
I am currently a post-doc at the Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Geometrie und Topologie.
Research areas: Spin geometry, Cauchy spinors, Conformal geometry, Weyl structures, Spectral analysis, Spectral geometry.


Published Articles:

  • The characteristic group of conformally product structures. Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata, DOI: 10.1007/s10231-024-01479-3[pdf], [arxiv].
  • Locally conformally product structures. International Journal of Mathematics, 35 (5), 2450013.[pdf], [arxiv].
  • Torsion-free connections on G-structures. Differential Geometry and its applications, 91, 102075 (2023). [pdf], [arxiv].
  • Cauchy Spinors on 3-Manifolds (with Sergiu Moroianu). Journal of Geometric Analysis, 32, 186 (2022). [pdf], [arxiv].
  • A generalized MIT Bag operator on spin manifolds in the non-relativistic limit. Journal of Geometry and Physics, 178, 104534 (2022). [pdf], [arxiv].
  • Strong coupling asymptotics for δ-interactions supported by curves with peaks (with Konstantin Pankrashkin). Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application, 491, 124287 (2020). [pdf], [arxiv].

  • Preprints:

  • On decomposable LCP structures.[pdf], [arxiv].
  • Weyl structures with special holonomy on compact conformal manifolds (with Florin Belgun and Andrei Moroianu).[pdf],[arxiv]

Curriculum Vitae

A PDF version of my CV is available here.

Academic positions:

Post-doctoral position at the Universität Stuttgart, Institut für Geometrie und Topologie.

Education and experience:

2019- 2022:
PhD student at the Laboratoire de Mathématiques d'Orsay, under the direction of Andrei Moroianu and Konstantin Pankrashkin. PhD defended on 11/07/2022.Title of the PhD: On some problems in spectral analysis, spin geometry and conformal geometry. [pdf version of my PhD thesis]
Master Degree of Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay.
2018 - 2019:
Master Degree in Analysis, Modelisation, Simulation at the Université Paris-Sud.
2017 - 2018:
Ecole Normale Supérieure Paris-Saclay: FE2SUP Master and preparation to the Agrégation in mathematics. Rank for the Agrégation: 40th.
2015 - 2017:
Diplôme d'ingénieur of the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, speciality in mathematics and computer science (IMI department).

Scientific experience:

  • Summer 2018:
  • Visit at Columbia University (New York, USA). Under the direction of Henry Lam.
  • Summer 2017
  • Internship at the INRIA (Palaiseau, France). Research on high order elements for the finite elements method applied to fluid mechanics. Internship under the direction of Frederic Alauzet and Loïc Maréchal.


  • 2022 - 2023:
    • Topology (Universotät Stuttgart, 2nd year students)
    • HM3: mathematics for engineers (Universotät Stuttgart, 2st year students)
  • 2021 - 2022:
    • Fundamental mathematical tools (IUT Orsay, 1st year students)
    • Logic and basis for mathematics (IUT Orsay, 1st year students)
  • 2020 - 2021:
    • Linear Algebra - Functional Analysis (IUT Orsay, 1st year students).
  • 2019 - 2020:
    • Linear Algebra - Functional Analysis (IUT Orsay, 1st year students).
    • Graphs and Automatons (IUT Orsay, 1st year students).


Address: Pfaffenwaldring 57
70550 Stuttgart
Raum: 7.548