Welcome to the MATLAB bindings for liquidSVM.
This is a preview version of the new MATLAB bindings to liquidSVM, stay tuned for updates. On Windows there is a heavy Bug at the moment that renders it unusable.
Both liquidSVM and these bindings are provided under the AGPL 3.0 license.
You can compile the native library in MATLAB (for MacOS and Windows we currently ship binaries in the toolbox)
mex -setup c++
makeliquidSVM native
For this you need to have a compiler installed, and you might to issue mex -setup c++
% load some data sets with train/test split from http://pnp.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/isa/steinwart/liquidData/
banana = liquidData('banana-bc'); % binary labels
banana_mc = liquidData('banana-mc'); % labels with four unique values
reg = liquidData('reg-1d'); % real labels
%% Least Squares Regression
model = svm_ls(reg.train,'DISPLAY','1');
[result, err] = model.test(reg.test);
result = model.predict(reg.testFeatures);
%% Mutli-Class classification
model = svm_mc(banana_mc.train,'DISPLAY','1','folds','3');
[result, err] = model.test(banana_mc.test);
%% Quantile Regression here for the 20%, 50%, and 80% quantiles
model = svm_qt(reg.trainFeatures, reg.trainLabel,[0.2,0.5,0.8],'DISPLAY','1');
[quantiles, err] = model.test(reg.testFeatures,reg.testLabel);
plot(reg.testFeatures, reg.testLabel, '.', reg.testFeatures, quantiles(:,1),'.',...
reg.testFeatures, quantiles(:,2),'.',reg.testFeatures, quantiles(:,3),'.')
% now quantiles has three columns corresponding to the three requested quantiles
%% Expectile Regression here for the 20% and 50% expectiles
model = svm_ex(reg.trainFeatures, reg.trainLabel,[.05,.5],'DISPLAY','1');
[expectiles, err] = model.test(reg.testFeatures,reg.testLabel);
plot(reg.testFeatures, reg.testLabel, '.', reg.testFeatures, expectiles(:,1),'.',...
reg.testFeatures, expectiles(:,2),'.')
%% Receiver Operating Characteristic curve
model = svm_roc(banana.trainFeatures, banana.trainLabel,6,'DISPLAY','1');
[result, err] = model.test(banana.test);
%% Neyman-Pearson lemma
model = svm_npl(banana.trainFeatures, banana.trainLabel, 1,'DISPLAY','1');
[result, err] = model.test(banana.test);
%% Write a solution (after train and select have been performed)
model = svm_ls(reg.train,'DISPLAY','1');
save myModelFile model
clear model
%% read a solution from file
load myModelFile model
[result, err] = model.test(reg.test);
The meaning of the configurations in the constructor is described in the next chapter.
NOTE: MATLAB does not respect flushing of print methods, hence setting
does not help in monitoring progress during execution because the output only shows at the end of the computation.
NOTE: On macOS if you use MATLAB 2016a and Xcode 8 you have to make the new version available to MATLAB by changing
to also includeMacOSX10.12.sdk
on two occasions - similar details (for other versions) can be found int https://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/243868-mex-can-t-find-compiler-after-xcode-7-update-r2015b. Remark that this change needs admin privileges.
Since Octave 4.0.x the classdef
type of object-orientation is (experimentally) implemented so liquidSVM can be used there as well. Unzip the file liquidSVM-octave.zip change into a directory, start octave and issue:
makeliquidSVM native
If this works you can use demo_svm etc. as above.