jarmos | JaRMoS main package |
  affine | Contains classes for affine components |
   AffParamMatrix | Affine parametric matrix class |
   IAffineCoefficients | Base class for implementation of a series of time/parameter-dependent affine coefficients |
  app | JaRMoSA main package |
   activity | Android activity classes |
    kermor | Android classes for JKerMor specific activities |
     SimulationActivity | The JKerMor model simulation activity |
     Visualization | Class for visualization of JKerMor ReducedModel simulation results |
    rb | Android classes for JRB specific activities |
     OutputPlotterActivity | Activity for output plotting of functions of time using the AChartEngine library |
     RBActivity | This is the main Activity class for the app |
     RBVisualization | Main RB visualization activity |
    BrowseActivity | An activity which displays URLs in a simple browser |
    MainActivity | This is the main activity class and entry point of the app |
    ModelListActivity | This activity generates a simple ListView to allow selection of a model |
    ShowModelActivity | Main model options display activity |
   io | Additional android-specific I/O classes to load JaRMoS models |
    AssetModelManager | Class to load models from application assets |
    DexHelper | Utility class for providing class loaders that load from dex-jarfiles |
    SDModelManager | Class for model loading from the local SD card of the mobile device running android |
    WebModelManager | A model manager implementation that allows to load models from web locations |
   misc | |
    rb | Special classes related to JRB models |
     IndexedButton | Utility class for a button that has an index attached |
     IndexedSeekBar | Utility class for a seekbar with index |
     SingleLabelChart | A line chart implementation with a single label |
   visual | Classes for geometry and result rendering (OpenGL) |
    GLRenderer | OpenGL renderer implementation using the khronos OpenGL ES android implementation |
    GLView | Open GL view implementation for display of and interaction with reduced model visualizations |
   BuildConfig | |
   R | |
    attr | |
    color | |
    drawable | |
    id | |
    layout | |
    menu | |
    string | |
   CompiledInputFunctions | Input functions implementation for loading inputs from compiled dex jarfiles |
   Const | Class that contains miscellaneous JaRMoS specific constants and static functions |
   ModelManagerProgressHandler | A progress notification handler implementation for android platforms |
   ParamBars | A helper class for a collection of UI elements regarding model parameter display |
   ProgressDialogWrapper | Helper class for progress dialogs on android platforms |
  geometry | Classes for geometry data handling |
   AffineLinearMeshTransform | An affine linear mesh transformation |
   DefaultTransform | Default mesh transformation |
   DisplacementField | The displacement field is a logical solution field describing displacements of geometry nodes/vertices as a solution to the given problem |
   FieldMapping | The field mapping determines how the DoF of the solution are mapped into the given geometry |
   GeometryData | This is a container class for all geometry-related data of a reduced model |
   MeshTransform | A common interface for classes providing a mesh transformation |
  io | Basic I/O classes to load JaRMoS models |
   AModelManager | This class serves as base class for accessing various types of models at different locations |
    ModelManagerException | This Exception gets thrown when an error occurs regarding the functionality of the ModelManager |
   CachingModelManager | A wrapper class that takes any AModelManager as source and a FileModelManager as target |
   FileModelManager | Manages models loaded from the file system available via the java.io classes |
   LittleEndianDataInput | Wraps the old BinaryReader (rbappmit) into a DataInput |
   MathObjectReader | Reading matrices and vectors with a bunch of convenient overloads for different sources and output formats |
    MachineFormats | Enum for both known machine formats |
    MathReaderException | |
   WebModelManager | A model manager reading models from a remote web location |
  pc | JaRMoSPC main package |
   visual | Classes for desktop visualization |
    JOGLRenderer | Provides the OpenGL rendering routines for the JOGL package |
   Main | Main program for desktop-based reduced model simulation using Java |
  util | Utility classes |
   ConsoleProgressReporter | Simple progress reporting implementation using the Java standard console |
   IProgressReporter | Simple interface for progress reporting |
  visual | Common classes for visualization of simulation results |
   Camera | Extracted the Camera class from GLRenderer |
   ColorGenerator | The color generator is used to produce RGBA (RGB+Alpha) values from a given array of floats |
   ColorMap | Interface for different colorizations |
   OpenGLBase | Base class for OpenGL visualisation |
    Orientation | |
   VisualFeature | Simple class for feature that can be visualized |
   VisualizationData | A container class for all model visual data |
  ComplexSolutionField | A solution field with complex values |
  DefaultSolutionField | The default solution field containing an array of real values |
  FieldDescriptor | Contains information about the logical solution fields |
  IMessageHandler | An interface for classes capable of sending messages |
  Log | Provides a Log class imitating the Android Log class when not used on android systems |
  LogicSolutionField | Represents a logical solution field of a simulation |
  MathFactory | Factory method to create new RealMatrix instances |
  ModelBase | Base class for all JaRMoSBase models |
  ModelDescriptor | Represents a short description of a model managed by a model manager |
  ModelType | Known model types within the JaRMoSBase project |
  Parameters | A class for model parameters |
  SimulationResult | Represents the results of a simulation |
  SolutionFieldType | This enum contains all so far known (to JaRMoSBase) types of logical solution fields |
  Util | Utility functions |
 kermor | JKerMor main package |
  dscomp | Contains classes for dynamical system components |
   AffineInputConv | Class for time/parameter-affine dynamical system inputs \( B(t,\mu) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n \theta_i(t,\mu)B_i \) |
   AffParamTimeCoreFun | This class implements a time/parameter-affine linear core function \( A(t,\mu) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n \theta_i(t,\mu)A_i \) |
   ConstInitialValue | Represents a constant initial value for dynamical systems |
   ConstInputFunction | Implements a set of constant input functions \( u_i(t) = u_i^0 \forall t\in[0,T]\) |
   ConstMassMatrix | Implements a constant mass matrix \( M \) of the dynamical system |
   ICoreFun | Interface for any dynamical system core function |
   IInitialValue | Interface for initial values of dynamical systems |
   IInputConv | Interface for input conversion matrices \( B(t,\mu) \) |
   IInputFunctions | Interface for dynamical system input functions \( u_i(t) \) |
   IMassMatrix | Interface for dynamical system mass matrices \( M(t,\mu) \) |
   IOutputConv | Interface for dynamical system output conversion matrices \( C(t,\mu) \) |
   LinearCoreFun | Constant linear dynamical system core function \( A \) |
   LinearInputConv | Constant linear input conversion \( B \) |
   LinearOutputConv | Constant linear output conversion \( C \) |
  kernel | Classes for kernels and expansions |
   GaussKernel | Implementation of the Gaussian kernel \( K(x,y) = e^{-\frac{\|x-y\|^2}{\gamma^2}} \) |
   IKernel | Interface for kernel implementations in JKerMor |
   KernelExpansion | Implements a kernel expansion \( f(x,t,\mu) = \sum\limits_{i=0}^m c_i K(x,x_i)K_t(t,t_i)K_\mu(\mu,\mu_i) \) with optional time kernel \( K_t \) and parameter kernel \( K_\mu \) |
   LinearKernel | Implements a linear scalar product kernel \( K(x,y) = \langle x,y \rangle \) |
  visual | Classes for visualization of simulation results |
   Plotter | Basic methods for plotting results of dynamical sytem simulations |
  DefaultOutputToDoFs | Default implementation for output to DoF conversion |
  ImplicitLinearEulerIntegrator | Custom implicit euler integrator class |
  IOutputToDoF | Interface for post-simulation output to DoF conversion |
  KerMorException | Custom exception for JKerMor related errors |
  ReducedModel | Main reduced model class |
  ReducedSystem | Main reduced dynamical system class |
 models | |
  beam | |
   dynlintimo | Timoshenko-Beam model related classes |
    CoreFunCoeffs | Coefficient functions for the KerMor models.beam.DLTLinearCoreFun class used by the models.beam.DynLinTimoshenkoModel model |
    InputConvCoeffs | Affine input mapping coefficient function implementation |
    Inputs | Input functions for timoshenko beam model |
    TimoOutToDoF | Extraction of values of interest for visualization in JKerMor |
  rbm_advec | Classes for time-dependent advection/diffusion problem |
   AffineFunctions | Affine coefficient functions for time-dependent advection/diffusion problem |
  rbm_advec_cheatbase | Classes for time-dependent advection/diffusion problem with specially fitted basis |
   AffineFunctions | Affine coefficient functions for time-dependent advection/diffusion problem |
  rbm_advec_tc | Classes for time-independent advection/diffusion problem |
   AffineFunctions | Affine coefficient functions for time-independent advection/diffusion problem |
 rb | JRB main package |
  affinefcn | Contains interfaces for affine functions |
   IAffineFunctions | Base interface for any affine functions used as an externally loaded class |
   IAffineInitials | Interface for affinely decomposed initial value conditions |
   ITransient | Interface for AffineFunctions in unsteady rb systems |
   IWithuL | Interface for models using the mQ_uL fields |
   rbappmitAffineFunctions | Compatibility class for old rbAppMIT affine functions |
  ComplexRBSystem | RB system class for complex-valued fields |
  Const | Class with constants used throughout JRB |
  GetPot | Utility helper class from rbAppMIT included for compatibility of rbAppMIT model loading |
   variable | |
  InconsistentStateException | Exception imported from rbappmit |
  QNTransientRBSystem | This class provides the Online reduced basis functionality for quadratically nonlinear time-dependent problems |
  QNTransientSCMSystem | Base class for quadratically nonlinear RB systems including the SCM method for error bound computation |
  rbappmitCustomMeshTransform | Compatibility class for old rbAppMIT models with custom mesh/geometry transformations |
  RBContainer | Base class for RB models and systems |
  RBnSCMCSystem | Reduced basis SCM system |
  RBSCMSystem | This class implements the Online stage of the Successive Constraint Method for coercive problems |
  RBSystem | This class provides the Online stage for the reduced basis method for elliptic steady state problems |
  SCMType | Enum containing the known SCM (successive constraint method) model types in JRB |
  SystemType | Enum for known RB system types in JRB |
  TransientRBSystem | This class provides the Online reduced basis functionality for linear parabolic problems |