NWS: Network Statistics
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What it is
NWS consists of a Perl module, Networkstats.pm and a set of
example scripts. It is intended for the collection of network
statistics on a VPN where the subnets consist of Windows clients and
SAMBA fileservers.
Files and their meaning:
The script nws-scan.pl invokes the method "scan" of the
Networkstats.pm object to scan all networks, using arp to
obtain mac addresses and IP addresses. Next it runs smbstatus
-b to discover SAMBA users and where they are logged on. It
consults /etc/group to collect group information for all
users. Finally, nmap -O is used to obtain information about
the OS of the machines found. The result goes into a hash, whose keys
are machine/IP/user combinations. The data are recorded in the
following data structure:
'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF$;$;someuser' => {
'nmap' => 1173681362,
'first' => 1173111465,
'last' => 1173716506,
'network' => '',
'groups' => [ users, samba, print ],
'type' => 'Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME|NT/2K/XP',
'host' => 'host2007'
The respective entries for first and last show the
times when the combination was last/first seen. The user may produce
any kind of report from these data, as shown in the example scripts.
The Perl module and the example scripts may be downloaded here:
Home page, email, software
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