Tuesday, December 13, at about 15:15, 7.527
Ehud Meir (Bonn), On module categories over graded fusion categories.
Fusion categories arise in several areas of mathematics- such as the
representation theory of Hopf algebras and topological quantum field
They are tensor categories which satisfy certain rigidity assumptions-
they are semisimple, have a finite number of simple objects, and they
have duals.
A general classification of fusion categories seems to be out of reach
at the moment. However, Etingof Nikshych and Ostrik have classified
all fusion categories which are extensions of a given fusion category
by a given finite group G, by cohomological machinery (these
are categories which are naturally graded by the group G)
In this talk I will describe a joint work with Evgeny Musicantov,
about the classification of module categories (which, in this
setting, are the categorical analogues of modules over a ring) over
these fusion categories.
I will explain all the fundamental notions, their relevance for the theory of
Hopf algebras, and the role that the cohomological machinery plays in
the classification.