Marko Riedel's combinatorics and number theory page

Feel free to consult the papers and articles on this page.

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Evaluation of a limit that involves a certain number theoretic function. GZIP compressed PostScript file. (56K)

Polya's enumeration theorem and the symbolic method. GZIP compressed PostScript file. (88K)

Polya's enumeration theorem and the symbolic method. PDF compressed PostScript file. (180K) collier.pdf

The distribution of the height of random BSTs. GZIP compressed PostScript file. (83K)

Measuring post-quickselect disorder. With Alois Panholzer and Helmut Prodinger. (275K) PDF file. qsdis-jalc.pdf

The statistics of random permutations (from the Wikipedia article, which I wrote) PDF file. (173K) randperms.pdf Current version (January 2023). RPS.pdf

Enumerating generic k-partite graphs with Polya's theorem. With cycle indices for k-partite cycles and the bow-tie graph. GZIP compressed PostScript file. (147K)

Functional equation of the Riemann Zeta function

Egorychev method and combinatorial numbers

Coupon collector and Stirling numbers

Exponential formula and subset / multiset sums

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