We provide a simple version of liquidSVM that also can be executed on any Spark Cluster. By this also much larger data sets can be attacked - we used it for a data set with 30 million samples and 631 features on up to 11 workers.
NOTE This is a preview, stay tuned for a better interface and more documentation!
We tested it on Spark versions 1.6.1 and 2.1.0. It is only supported on Linux. Generalisation to macOS should be straitforward. Windows should not be impossible to achieve.
Download Spark from http://spark.apache.org/downloads.html, e.g. spark-2.1.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz
, and unpack it. We assume that henceforth $SPARK_HOME
points to that directory. We also assume that $JAVA_HOME
is correctly set.
Suggestion To avoid too much information, copy conf/log4j.properties.template to conf/log4j.properties and change in the latter the line
log4j.rootCategory=INFO, console
log4j.rootCategory=WARN, console
Download liquidSVM-spark.zip, unpack it and change into that directory. First do the following to compile and to use the library:
make lib
Then issue:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --master local[2] \
--class de.uni_stuttgart.isa.liquidsvm.spark.App \
liquidSVM-spark.jar covtype.10000
This will start a local Spark environment with as many executors as processors and train and test the covtype.10000
in that directory. You can use any other liquidData. If Spark is configured with Hadoop you also can give such urls.
While the job runs go to http://localhost:4040/ and monitor how the work progresses.
You also can use the interactive Spark-shell. Currently, this works for local only using at most the number of physical cores for executors, say 2:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-shell --master local[2] --jars liquidSVM-spark.jar
and then you can do the following:
import de.uni_stuttgart.isa.liquidsvm._
import de.uni_stuttgart.isa.liquidsvm.spark._
val data = MyUtil2.loadData("covtype.10000.train.csv")
val test = MyUtil2.loadData("covtype.10000.test.csv")
var config = new Config().scenario("MC").threads(1).set("VORONOI","6 2000")
val d = new DistributedSVM("MC",data, SUBSET_SIZE=50000, CELL_SIZE=5000, config=config)
var trainTestP = d.createTrainAndTest(test)
var result = d.trainAndPredict(trainTestP=trainTestP,threads=1,num_hosts=1,spacing=1)
val err = result.filter{case (x,y) => x != y(0)}.count / result.count.toDouble
// and now realise the training
or equivalently:
:load example.scala
Note At the moment
--master local[n]
crashes if n is bigger than the number of physical cores!--master local[*]
gives usually the number of logical cores, which is therefore problematic. The above examples are all with--master local[2]
because nowadays most computers have at least 2 physical cores.
The core routines of liquidSVM are written in C++ hence there has to be our native JNI-library made available to all workers.
To sometimes use liquidSVM on Spark it is most easy you can let Spark distribute it on the fly (if libliquidsvm.so
is in the current directory):
$(SPARK_HOME)/bin/spark-submit \
--conf spark.executor.extraLibraryPath=. --conf spark.driver.extraLibraryPath=. --files libliquidsvm.so
If you will use liquidSVM more often maybe install the bindings locally.
We assume that the machines are homogeneous and every one has a directory $LOCAL_LIB, e.g. /usr/local/lib/ or /export/user/lib/. It also can be a shared NFS- or AFS-directory.
for node in master slave1 slave2; do
scp libliquidsvm.so $node:$LOCAL_LIB/
or the one if it is shared:
cp libliquidsvm.so $node:$LOCAL_LIB/
If your machines are of different types you also can
for node in master slave1 slave2; do
ssh $node cd $(SIMONSSVM_HOME)/bindings/java && make local-lib LOCAL=$LOCAL_LIB
is inherited, but it might be wise to put it into
$SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf`.On our machines I have $LOCAL_LIB=/export/user/thomann/lib
and hence I set:
spark.driver.extraLibraryPath /export/user/thomann/lib:/home/b/thomann/hd/hadoop/lib/native
spark.executor.extraLibraryPath /export/user/thomann/lib:/home/b/thomann/hd/hadoop/lib/native
Since I have $HADOOP_HOME=/home/b/thomann/hd/hadoop
I there also include the native libraries for HADOOP.
One also could add this on the command line:
spark-shell \
--conf spark.driver.extraLibraryPath /export/user/thomann/lib:/home/b/thomann/hd/hadoop/lib/native \
--conf spark.executor.extraLibraryPath /export/user/thomann/lib:/home/b/thomann/hd/hadoop/lib/native\
Configuring memory management can become the most difficult part when working with liquidSVM for Spark. This is already for pure JVM operations known to be challenging. However, in our case also there is also the additional problem of C++ memory management. This is controlled by the spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead
configuration on YARN, which we used.
We made the observation that it is beneficient to split every worker node into several executors. Then one has to be carful to split the available memory by the number of executors per node.
The executor memory needs to accomodate the data for all the cells in that executor (controlled by spark.executor.memory
). But it also needs to have enough memory saved for the C++ structures (controlled by spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead
). If the latter cannot be made big enough, consider using config.set("FORGET_TRAIN_SOLUTIONS","1")
which needs a little more time in the select phase to retrain the solutions.
Here are some examples in $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf
on our cluster. Every machine consists of two NUMA-nodes, each having 6 physical cores and 128GB memory.
For the driver and in general we use:
spark.driver.memory 175g
spark.driver.maxResultSize 25g
spark.memory.fraction 0.875
spark.network.timeout 120s
For 2 executors per node:
spark.executor.memory 100g
spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead 96000
For 4 executors per node
spark.executor.memory 30g
spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead 36000
For 12 executors per node
spark.executor.memory 14g
spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead 6000