ISAAC 2019
Special Session :: Harmonic Analysis and PDEs
July 29 - August 2, 2019
Organisers: Vladimir Georgiev, Tohru Ozawa, Michael Ruzhansky and Jens Wirth
The session will focus on the interplay between harmonic analysis and the theory of partial differential equations, highlight recent advances and bring together experts in both fields. Topics covered in the session will be sharp constants in variational inequalities, relations to solvability/stability of (non-linear) partial differential equations, dispersive properties and scattering of equations mathematical physics, symmetry based concepts, aspects of harmonic analysis on Lie groups, operator quantisations etc. For information regarding registration, accommodation and social programme visit the main page of the congress.
Conference Webpage
University of Aveiro
ISAAC Interest Group PDE
Participants of the session
The following colleagues have accepted invitations and confirmed their interest to participate:
- Jonas Brinker (Stuttgart)
- Duvan Cardona (Bogota)
- Yonggeun Cho (Chonbuk National University)
- Simao Correia (Lisbon)
- Piero D'Ancona (Rome)
- Radouan Daher (Casablanca)
- Daniele Garrisi (Leeds / Zheijang)
- Vladimir Georgiev (Pisa) [organizer]
- Annunziata Loiudice (Bari)
- Kazumasa Fujiwara (Pisa SNS / Waseda)
- Noriyoshi Fukaya (Tokyo U)
- Masaru Hamano (Saitama)
- Gyeongha Hwang (Yeungnam U)
- Masahiro Ikeda (Keio U / RIKEN)
- Takahisa Inui (Osaka)
- Ning-An Lai (Lishui)
- Chunhua Li (Yanbian / Pisa)
- Tokio Matsuyama (Chuo U, Tokyo)
- Hayato Miyazaki (Tsuyama)
- Kiyoshi Mochizuki (Chuo U, Tokyo)
- Tohru Ozawa (Waseda U, Tokyo) [organizer]
- Ljubica Oparnica (Ghent)
- Ivan Pombo (Aveiro)
- Petar Popivanov (Sofia)
- Ratnakumar PK (Uttar Pradesh)
- David Rottensteiner (Vienna)
- Michael Ruzhansky (Ghent / London) [organizer]
- Mohammed Sebih (Mascara / Stuttgart)
- Bolys Sabitbek (Almaty)
- Ruben Sousa (Porto)
- Mitsuru Sugimoto (Nagoya)
- Tomoyuki Tanaka (Nagoya U / Chuo U / Keio U / RIKEN)
- Koichi Taniguchi (Chuo U, Tokyo)
- Mirko Tarulli (Pisa)
- Berikbol Torebek (Ghent)
- Niyaz Tokmagambetov (Almaty)
- Igor Trushin (Tohoku)
- Kanat Tulenov (Almaty)
- George Venkov (Sofia)
- Jens Wirth (Stuttgart) [organizer]
- Semyon Yakubovich (Porto)
- Nurgissa Yessirkegenov (London / Almaty)
- Yi Zhou (Fudan U)