- Oct. 2016 - Sep. 2018: Prodekan Fachbereich Mathematik.
- SoS 21: Forschungssemester.
- WiS 20/21: Algebra; Master-Seminar Gruppen und Lie-Algebren.
- SoS 20: Lie algebras and Chevalley groups; Computer-Praktikum.
- WiS 19/20: GAGA B; Proseminar zur Linearen Algebra.
- SoS 19: Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie II; Seminar zur
Algebra (Proseminar Lineare Algebra Frau Iancu).
- WiS 18/19: Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I; Seminar zur
- SoS 18: Algebra.
- WiS 17/18: Algebra und Zahlentheorie für das Lehramt.
- SoS 17: Lie algebras and Chevalley groups.
- WiS 16/17: Computer-Praktikum, Seminar zur Algebra.
- SoS 16: Forschungssemester.
- WiS 15/16: Lie algebras and Chevalley groups, Computer-Praktikum.
- SoS 15: Algebraische Lie-Theorie II, Master/Haupt-Seminar.
- WiS 14/15: Algebraische Lie-Theorie I, Seminar zur Algebra,
- SoS 14: Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie II.
- WiS 13/14: Lineare Algebra und Analytische Geometrie I.
- SoS 13: Algebra (mit Skript, erhältlich z.B. bei Wittwer),
Elementare Algebraische Geometrie, Seminar zur Algebra.
- WiS 12/13: Darstellungstheorie, Computeralgebra.
2021 and older:
- 5rd Annual Conference SFB-TRR 195, RWTH Aachen, 13 - 16
Sep 2021.
- Computational Group
Theory, 15 Aug - 21 Aug 2021, MFO, Oberwolfach.
Virtual Nikolaus Conference 2020, 11 Dec - 12 dec 2020, RWTH Aachen.
- 4th Annual Conference SFB-TRR 195, Kaiserslautern,
22 - 24 Sep 2020.
- Groups in
Galway 2020 - Online edition, 9-11 Sep 2020.
Representation Theory, Thematic trimester program, 6 January to
3 April 2020, IHP, Paris, France.
- Groups, representations
and applications, 6 January to 30 June 2020, Cambridge, UK.
- Representation
theory of algebraic groups and quantum groups (Ariki's 60th birthday),
21 - 25 Oct 2019, RIMS, Kyoto.
Mini-Symposium Computer-Algebra, DMV-Jahrestagung, Karlsruhe,
23 - 26 Sept 2019.
- 3rd Annual Meeting SFB-TRR 195, Saarbrücken, 9 - 13
Sep 2019.
- SIAM Conference on
Applied Algebraic Geometry, 9 - 13 July 2019, Bern, Switzerland.
- Representations
of finite groups, 24 Mar - 30 Mar 2019, MFO, Oberwolfach.
- Characters and decomposition numbers of finite reductive groups,
4-6 March 2019, RWTH Aachen.
- Algebraic groups, Lie
algebras and their representations (Jantzen 70th birthday), 22-24 Nov
2018, MPIM, Bonn.
- Darstellungstheorietage 2018, 13.-15. September 2018, Hannover.
- Annual meeting SFB TRR 195, 24-28 Sep 2018,
- Algebraic
representation theory (in honour of Richard Dipper), 23-25 June 2018,
Computational Lie theory, 5-6 July 2018, Stuttgart.
- Arithmetic and
algebraic geometry (in honor of Ofer Gabber), 11-15 Juin 2018, IHES,
- Introductory Workshop:
Group Representation Theory and Applications, MSRI, 5-9 Feb 2018,
Berkeley, USA.
Darstellungstheorietage 2017, Eichstätt, 10.-11. November 2017.
- First annual meeting of SFB-TRR195, RWTH Aachen, 25-28
September 2017.
- Current
topics in the theory of algebraic groups, Dijon, 3-7 July 2017.
Computeralgebra-Tagung 2017, Kassel, 4-6 Mai 2017.
- Finite Simple Groups
and Their Representations, Tucson, Arizona, 25-26 March 2017.
- Darstellungstheorietage 2016, Wuppertal, 27.-28. Januar
- Final
Conference - finite simple groups, their fusion systems and
representations, Centre Interfacultaire
Bernoulli, EPFL, 12-16 Dec 2016, Lausanne.
- Abschlusstagung DFG SPP1489, Universität
Kaiserslautern, 10 - 14 Oct 2016.
- Finite
Chevalley groups, reflections groups and braid groups - a conferences in
honour of Professor Jean Michel, Centre Interfacultaire
Bernoulli, EPFL, 21 - 23 Sep 2016, Lausanne.
- Computational
Group Theory, 31 Jul - 6 Aug 2016, MFO, Oberwolfach.
- Introductory
workshop on the representation theory of finite groups, Centre
Interfacultaire Bernoulli, EPFL, 11 - 15 Jul 2016, Lausanne.
- Nilpotent orbits and
representation theory, 13-16 June 2016, Pisa.
- An invitation to
the representation theory of finite groups, 11 April 2016, Padova.
Algorithmic methods for representations and group rings, 18-19 February
2016, Stuttgart (sponsored by DGF SPP 1489).
- Representation theory
of the symmetric group and related topics, 15-17 February 2016,
- Journée
de Théorie des représentations, 21 January 2016,
- Shanghai Conference on Representation Theory, 7-11 December 2015,
Shanghai (China).
Darstellungstheorietage Stuttgart 2015, 13-14 November 2015.
- 30 years of
the Atlas and beyond. Honoring John Conway, 1-5 November 2015, Princeton.
- Annual meeting
of the DFG priority programme SPP 1489, 28 September - 2 October 2015,
- Summer School on Character
Theory Of Finite Groups of Lie type, 24-28 August 2015, Les Diablerets
Colloquium on Algorithms and Representations (Hiss 60th birthday),
27-28 July 2015, RWTH Aachen.
- Representations of
finite groups, 5-11 April 2015, MFO, Oberwolfach.
- Groupes de
Chevalley, groupes de Coxeter et groupes d'Artin-Tits (en l'honneur de
F. Digne), 1-3 April 2015, Amiens (France).
- Master Lecture Workshop on George Lusztig, 15-19 December 2014,
Sanya (China).
- Representations of
reductive groups (Vogan's 60th birthday), 19-23 May 2014, MIT (US).
Global/Local Conjectures in Representation Theory of Finite Groups,
16-21 March 2014, Banff (Canada).
- Jahrestagung DFG-Schwerpunktprogamm,
3-7 März 2014 (Bad Boll)
- Summer
School on Character Sheaves, 16-20 September 2013, Kaiserslautern.
- Brauer's Problems - 50 years on (Robinson's 60th birthday),
2-6 September 2013, Manchester (UK).
- Representations of Reductive Groups, 8-12 July 2013, Salt Lake City (US).
- Sage Days 38, 7-11 May 2012,
CRM (Montréal, Quebec).
- Representation Theory of Chevalley Groups and Related Topics, 12-16 March 2012, Nagoya (Japan)
- LMS Midlands
regional meeting on representation theory in modern mathematics,
14-18 June 2011, Birmingham
- Global/Local Conjectures in Representation Theory of Finite Groups, 13-18 March 2011,
BIRS, Banff (Canada)
Geometry and representations of algebraic groups, 21 January 2011,
EPFL, Lausanne (Switzerland)
- Groupes de Chevalley, groupes
de réflexions, groupes de tresses. Conférence en l'honneur de F.
Digne et J. Michel, Ecole de Physique des Houches, 24-28 January 2011.
- Prospects in
Mathematics, 17-18 December 2010, Edinburgh (UK).
- Representation Theory of Algebraic Groups and Quantum Groups '10, 2-6 August 2010, Nagoya (Japan)
- Group Representation Theory and Related
Topics, 22-25 June 2010, Lausanne, EPFL (Switzerland)
- Sheaves in representation theory, 23-29
May 2010, Isle of Skye (Scotland)
- SAGE days in the framework of
Math-Info 2010, 22-26 February 2010, CIRM (France).
- Groupes Réductifs. In Momoriam Fokko du Cloux
(September 17-21, 2007), Berder (Morbihan, France)
- Group
Representation Theory, January to June 2005, Bernoulli Center, EPFL
Lausanne (Switzerland))
- Representation Theory Across The Channel, an EPSRC network
coordinated by Iain Gordon and myself. Click
here and
here for further
- Perspectives
in Algebraic Lie Theory, 12-16 September 2011, Isaac Newton Institute,
Cambridge (UK)