Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York 1995 |
This page provides links to reviews
about the book "Compact Projective Planes",
and comments on recent developments
of the topics treated.
We also give some hints to related
fields (mainly, compact generalized
polygons and stable planes) and to
home pages of some people doing research in these fields. You may find
information about the authors, and lists of
errata and
If you think you found any error in the
book, feel free to contact any of the authors.
If you want to order the book (or get information about its price or
availability): use this
link to the pages of W. de Gruyter.
You may also have a look at the
table of contents, or at the
References to the book will be made in the form [CPP: XX.YY] or [CPP: p.ZZZ], where XX.YY is the number of the respective result, or ZZZ is a page number. We also give references to recently published articles; bibliographic data is contained in a list of recent literature. References to that list will be made by quoting author and year of publication.
Helmut Salzmann | helmut.salzmann | | |
Dieter Betten | betten | | |
Theo Grundhöfer | grundhoefer | | |
Hermann Hähl | haehl | | |
Rainer Löwen | r.loewen | | |
Markus Stroppel | stroppel | |
You may also see several pictures of the authors (click onto the small pictures to load big versions):
First, the authors on a duty call to
C.F. Gauss
and the regular 17-gon.
![]() (From left to right: R. Löwen, H. Salzmann, H.Hähl, D. Betten, T. Grundhöfer, M. Stroppel. Above them all: C.F. Gauss.) |
![]() Having a break at the Hermann Hankel Zimmer at Tübingen. (Left to right: H.Hähl, D. Betten, T. Grundhöfer, H. Salzmann, M. Stroppel, R. Löwen.) |
Finally, the pleasure of holding the first copy in one's hands! ![]() The formal clothing is due to the fact that this picture was taken at the celebration of H. Salzmann's 65th birthday. Left to right, you see T. Grundhöfer, M. Stroppel, D. Betten, H. Salzmann, R. Löwen, and H.Hähl. |
The following home pages may also be of interest:
Linus Kramer,
Burkard Polster.