BUGLIST KerMet-Tools V1.2 on July 17, 2019 ========================================== *Please refer to http://pnp.mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de/ians/haasdonk/KerMet-Tools/ For updated BUGLIST.txt and latest version of KerMet-Tools. *Please report new bugs and problems to haasdonk@mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bugs in V1.2: -The clock as "busy indicator" is not displayed under Linux ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes/Bugs removed from V1.1 to V.1.2: -Added kernel fisher discriminant -added nearest mean classifier -scaled main gui down such that it is working in presentation mode -updated main gui to work with matlab 2007a-2008a ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Changes/Bugs removed from V1.0 to V1.1: -Changing from pE-inner product or polynomial kernel to tria-kernel does not hide the second edit field -Figure is not readable in MATLAB 6!!! Ensure backward compatibility!! -Aspect ratio of the plot-range should be set equal on different platforms currently fitted to windows, matlab 6 -no transformations results in error if IDS-Kernels are chosen -combination pseudo-euclidean inner product with tangent distance: prevent, as it is not defined!! -if trafo-evals is set to 0 in HI-kernels, an error occurs -Direct switch to IDS-kernels after demo-start causes error. -Direct switch to TD-kernels after demo-start causes error. -no multiple use of parameter input fields, initialization of individual values, e.g. C, nu sharing one field but storing different values. -indication of calculation progress for preventing "multiple user klicks" -Decision line is not plotted in MATLAB 7 -Enclosing Hypersphere does not give correct beta in case of all bounded SVs