Representation Theory Across the Channel

EPSRC Network Grant EP/F029381/1,       January 2008 to December 2010 (+ 1 year)

Part of the GDRE entitled "French-British Network in Representation Theory"

Here is the url of the RSS news feed

Please read the proposal, submitted by Meinolf Geck (PI) and Iain Gordon (CoI), for a description of the general aims of the network and the activities that we are planning to support. The scientific content and balance of the network's activities are overseen by a scientific steering commitee, which initially consists of:

We invite anyone with questions or comments related to this network to contact one of the members of the steering committee.

We are "twinned" with CNRS networks in France and some of our activities are run together with them; click here for further information.

Workshops, conferences and other events

Course notes, preprints, slides from talks etc.

Further links

This page is maintained by Meinolf Geck