Talks given by Steffen Koenig (since 2000)
26/09/2016 Algebra seminar, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
20-23/09/2016 CSASC conference
, special session on applications of
categories in algebra and topology, Barcelona
11-12/09/2015 Derived categories of finite dimensional algebras,
Shizuoka University
7-10/09/2015 48th Symposium on ring theory and representation theory,
Nagoya University (two talks)
Algebraic structures and their applications (ASTA 2014),
16-17/05/2014 Workshop on Algebra and Representation Theory, Nanjing
Normal University
13/05/2014 Nanjing University
17-21/03/2014 Workshop on modular Iwahori-Hecke algebras,
Humboldt University Berlin
17-21/02/2014, Representation theory of quivers and finite dimensional
algebras, Oberwolfach
Advances in Representation Theory of Algebras (ARTA 2013),
Some trends in algebra (STA 2013),
5-14/03/2013 An introduction to derived module categories,
Erasmus course, Verona (series of eight lectures)
13/03/2013 MALGA seminar, Padova
28/11-2/12/2011 Erasmus course, Verona (two series of altogether sixteeen
11-12/11/2011 Darstellungstheorietage, Hannover
8/10/2011 Colloquium, Shanghai University
Shanghai Conference on Representation Theory of Algebras, Shanghai
Jiaotong University
25-30/9/2011 Beijing Normal University (series of six lectures)
26/9/2011 Workshop on Representation Theory:
Cohomology and Support, Morningside Centre, Beijing
1-3/9/2011 Algebraic Representation Theory, Uppsala
22-26/8/2011 Summer School on Polynomial Representations of the General
Linear Group, Bad Driburg (series of three lectures)
14/6/2011 Seminario Padova-Verona MALGA
25-26/5/2011 The 17th Amitsur Memorial Symposium, Be'er Sheva
21-25/2/2011, Finite dimensional algebras and quivers, Oberwolfach
23-25/9/2010, Murcia, Epimorphisms of rings and categories (series
of two lectures)
7-11/6/2010, Luminy Hochschild cohomology, structure and applications
3-7/5/2010, Tsinghua University / Morningside Centre, Beijing,
Interplay between representation theory and
geometry, Conference (65th birthdays of C.M.Ringel and K.Saito)
1/5/2010, Beijing Normal University, Seminar
30/4/2010, Beijing, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Seminar
23-24/10/2009, München, Munich Representation Theory Days (series of two lectures)
5-6/6/2009, Kiel, Workshop NWDR 13
7/4/2009, Verona, Seminario Padova - Verona MALGA
30/3/2009, Milano, Seminario Matematico e Fisico di Milano
24/11/2008, IHP, Paris, Séminaire d'Algèbre
9/9/2008 and 11/9/2008, Beijing Normal University, Seminar
1-4/9/2008, Yangzhou University, Workshop, series of three lectures
22/8/2008 Beijing, Morningside Centre, Seminar
24-26/7/2008, Antwerp, Socrates Intensive Programme GAMAP, series of five
1-4/5/2008 Bielefeld, Workshop The representation dimension of Artin algebras
17-23/2/2008 Oberwolfach, Workshop on Representations of Finite
Dimensional Algebras
14-25/8/2007 Torun, ICRA XII
Workshop and Conference, series of three
2/2/2007 Wuppertal, NWDR workshop
15-16/12/2006 Hannover, Workshop on representation theory
23-27/1/2006 ICTP Trieste, Conference on Representation Theory and Related Topics
12/12/05 Bonn, BKA Seminar
29/11/05 Paderborn, Kolloquium
2/9/2005 Tsinghua University, Beijing, Seminar
31/8/2005 Beijing Normal University, Seminar
10-18/8/2005 University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei,
series of three lectures
14/5/2005 Tsinghua University, Beijing, Colloquium
24/3/05 Lyon 1, Seminar
26/1/05 EPFL Lausanne, Seminar
25-30/9/04 Banff, Interactions of finite dimensional algebras with other areas of mathematics
18-27/8/04 Leicester, Compact Course on the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand
category O of a semisimple complex Lie algebra and on abstract
Kazhdan-Lusztig theory, series of 24 lectures
5-16/7/04 Warwick, Conference on Noncommutative Algebra
27/5/04 Beijing University of Technology, Seminar
24/5/04 Tsinghua University, Beijing, Seminar
17-21/5/04 Beijing Normal University, Workshop on representations and structures of algebras, series of three lectures
13-15/5/04 Shanghai Jiaotong University, Seminar, series of
three lectures
18/3/04 Birmingham, Seminar
20/2/04 Warwick, Colloquium
14/1/04 Koeln, Kolloquium
9/1/04 Oxford, BLOC meeting
7-13/9/03 Oxford, Summer school on semisimple complex Lie algebras and their representations, series of talks and problem classes
21/7/03 Coimbra, Seminar
14-18/7/03 Lisbon, International Conference on Algebras, Modules and Rings
20-21/6/03 Amiens,
Representation theory around the channel, II.
6/5/03 Aberdeen, Colloquium
3/5/03 Edinburgh, Scottish Algebra Day
24-28/3/03 Oberwolfach, Representations of finite groups
11-15/3/03 Manchester. Geometric Representation and Invariant Theory
18-22/11/02 Fraueninsel, Germany,
Twenty Years of
Tilting Theory
15-20/7/02 Toronto,
ICRA X, series of four talks
21/6/02 Paris, Journee Solstice
17/6/02 Oxford, LOW
18/4/02 Uppsala, Seminar
1/3/02 Nottingham, Seminar
23/1/02 Oxford, LOW
18-19/1/02 Montpellier, Seminaire Mediteraneen d'Algebre, series of
three talks
22/11/01 Exeter, Seminar
7/11/01 London, City University, Seminar
5/11/01 Norwich, Seminar
12-14/9/01 Antwerp, Noncommutative geometry and Lie algebras
31/8-1/9/01 Amiens, Theorie des representations autour de la Manche, two talks
13-17/6/01 Budapest, 5th Budapest-Chemnitz-Prague-Torun Algebra Symposium
8-13/4/01 Glasgow, 53rd British Mathematical Colloquium
21-25/3/01 Stuttgart, Richard Brauer: Taking his ideas into the 21st century
13/3/01 UMIST Manchester, Seminar
6/3/01 Bristol, Seminar
12/2/01 Leeds, Seminar
7/2/01 Sheffield, Colloquium
26/12/00-2/1/01 Weizmann Institute Rehovot, Schur Memoriam Workshop
8/12/00 Lancaster, Seminar
21-23/11/00 Oxford, two Seminars
20/11/00 Canterbury, Seminar
3-4/11/00 Manchester, 9th NBQGC meeting
13/10/00 Sheffield, Workshop on Rings
2-12/8/00 Constantza, Algebra - Representation Theory (NATO ASI), series of four talks
12/5/00 Birmingham, Seminar
4/5/00 Leicester, 11th BLOC
31/3/00 Caen, Journee d'Algebre
28/3/00 Caen, Seminar
20-26/2/00 Oberwolfach, Representation Theory of Finite Dimensional Algebras
7/2/00 Paris, Seminar
28/1/00 Bielefeld, Bielefeld-Chemnitz seminar