial sum
Multiple residues in a combinatorial sum (II)
Generalizing Catalan numbers
Permutations that don't contain adjacent (q,q+1)
Recurrence for number of partitions into distinct parts
A Bernoulli number identity proved with complex variables
Generalizing Stirling numbers
Divergent series magic.
An argument on a restricted Euler totient from basic number
Aces first set after drawing k cards from a standard
Generalization of a well-known combinatorial identity.
Subsets not containing three consecutive elements (rational
generating functions).
- A Perl
script to generate Huffman codes.
- A
tricky digital sum in base 10
Expected maximum run length (consecutive elements) in a random subset
of m elements chosen from a total of n.
Rouche's theorem and Newton's method applied to forbidden
Translating a complicated regular expression for a language of ternary
strings into a rational generating function.
Expected number of women next to at least one man in a seating
arrangement of n men and n women.
A tough combinatorial identity
A curious digital sum
First seeing k equal consecutive outcomes when sampling from m
equally likely ones
Justifying the multiplication of two binomials with noninteger
exponents using a formal power series argument
Two rounds of distributing n balls into 2n boxes with at most one ball
per box during a round
A somewhat unusual generating function from a Putnam problem
An elementary problem from number theory
Variance in a Bernoulli scheme
Partitions into distinct parts with no consecutive values
Sets of k distinct positive integers that sum to at most n
Complex number arithmetic with exponentials
A Stirling number inequality
Newton-Girard formulas
Contiguous runs of balls in a circular arrangement of bins
Partially balanced strings of parentheses and Catalan numbers
Counting zygodromes