My main research areas are
- transformation groups
- geometric structures on manifolds
- geometric and differential topology
- GKM theory and Hamiltonian non-Kähler actions in dimension 6,
(with Oliver Goertsches, Leopold Otto Zoller) (arxiv),
- Vector bundles and cohomotopies of spin 5-manifolds,
- Symplectic and Kähler structures on biquotients,
(with Oliver Goertsches, Leopold Otto Zoller)
accepted for publication in Journal of Symplectic Geometry (arXiv),
- Almost complex structures on connected sums of complex projective spaces,
(with Oliver Goertsches)
Ann. K-Theory 4 (2019), no. 1, 139-149 (arXiv)
- The Hopf problem on the (non)-existence of complex structures on S^6,
(with Ilka Agricola, Giovanni
Bazzoni, Oliver Goertsches, Sönke Rollenske)
Differential Geom. Appl. 57 (2018), 1-9 (arXiv)
- Almost complex structures on spheres,
(with Maurizio Parton)
Differential Geom. Appl. 57 (2018), 10-22 (arXiv)
- A note on the topology of irreducible SO(3)-manifolds,
Topology Appl. 239 (2018), 81-91. (arXiv)
- A classification of isometry groups of homogeneous 3-manifolds,
(with Frank Loose)
Math. Nachr. 289, No. 13, 1648-1664 (pdf)
Three-dimensional homogeneous spaces and their application in general relativity,
Dissertation, Eberhardt-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 2013
Perelmans Monotonieformel für das reduzierte Volumen,
Diplomarbeit, Eberhardt-Karls-Universität Tübingen, 2008
- Bianchi's classification of 3-dimensional Lie algebras revisited,
(with Manuel Glas, Achim Krause, Frank Loose) (arXiv). We revisited the original proof of L. Bianchi on the classification of 3-dimensional lie algebras in modern mathematical language.