Meinolf Geck
Universität Stuttgart
IDSR - Lehrstuhl für
Pfaffenwaldring 57
D-70569 Stuttgart
Tel.: +49 (0) 711 68565367;   Büro:
email: meinolf.geck(at)
Skripte (auch zum Selbststudium geeignet); Kommentare sehr
BSc/MSc-Arbeiten: Liste der am
Lehrstuhl für Algebra betreuten Abschlussarbeiten. Themen,
für BSc, Master oder Lehramt, werden individuell vereinbart, sowohl
rein theoretische als auch solche mit Programmier-Komponenten
(GAP oder
OSCAR). Bei Interesse
bitte einfach per email (z.B.) anfragen.
PhD students (with links to their
Mitglied/PI im SFB-TRR 195 "Symbolische Werkzeuge in der Mathematik und ihre Anwendung".
Anglo-Franco-German Representation Theory
der Mathematik,
Carpathian Journal of Mathematics
Click on a book for additional information/errata
Some recent, and selected older papers (for the full list
of publications, click here):
- On the computation of character values for finite
Chevalley groups of exceptional type,
PAMQ 21 (2025), 275--325.
- (With A. Lang) Canonical structure constants for simple Lie algebras,
Beitr. Algebra Geom. (2024);
- On the character tables of the finite reductive groups
E_6(q)_ad and 2E_6(q)_ad; 20 pages, preprint at
- (With J. Hetz) On the labelling of characters of Weyl groups of type F_4,
Beitr. Algebra Geom. (2024);
- Green functions and Glauberman degree-divisibility, Annals of Math. 192 (2020), 229-249.
- On the construction of semisimple Lie algebras and Chevalley groups,
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145 (2017), 3233-3247
(Several preprints are also available on the
Publications related to teaching:
- On the Jordan-Chevalley decomposition of a matrix, preprint at
- On Jacob's construction of the rational canonical form of a matrix,
Electron. J. Linear Algebra 36 (2020), 177-182.
- Eigenvalues and polynomial equations, Amer. Math.
Monthly, 126 (November 2019), 933--935.
- Eigenvalues of real symmetric matrices, Amer. Math.
Monthly 122 (May 2015), 482-483
- On the characterization of Galois extensions, Amer. Math.
Monthly 121 (August/September 2014), 637-639; siehe auch
- Algebra: Gruppen, Ringe, Körper - Mit einer Einführung
in die Darstellungstheorie endlicher Gruppen. Edition Delkhofen, 2014.
vi+150pp., EAN 978-3936413-15-1.
Software (now available at
github/geckmf); all comments welcome, bug reports, suggestions for
improvements etc:
- ChevLie - A Julia package for
constructing Lie algebras and Chevalley groups;
version 1.2. (See also
my article at JSAG.)
- A GAP program for computing
the Frobenius normal form
and also the Jordan-Chevalley decomposition of a matrix, even large ones
over a finite field. (This is the version of 12.5.2022; the older version
is here.)
- PyCox - A Python version of
latest version: 1.6180.
It can compute Kazhdan-Lusztig cells, even for type E_8.
- The CHEVIE project;
see also Jean Michel's
gap3-jm and
Slides from some talks: Virtual Nikolaus
Conference (December 2020); Kolloquium
Tübingen (July 2017); In memoriam Fokko
du Cloux (September 2007).
Links (Conferences, workshops, ...):
- Algebraic Groups on
the Grand Canal, Warwick Venice Centre, 7 - 11 Apr 2025.
Retreat 2025 of the SFB-TRR 195, Ebernburg, 24 - 27 Mar 2025.
- Darstellungstheorietage, Stuttgart,
13 - 14 Feb 2025.
Nikolaus Conference 2024, RWTH Aachen, 6 - 7 Dec 2024.
Representation Theory Days (in honour of George Lusztig), MIT, 9 - 11
Nov 2024.
- Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2024, Frankenstein, 27 - 28
Sep 2024.
- Groups and
Representations: After Roger Carter, University of Warwick, 4 - 6 Sep 2024.
- Darstellungstheorietage, Wuppertal,
22 - 23 Feb 2024.
- Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2023, Frankenstein, 6 - 7 Oct 2023.
- Third Annual Meeting SFB-TRR 195, Saarbrücken, 25 - 28 Sep 2023.
- Trends in Representation
Theory and Related Topics, Universitatea Babes-Bolyai, Cluj-Napoca,
12 - 16 Sep 2023.
Representations of Reductive Groups, RWTH Aachen, 7 - 9 June 2023.
- Representations of Finite
Groups, MFO, Oberwolfach, 16 - 22 Apr 2023.
Lie Theory in Prato, Monash Prato Centre, Italy, 10 - 13 Jan 2023.
- Darstellungstheorietage, TU Kaiserslautern,
28 - 29 Oct 2022.
- Representation Theory at the Villa Denis 2022, Frankenstein, 30 Sep - 1 Oct 2022.
- 6th
Annual Conference SFB-TRR 195, Blaubeuren, 19 - 22 Sep 2022.
- Groups, representations
and applications: new perspectives, 3 May 2022 to 29 July 2022,
Cambridge, UK.
- Archive (2021 and older).
Recent articles in
Short CV:
- 1983-1988 Studies of Mathematics, RWTH Aachen.
- 1983-1989 Scholarship by German Academic Scholarship Foundation
- 1988-1989 Postgraduate visiting student, University of Warwick,
- 1990 Ph.D., RWTH Aachen.
- 1991 Bennigsen-Foerder Prize (jointly with K. Lux).
- 1994 Habilitation, RWTH Aachen.
- 1995-1999 Chercheur CNRS, Université Paris 7, France.
- 1999-2005 Professor, Université Lyon 1, France.
- 2005-2012 6th Century Professor, University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
- 2012-? Lehrstuhl für Algebra, Universität
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